The Down Range Forum
Member Section => Prayer Requests => Topic started by: Adkins on February 23, 2011, 01:36:24 AM
Sence the 2nd week of june, I was diagnosed with ewing sarcoma. Its a rare form of lung cancer, the tumor was found on a ct or pt scan & it was so big... It made my right lung useless. But after 10 cycles of chemo, its close to being as thing of the past, I got the best docters for what my family can afford.I have a total of 17 cycles to take. any prayers would be nice, thank you for reading
Adkins -
Congrats on almost beating this thing, and prayers for your continued recovery. Hang in there, and keep us posted as to how your condition is improving.
God Bless and hang in there!
God Bless!
Adkins -
Congrats on almost beating this thing, and prayers for your continued recovery. Hang in there, and keep us posted as to how your condition is improving.
Done, Adkins.
Keep fighting.
Prayers for continued improvement and complete healing.
On my prayer list, keep up the fight.
Fight The Good Fight Adkins, NEVER give up. God Bless and Take Care.
Cycle 13s comeing up soon, before it starts Ive got another pet scan, if all goes well... there will be a lower amount of cancer cells left or it will be dead.
Its still close to my heart, but the good thing is its still shrinking. Its down 30% from the last pet scan back in january which is great.
You're gaining, Adkins....stay strong.
Take care.
You're gaining, Adkins....stay strong.
Take care.
Keep up the fight, Adkins.
We will continue to pray for you.
Hang in there!
You are on my prayer list.
Good news is the tumors just about dead, Im on my 16 cycle which is a 5 day treatment. thank god I have one more cycle to go. the doctors better remove the power port after this is over so I can get back to work soon
Very good, Adkins!!!
Just a bit more an you will have it licked. Keep it up.
Take care
Great to hear the treatments are doing their job...... keep up the fight, and keep us updated.
Prayers continuing.
Great to hear the treatments are doing their job...... keep up the fight, and keep us updated.
Prayers continuing.
What he ^ said.
What he ^ said.
What he ^ said too! ;D
What he ^ said three!
God bless,
Got the results of the pet scan today, The tumor is still active but its down to s inch in diamiter. It didnt manage to move any were else. Now I might be able to do some radiation to kill it off. Only delay i have is geting back to work. The cancer is still attached near the heart though. I'll be back at the Zangmister center for a meeting with the radioligist next week, cool thing is I have all kinds of doctors in columbus comeing up with a game plan which is great.
Adkins, thanks for the update. You haven't been dropped from our prayer list by any means! Fight the good fight and keep the faith.
God Bless,
Been a long fight, Adkins, and your still in it and holding your own. Last rounds coming up now.
And it is Cool about the doctors. They, like all of us, want to see you kick butt in this one....and they want to help as much as they can...also like us.
Take care and hang tough.
Adkins, thanks for the update. You haven't been dropped from our prayer list by any means! Fight the good fight and keep the faith.
God Bless,
Been a long fight, Adkins, and your still in it and holding your own. Last rounds coming up now.
And it is Cool about the doctors. They, like all of us, want to see you kick butt in this one....and they want to help as much as they can...also like us.
Take care and hang tough.
Amen to what these guys have said, keep fighting the fight.
Not much I can add, except that you remain in my thoughts and prayers.
Turns out I don't have 2 tumors, the ine thats been the primarry taget for the chemo is dead, a small chunck seperated & its now on my right upper lobe of my right lung. I still have 25 more radiation treatments to go, I can clearly see my hair, eye lashes & eye brows
Thanks for the update, Adkins.....and congrats on the hair returning (my wife's hair was board-straight and came back curly).
Continued prayers and best wishes for your radiation treatments.
Thanks for the update, Adkins.....and congrats on the hair returning (my wife's hair was board-straight and came back curly).
Continued prayers and best wishes for your radiation treatments.
I've heard of that before about the hair...
Keep fighting, we haven't forgotten!
What they said!
