The reason for no rail on a 1911 is that 1911 owners aren't afraid of the dark.
The reason for wanting a rail has to do with using the Mantis trigger analysis module. I don't like lights and lasers for other reasons.
Not picking on 1911s, BUT, (here it comes). Thursday night's indoor USPSA match we had 3 1911 shooters on our squad. All three had problems with their guns. These weren't spring chickens either. Crusty ole 1911 guys. You'd think they'd have worked out the kinks by now. One was definitely ammo problems. We think he seated his last batch to long. When he "open and show clear" the brass came out with a shower of powder and the bullet was stuck in the throat of the barrel. NOT THE GUNS FAULT I know.
But every 1911 on the line sounded, I don't know, clunky, rattle-ry, when they loaded the first round. I couldn't help but think, the CZs and PT92s and the striker fired guns just sound so much more, sturdy, solid-ly when the loaded up.
Don't fuss at me. I have an original 1970 Colt MKIV. It shoots well and I've shot it in competition. Just like my revolvers more. Does that make me old, old, crusty-crusty school?