Author Topic: Government Will Stage False Flag Terror to Discredit Opposition  (Read 2494 times)

Teresa Heilevang

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Government Will Stage False Flag Terror to Discredit Opposition
« on: November 18, 2010, 12:47:44 PM »
Back in March 3 2009, Savage warned that the government was preparing to “create a crisis along the lines of the Reichstag fire,” and that once Obama’s contrived image began to collapse as it is now doing, “Rahm Emanuel and his gang will set off a Reichstag fire in this country of some kind,” in order to enforce a “military dictatorship”.

The fact that people like Beck and Savage are now openly talking about government staged terror is a revealing benchmark in how far we have come from people who broach such subjects being demonized as lunatics to the issue of false flag terror now becoming a central facet of political discourse.

Discussing how the leftists need violence to realize their political agenda, Beck featured a clip that we wrote an article about on Sunday, where former Clintonite and Democrat operative Mark Penn says Obama needs an OKC bombing-style event to regain his popularity.

“Remember, President Clinton reconnected through Oklahoma, right?” said Penn on Chris Matthews’ Hardball show on Thursday. “And the president right now seems removed. It wasn’t until that speech [after the bombing] that [Clinton] really clicked with the American public. Obama needs a similar” defining moment, according to Penn.

As we have documented, Penn is not the only prominent insider to invoke exploitation of terror as a means of reinvigorating the big government agenda. Back in July, former senior advisor to President Bill Clinton Robert Shapiro wrote in the Financial Times that only an OKC bombing or 9/11 style event could provide Obama with the opportunity to demonstrate that he is a strong leader.
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Re: Government Will Stage False Flag Terror to Discredit Opposition
« Reply #1 on: November 18, 2010, 12:56:27 PM »
Umm, let's see now. Off the top of my head, I can think of 3 incidents that BHO could have shown himself to be a good leader.

1. The pirate hijacking ending with SEAL snipers taking out the pirates. (BTW it was the Navel Captain, and not BHO that gave the order)

2. The gulf oil spill, and we all know how well he handled that.  ::)

3. The Fort Hood massacre. But he couldn't touch that because the shooter was a muslim.

I doubt he could show ANY kind of leadership even if it was scripted for him.
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Re: Government Will Stage False Flag Terror to Discredit Opposition
« Reply #2 on: November 18, 2010, 12:56:27 PM »
And Rove, W. and Cheney didn't flog 911 for all it was worth in 2004? "Vote for us, or Osama will rape your daughters"! I mean please, its nothing new. There is no need to for Obama to blow anything up. Just pull an Ashcroft and have overblown news conferences about a couple of crackpots and use the words "dirty bomb". Maybe throw in "Anthrax" if the poll numbers dip. ::) Problem is, this the right's playbook, not the lefts. People tend to vote for conservatives when they're scared of attack. They vote for the left when they are scared of economic threats. I'd expect class warfare, not real warfare to be on the agenda.

Teresa Heilevang

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Re: Government Will Stage False Flag Terror to Discredit Opposition
« Reply #3 on: November 18, 2010, 01:13:37 PM »
But very deep food for thought anyway... and I don't put ANYTHING the government does or wants to do..or is thinking about doing lightly and on a shelf..
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Re: Government Will Stage False Flag Terror to Discredit Opposition
« Reply #4 on: November 18, 2010, 01:34:53 PM »
And Rove, W. and Cheney didn't flog 911 for all it was worth in 2004? "Vote for us, or Osama will rape your daughters"! I mean please, its nothing new. There is no need to for Obama to blow anything up. Just pull an Ashcroft and have overblown news conferences about a couple of crackpots and use the words "dirty bomb". Maybe throw in "Anthrax" if the poll numbers dip. ::) Problem is, this the right's playbook, not the lefts. People tend to vote for conservatives when they're scared of attack. They vote for the left when they are scared of economic threats. I'd expect class warfare, not real warfare to be on the agenda.

911 is an emergency number, not a date.

9/11 was in 2001, not 2004.

And as far as playbooks are concerned, it was klintoon (D) not Ashcroft who took advantage of the OK City bombing.

And here once again your full-blown dementia is on display, your blind hatred of the GOP. You've been told before, deal with the threat as it exists now. Leave history for watching on TV or in the classroom.

And haven't you learned by now that both parties for the most part have sold us out? This constant moral equivalizing on your part is wearing thin. Deal with the threat in front of us now, that includes statists in the old line GOP and the likes of Reid and Pelosi on the jackass side, and forget about what Rove may or may not have done in 2004.
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Re: Government Will Stage False Flag Terror to Discredit Opposition
« Reply #5 on: November 18, 2010, 01:47:50 PM »
And your point is what Path? Look, Cheney and Rove were, and still are, very explicit about using 9/11 as a key issue in the 2004 campaign. (I hope my punctuation is acceptable ::)) . This is a matter of record, not debate. The post was about whether using terror threats would be useful to an incumbent administration. My point is that it benefits a conservative one more than a liberal one because people trust conservatives more with security. Period, full stop.


