Finally! Silence Made Easy!
The theme for SHOT 2025 was unequivocally suppressors. Silencers — and notice we use the terms interchangeably — were everywhere. And very much at the center of the rapidly expanding world of silencers is Brandon Maddox and Silencer Central, who’ve made purchasing a silencer from your couch a reality.
MICHAELBANE.TV® - On the Radio
What To Do With the ARs Everybody Has!
Michael starts thinking (seriously) about getting ready for the America’s Rifle Challenge from the NRA. Plus, first look at the achingly beautiful S&W .44 Magnum Mountain Gun, now in Michael’s grubby hands, and a couple of surprise S&W .38s.
The Ruger RXM: Does ‘Ecosystem’ Trump Innovation?
Somewhere back in the mid-1800, a wag stole a quote from poet Ralph Waldo Emerson and bastardized it into a phrase that has haunted...