Author Topic: The More Shrill The Voices.....  (Read 21 times)


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The More Shrill The Voices.....
« on: Yesterday at 09:01:44 AM »
The more shrill the voices the more likely the purveyor of that indignation is dirty. I remember watching Whitehouse whine about Trump.  I'm hoping these dirty politicians and their families are exposed and go to jail...for a very long time.  We all knew this sort of thing was going on but now we have an administration that is exposing and hopefully will be prosecuting these misdeeds.  We have all parroted that you can't believe the media so keep that in mind when you begin to feel as though Trump is going too far in removing government employees and stopping spending...the shrill voices are pissed they are losing the gravy train that comes off of our backs and have some measure of fear about exposure which will cause them to back off their deeds.  I hope they experience deep and prolonged panic and anxiety beyond believe that comes with prosecution and sentencing for be lying thieving dogs.  But mostly, I think, I hope the voters that support them finally understand they have been hoodwinked so that this sort of thing will go away for a generation or so.

A snippet on the controversy from Influence Watch:
In February 2025, ethics watchdog group Foundation for Accountability and Civic Trust (FACT) placed a request to Senate Select Committee on Ethics Chairman James Lankford (R-OK) and Vice Chairman Chris Coons (D-DE) to investigate Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) over accusations that he “violated the Senate ethics rules on conflicts of interest” by voting on legislation that may have benefited his wife Sandra’s ocean conservation nonprofit Ocean Conservancy which also pays her through Ocean Wonks LLC. 3 According to LinkedIn, Sandra Whitehouse has served as president of OceanWonks LLC since 2017, while listing her as a Senior Policy Advisor for Ocean Conservancy since 2008. 4 Data from appears to show that Ocean Conservancy has received over $14.2 million in federal grants between 2008 and 2025, with nearly $7 million being through two grants received in 2024 alone. 5 The two grants in question were a $5.2 million grant from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and another $1.7 million grant from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). According to a Fox News article, the NOAA grant was funded through the Biden Administration‘s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) while the EPA grant was funded through the agency’s annual appropriations bill, both of which Sen. Whitehouse voted in favor of. In addition, the article claims that tax documents show Sandra Whitehouse has received $2,686,800 from Ocean Conservancy between 2010 and 2025 either directly or through Ocean Wonks LLC. 3 According to FACT executive director Kendra Arnold, “While these two grants alone appear to be a conflict of interest, it is even more egregious in the context of Senator Whitehouse’s long history of working on legislation being lobbied for by organizations tied to his wife.” 3
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Big Frank

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Re: The More Shrill The Voices.....
« Reply #1 on: Yesterday at 09:51:01 AM »
I won't be happy until every road into D.C. is lined with the heads of traitors on pikes.
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