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Re: Government Will Stage False Flag Terror to Discredit Opposition
« Reply #6 on: November 18, 2010, 02:15:58 PM »
Bottom line, whether you go with what M'ette is posting or FQ is ranting, or any of the rest of our twisted views:

Our elected officials and their appointees have lost the vision of the 17th and 18th centuries and the moral compass our founding fathers used to forge the core of this nation.

Everything today is about control - Control of the electorate, control of controversy, control of media, control of foreign affairs, control of supply and demand, control, control, control.  But most of all, it is about THEIR own control of THEIR own power.
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Re: Government Will Stage False Flag Terror to Discredit Opposition
« Reply #7 on: November 19, 2010, 02:45:53 AM »
And Rove, W. and Cheney didn't flog 911 for all it was worth in 2004? "Vote for us, or Osama will rape your daughters"! I mean please, its nothing new. There is no need to for Obama to blow anything up. Just pull an Ashcroft and have overblown news conferences about a couple of crackpots and use the words "dirty bomb". Maybe throw in "Anthrax" if the poll numbers dip. ::) Problem is, this the right's playbook, not the lefts. People tend to vote for conservatives when they're scared of attack. They vote for the left when they are scared of economic threats. I'd expect class warfare, not real warfare to be on the agenda.

You mean there's a difference ?
You'll have to explain that to the "Kulaks", and millions of others who have died at the hands of "revolutionary Tribunals" and "Peoples Courts"
FQ, this is the lefts play book as written by Lenin and Stalin .
You need to quit wasting time on do nothing theorists like Hume and Locke and read more by REAL political observers like Solzhenitsyn.
Where do you think Hitler got his idea's ? He looked at what worked for the Bolshies.    ::)

Here's some thing for you to think about;

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A Finger in Every Pie : Victor Bout and Igor Sechin connection ^ | 27 Aug 2010 | JR Nyquist

Posted on Friday, August 27, 2010 3:38:23 PM by Kabud

On 3 December 2007 a curious item appeared in the Russian media. It concerned Igor Ivanovich Sechin, a Russian political figure close to then President Vladimir Putin. Kommersant featured a quote from Oleg Shvartsman, head of the Financial-Industrial Group: "For us, the Party is represented by the power bloc headed by Igor Ivanovich [Sechin]." This statement was offered in response to a journalist's question about Shvartman's strategic task of velvet re-privatization. "Who set this task for you?" asked the journalist. Shvartsman's extraordinary answer slipped inadvertently from his post-Soviet lips: "The party! (laughing)." On 3 December 2007 a curious item appeared in the Russian media. It concerned Igor Ivanovich Sechin, a Russian political figure close to then President Vladimir Putin. Kommersant [2] featured a quote from Oleg Shvartsman, head of the Financial-Industrial Group: "For us, the Party is represented by the power bloc headed by Igor Ivanovich [Sechin]." This statement was offered in response to a journalist's question about Shvartman's strategic task of velvet re-privatization. "Who set this task for you?" asked the journalist. Shvartsman's extraordinary answer slipped inadvertently from his post-Soviet lips: "The party! (laughing)."

That's right, he said "the party." (In the original Russian [3] he used the word Партия!) In every place within this story, the word "партии" or "партия" is capitalized when referring to a shadowy entity issuing tasks from behind the scenes. When an insignificant political party is mentioned, the word is not capitalized, so Shvartsman's laugh cannot be mistaken: Партия refers to one thing, without any chance of confusion. There can only be one "Party" operating secretly behind the scenes, and that is the Communist Party (коммунистическая партия). In other words, Comrade Shvartsman was openly referring to the ongoing dominion of the Communist Party Soviet Union and its directives.

The correctness of the above interpretation is rendered indisputable by the fact that Kommersant made the "Party" quote into the article's headline. "Aha!" says Kommersant. "The Party lifts its head and winks at us!" There is no problem with this (for the Kremlin), because the West will never notice references to ongoing Communist Party control in Russia. The White House is too busy to notice. The CIA is far gone, manipulated by double agents. The foreign policy experts are advancing their careers by expounding upon more plausible themes. Even the so-called "conservative" Westerners have become useful idiots. In this case, as in most others, deception succeeds because the victim of deception wishes to be deceived. That is all-in-all sufficient. As Lenin once said: "Tell theWest what they want to hear."

