The Wolf, smoked more, smelled funny, but functioned for 30rds. (I have never been a fan of Wolf ammo. My Sig556 just won't cycle it, as if it's not got enough ass to get the Sig bolt far enough back to pick up the next rd.).
I know it works great in other folks AR's. So hey, not a big deal. I just wanted to throw a smorgasboard of mags and ammo through it, to see what worked,...Thankfully, it all did.
Perhaps the Daniel Defense BCG has more "meat" on it to cycle Wolf..
Either way. Total rd. count was 210 rds. 7 different mag rotations, with several different rds. The Silver Bears are actually very good rds. My Sig loves em' also.
I don't think Wolf coats their rds. with that sticky polymer crap anymore like they used to, I might be wrong, but thought they stopped doing that.
Get the Miculek comp. for $30 at CheaperThanDirt. It's well worth it, with the Ergo Grip. What a difference.
Thanks again for the kind words, and support. I blame all of YOU at DRTV for this.
. . the moon gazed on my midnight labours, while, with unrelaxed and breathless eagerness, I pursued nature to her hiding-places.
Mary Shelley,from the novel Frankenstein....