Author Topic: Can't see the rear sight (again)..  (Read 2519 times)


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Can't see the rear sight (again)..
« on: September 25, 2012, 02:03:47 PM »
Santa got a new toy! I guess he's old though, because the rear sight merely hypothetical.  ???
New AK. M+M. Rear sight windage adjustable.
Notch so small I can't readily pick it up unless I'm looking at something very light colored and well lit.
The only thing that comes to mind (cheaply) is to paint the rear sight blade and front post contrasting colors, but that doesn't deepen the notch. It's a short blade. There's no room to deepen it.
I can see it well enough if I stand it up to 700m but that really won't help much for 40-200 yards
Are there any aftermarket "enhanced" solutions that don't cost a couple of hundred Bucks?
I don't do "things with springs". I'd have to paint the rear blade in place.
Any thoughts or experiences?
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Re: Can't see the rear sight (again)..
« Reply #1 on: September 29, 2012, 07:21:23 PM »
I found a "new old stock" Meprolight tritium sight set for AK for a good price.. Maybe next week..
It's ironic, but I have a Saiga and the M&M. The Saiga runs about $400 today and the sights are more "viewable" than the more expensive Romanian, (though not windage adjustable). I wish the guy had had two sets..
Next goal is a "Kicklite" stock for the Saiga.. Buds has them for $68, maybe?...
I need to get about the business of mags and ammo, in case O wins..  :-\
With friends like these, who needs hallucinations!..


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