Author Topic: Consider this #4: cell phone 911 takes time  (Read 11546 times)


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Re: Neat trick #4: cell phone 911 takes time
« Reply #10 on: January 08, 2009, 05:41:45 PM »
My cell coverage varies from one end of the house to the other.
One option to fix this is a cell phone signal booster.
There are several companies that sell signal boosters for cell phones.
The ones I've seen look kind of like a wireless router and go for between $300 and $500.

I've also heard of phone companies putting in a second "secret" land line.
These are supposed to be "undetectable" from the outside of the house.
I guess they just hide all the usual boxes and other doohickeys under the house or something.


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Re: Neat trick #4: cell phone 911 takes time
« Reply #11 on: January 09, 2009, 01:51:10 AM »
You do realize that there is a device available that is the size of a cigarette pack that will block cell phone signals over 100 foot range, I forget what they are called but I believe Radio Shack and similar electronics stores sell them.

Harmony Hermit

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Re: Neat trick #4: cell phone 911 takes time
« Reply #12 on: January 09, 2009, 03:11:08 PM »
It's real nice that all you folks live in those beautiful "McMansions" with two floors, safe rooms and foyers larger than my whole house. But the rest of us workin' (or Retired) folks living in more modest digs will not have the luxury of time to run the quarter mile to the back bedroom and dial up the cell phone. If the Gangstas kick in the door I will have all I can do to retrieve my Colt from the open safe and thumb off the safety before the thugs are in my face.

My best warning is my Golden, who will bark up a storm if anyone comes near the house, then greet them with a toy in her mouth when they break in. But no way will I have time to chat with the 911 operator, who is on the other side of the county.

I would like to see some more realistic scenarios in normal folk sized homes, and even in (Shudder) single wides. Good folks need advice and they do not all live in yuppieville.

BTW last year we had a case locally that involved a 58 yr old man and two 30 something guidos from Noo Joisey. They decided to come after him in his mobile home at 3AM. He tried to warn them off with his Mossberg, and shot both through the door. They went to the emergency room, he went to the greybar for a long time. Never use a public defender. ::) How about working on this type of situation.

My 2cents worth, don't hit me please!


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Re: Neat trick #4: cell phone 911 takes time
« Reply #13 on: January 09, 2009, 09:29:57 PM »
It's real nice that all you folks live in those beautiful "McMansions" with two floors, safe rooms and foyers larger than my whole house. But the rest of us workin' (or Retired) folks living in more modest digs will not have the luxury of time to run the quarter mile to the back bedroom and dial up the cell phone. If the Gangstas kick in the door I will have all I can do to retrieve my Colt from the open safe and thumb off the safety before the thugs are in my face.

My best warning is my Golden, who will bark up a storm if anyone comes near the house, then greet them with a toy in her mouth when they break in. But no way will I have time to chat with the 911 operator, who is on the other side of the county.

I would like to see some more realistic scenarios in normal folk sized homes, and even in (Shudder) single wides. Good folks need advice and they do not all live in yuppieville.

BTW last year we had a case locally that involved a 58 yr old man and two 30 something guidos from Noo Joisey. They decided to come after him in his mobile home at 3AM. He tried to warn them off with his Mossberg, and shot both through the door. They went to the emergency room, he went to the greybar for a long time. Never use a public defender. ::) How about working on this type of situation.

My 2cents worth, don't hit me please!

You aren't the Lone Stranger. My first warning is footsteps in the hall of the apartment building. Between the first kick to the door and BG's in my face is time to reach out for the 1911 on the computer and turn, any situation will have to be resolved before I even get out of my chair.

You should note however that the concepts discussed are just that, concepts. Even if you live in a 2 room shack you can designate one of them as your "safe room" and plan your response and preparations accordingly. In my case it is the most vulnerable room in the house, however, it's the one where I am most likely to be when trouble starts, due to limited outlets it is the one with the phone charger, and it is the one where I CAN shoot with the least chance of a miss endangering my neighbors
The videos are shot in "McMansions" because it's more pleasant and looks nicer than a third floor tenement . But the thinking is easily transferable to your situation.


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