Another Successful Revolver Round-Up!

The Pat Rogers Memorial Revolver Round-Up at GUNSITE has become one of the most respected revolver training events in the world, and this years was no different. Michael has all the inside info.

MichaelBane.TV – On the Radio episode #249.
Scroll down for reference links on topics discussed in this episode.

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Silencer Central’s Incredible BOGO Event!

A Whimper, Not a Bang; Where was Antifa after Trump Victory?/David Reaboi, Late Republic Nonsense

Pat Rogers Memorial Revolver Round-Up/GUNSITE

American Fighting Revolver

Hamre Forge Grips

Newhall Shooting: A Tactical Analysis (book)/Michael E. Wood, Massad Ayoob (Forward)

Active Response Training/Greg Ellifritz

The Music of Steve Beddall

The Music of Fineboy


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