The Down Range Forum
Member Section => Politics & RKBA => Topic started by: MikeBjerum on May 19, 2024, 06:40:58 PM
Anyone have information on possible shake up and reform at the NRA?
I have heard that Rob Pincus got into a slightly heated debate with the Board in session. There are rumors of some positive changes, but I haven't read any details yet.
Longer version that I have not fully viewed yet, but is credited as having more information.
Have no idea what's going on or who's talking. (Yeah, I now it's the members meeting but what's happening?) Somebody, whom I don't know is starting to read, what appears to be a lengthy semi-legal document/declaration. And do the signs say your For 2A or Against 2A? Is that the 2nd Amendment. A lot of context is need. Is there an annotated transcript. Heck just a transcript would be good.
All I've seen is what MB posted the other day on FB tagging Ken Campbell, A lady I can't remember the name of, and Pincus....saying they were asking the hard questions to the committee concerning future direction of the organization.
Alf, the signs were marked 1A,1B, 2A & 2B, to identify who they were calling on to speak? ask questions.
Win on the reformers, loss on derailing Barr. At least we got Mills for First VP, so a reformer is next in line unless they try this year's shenanigans again.
The video at this link is a fair point of view for how many regular members feel. The first twenty minutes are Roy Huntington, Brent Wheat and Tom McHale talking about the 'election' and the fact that the NRA is so broke they might not make payroll in the near future.
Yada yada yada. Watched the first minute. God save me from talking heads. 43 minutes of blah blah blah for maybe 2 minutes of hard facts on the NRA. I'll try to watch minute 2.
A short concise WRITTEN article would go a long way to help us poor serfs out hear in the hinterlands understand who the players are and what happened at the meeting. As I understand it Pincus said something good, Buzz is a good guy and is now on the board, or maybe he holds some exec position and????
Wow, Huntington's still around? He was running the FMG gunrags 20 years ago when I was in college...