God Bless,
Im now down to 2 more radiation treatments, & I also managed to get alittle present for my self. A Mossberg 930 SPX Blackwater series. My next scan better show the other tumor to be dead, if not... then I'll just have to keep fighting with everything I have. If anyone wants to donate a copy of Magpul Dynamics- Art of the Dynamic Shotgun dvd, that would be nice. Tomorrow's the last one. thank god
Hang in there,'s been a long tough one...
Hopefully, this will be the home stretch...
Meanwhile, Grats on the SPX....enjoy it :D :D
Dude, you've been through it. But I want you to know that all of us here have been right there with you, through thoughts and prayers. Hang tough, my friend, you WILL win!!
And congrats on the new toy!!
God bless!!
Right there with ya guy!!!
God Bless,
Im now down to 2 more radiation treatments, & I also managed to get alittle present for my self. A Mossberg 930 SPX Blackwater series. My next scan better show the other tumor to be dead, if not... then I'll just have to keep fighting with everything I have. If anyone want to donate a copy of Magpul Dynamics- Art of the Dynamic Shotgun dvd, that would be nice. Tomorrow's the last one. think god
PM me your address, I think I got one gathering dust . . . .
address has been sent via pm.
It's good to have a story with a happy ending. Yours is almost written. Healthy and cancer free. And with a new toy. Doesn't get much better than that.
Well, I got my shotgun payed off. & hopefully the bone scan will show what ever's left so I can get my life back. I'll post the results as soon as I get a chance
Well, I got my shotgun payed off. & hopefully the bone scan will show what ever's left so I can get my life back. I'll post the results as soon as I get a chance
Hang in there, sounds like things are progressing well.
Did the video help, ninja-shotgun-guy? ;D
the dvd was great, helped me rember what I forgot due to the whole chemo brain.
Well, I got my shotgun payed off. & hopefully the bone scan will show what ever's left so I can get my life back. I'll post the results as soon as I get a chance
Praying for a clean scan.
I had some lesions on both hips & on my lower back. Now I have 9 more radiation treatments to kill'em off. I did manage to get a few laughs after the radiation was over. As I was walking past the secratary I said & I quote, "Struting by, see something you like speak up". And yes the secratary was good lookin.
Continued prayers!
God Bless,
I had some lesions on both hips & on my lower back. Now I have 9 more radiation treatments to kill'em off. I did manage to get a few laughs after the radiation was over. As I was walking past the secratary I said & I quote, "Struting by, see something you like speak up". And yes the secratary was good lookin.
Keep away from that secretary unless she promises to never have you visit her at don't wanna ever see that place again when you get done there ;D ;D ;D
Good Luck, Take Care and keep strutting
Continued prayers!
God Bless,
Good Luck, Take Care and keep strutting
Continued prayers Adkins.
one of the doctors was such a quack. he said I might die... no time line though. but as much as I have foughtt, crawled, dragged and what not... The word quit is not on my list of orders. I even earned a Columbus swat team hat and shirtbecause of how tough i've Ive fought... & they just don't just pass'em out. I even had my magpul prs stock mounted on my ar15 for free, thanks to him
Continue to keep us posted. It is always wonderful to hear progress reports. Continued prayers.
God Bless,
one of thev doctors was such a quack. he said I might die... no time line though. but as much as I have foughtt, crawled, dragged and what not... The word quit is not on my list of orders. I even earned a Columbus swat team hat and shirtbecause of how tough i've Ive fought... & they just don't just pass'em out. I even had my magpul prs stock mounted on my ar15 for free, thanks to him
I don't like that Dr. .. But I guess he might be trying letting you know your fight isn't over. Well, it is never really over for anyone either, but you have had a tougher fight than most anyone and you've been winning. You can 't let up and I know you won't. You've been strong and tough and that won't end till you are through's not gonna end then either...just get a lot easier. You have way to much to do and look forward to at the end of this.
You got my prayers and my belief you'll win.
Take care.
Adkins, or anyone...
Any updates?