Fast forward to the present, to a related mystery. In Thailand another agent of "the Party" is in the news. His name is Victor Bout (pronounced boot). He has been languishing in jail, wanted by U.S. authorities. In fact, he is soon to be extradited. But the Russian authorities don't want him to fall into American hands. Perhaps this has to do with his ties to al Qaeda and his work as a KGB spy. In Thailand it is alleged that American intelligence suspects Bout of involvement in the September 11, 2001 terrorist onslaught. Consequently, Washington wants to grab and interrogate Bout. Because Moscow has something to hide, they desperately want to free him. According to Dmitry Sidorov, writing at [4], "The Kremlin seems dead serious about Bout. The mere thought that he could be responding to prosecutors' questions in New York apparently sends shivers down the spines of some high-ranking Russian government officials. One of these is ... Igor Sechin...."

Aha! Igor Ivanovich appears once more, presumably in the context of yet another strategic task. What was Shvartsman's phrase? "For us, the Party is represented by the power bloc headed by Igor Ivanovich [Sechin]." In his Forbes piece, Sidorov describes Sechin as having "deep roots in the GRU (Russian military intelligence) that go back to Angola and Mozambique, where he worked officially as an interpreter...." Does anyone remember the assassination of Mozambique's president, Samora Machel [5], by way of a plane crash in 1986? (See also, the more recent elimination of Polish President Lech Kaczyński [6].) If only some new crash could be devised. It would be terribly inconvenient if Bout reached America as a prisoner bound for interrogation by the Justice Department and the FBI. It is only obvious that he knows something. Why would the Russian foreign minister look so upset? As Sidorov pointed out, "It is hard to imagine the current regime in Moscow would allow anyone [like Bout] to make hundreds of millions of dollars without a nod, if not a cover, when it comes to sensitive business." And from what we know, Igor Ivanovich Sechin was up to his neck in this business -- which involved weapons smuggling to Communist guerrillas in Latin America and to Islamic terrorists in the Middle East.

To get a clearer picture of Sechin's role in Latin America as it relates to "the Party" and its many strategic tasks: Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez claims that his country's nuclear program was Igor Sechin's idea. Sechin even negotiated weapons sales to the emerging Communist dictator, as well as nuclear technology transfers. In 2009 Sechin negotiated an oil deal with Cuba, allowing Russia to become involved in deep-water oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico. How prescient! How omnipresent!

One last set of revealing items: In 2008 Igor Ivanovich Sechin negotiated with the BP oil company, which has since fallen on hard times. We should not be surprised to learn that Sechin is an expert in "the economic evaluation of investment projects of transit of oil and petroleum products." He is also the chairman of the board of directors of a leading Russian oil company, and Russia's top energy official. He is also considered the leader of Russia's Siloviki power bloc, which consists of politicians from the security and military services. But most of all, as Comrade Shvartsman revealed: "For us, the Party is represented by the power bloc headed by Igor Ivanovich [Sechin]."

jrnyquist @ -------

links mentioned in this article:

[2] english:

[3] in russian:



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Re: Government Will Stage False Flag Terror to Discredit Opposition
« Reply #8 on: November 19, 2010, 03:02:13 AM »
I think that communism in Russia is truly dead (at least in the Kremlin). Authoritarianism, statism, nationalism and poitical violence are not.  I believe "The Party" referred to is not ideological, as much as it is an "old boy's club" made up of Russian nationalists who use the state to get rich off the back of the serfs, just like they did in the bad old days. Only now, they don't have to go to the meetings and pretend to believe that BS. Its more akin to Tsarism. "Autocracy, Nationalism and Orthodoxy" This was the slogan of the Russian Empire. Peter the Great would be proud of Putin. Do you seriously think these guys give a flip about Castro style revolution? They are all about money and power, and Mother Russia. Its wrong to misdiagnose the danger. Tom Clancy's fantasies aside, they are not now, never have been, and never will be our friends. BUT, I think casting Putin as Lenin is wrong. Think of him as an old school Tsar. Do you really think he wants the USSR back? Hell no. He wants the Russian Empire. Just my .02.
FQ13 who thinks that you need to follow Sun Tzu's advice and know your enemy. Only this one might not be an enemy per se.Just a powerful ammoral actor that can be dealt with in various ways. They seem to be throwbacks to the 19th century school of realism. Don't trust them, but they can be made to see reason if we back it with force.


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Re: Government Will Stage False Flag Terror to Discredit Opposition
« Reply #9 on: November 19, 2010, 05:30:01 PM »
The Marxist ideal of Communism never existed in the Soviet Union, However, the authoritarian Oligarchical Bolshevik system that raised so many of Russia's current leaders never changed it's philosophy, Like the old FBI TV series, only the names have been changed to protect the guilty.
Our so called victory in the cold war was the same as the deal Himmler offered Dulles in 1943-44. "We'll get rid of Hitler and change some details then you can say you won and we'll go from there. We did not fall for it from the Germans and we should not have fallen for it from the Soviets.
Russia has never been  a friend to America, they have at the best of times in the last 235 years been our competitors.
The FSR still designates America as the "principal adversary".


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