RXM: Ruger’s New Difference Engine
Ruger surprised the pre-SHOT crowd with an all-new line of semiauto pistols, the first being the 9mm 15-shot RXM, a collaboration between Ruger and industry giant MagPul. The result, a Ruger that is 80-90% compatible with Gen 3 Glock parts, maybe be the runaway hit of 2025 SHOT.
MICHAELBANE.TV® - On the Radio
Getting Ready for SHOT 2025!
Michael frantically gets ready for the big show in Vegas, but first has to deliver a mea culpa on the Federal 7mm Backcountry. Plus, restoring an old Siamese Mauser 45-70.
The Ruger RXM: Does ‘Ecosystem’ Trump Innovation?
Somewhere back in the mid-1800, a wag stole a quote from poet Ralph Waldo Emerson and bastardized it into a phrase that has haunted...