Refining the Already Excellent Stoeger 9mm!
This week we take a look in a little more depth on the Stoeger STR-9 Combat X, designed for police and military trials in Europe. Also, a “cute” and irresistible gun from Lipsey’s, a 6-shot Ruger SP-101 in blue!
MICHAELBANE.TV® - On the Radio
Why “Best” Is Never “Best”
“Best” is a purely subjective term, says Michael. When it comes to self-defense, it’s all compromises, and all those compromises need to be in your favor.
The S&W Ultimate Carry J-frame!
Okay kiddos, some initial thoughts on the Lipsey's exclusive S&W Ultimate Carry J-frames, either in .38 Special or .32 H&R Mag after intensive time...