SHOT Madness Continues!
Our second show of coverage of SHOT 2025, where Michael goes searching for “home runs” and maybe some sense of what we’ll be spending our money on in 2025!
MICHAELBANE.TV® - On the Radio
The AR-15 as a Home Defense Weapon? Why Not, With Caveats
A recent survey showed that one-third of the buyers of modern sporting rifles were buying them for home and self-defense. Here are some thoughts on the best way to make use of the venerable AR-15 in the home. Also, first look at the newest generation of RIA STK 9mms.
The Ruger RXM: Does ‘Ecosystem’ Trump Innovation?
Somewhere back in the mid-1800, a wag stole a quote from poet Ralph Waldo Emerson and bastardized it into a phrase that has haunted...