The FNP-45 was originally designed for a military project that never materialized. But the double-stack, hammer-fired .45 and its lookalike successor, the FNX-45, are still state-of-the-art for heavyweight handguns. Also, the Taurus GX4-XL comes back fitted for the Trij RMRcc.
Triggered previously SGO and Down Range TV covers in depth topics and products related to shooting sports and personal defense. Host Michael Bane covers new products from the firearms industry like no other.
Featured in this episode:
Michael: Why the FN for the bedroom? Common sense says- you should use the same firearm all
of the time. Why carry one all the time, become very familiar, then use something foreign for the
bedroom? Get a 320 or a 365 XL, carry it all day & then put it on the nightstand at night. It has all
the great features of the FN & then some. Just common sense. You can still add the light & laser if
that’s what you want. Just saying.