Author Topic: This is the hypocrisy we are up against  (Read 2316 times)


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This is the hypocrisy we are up against
« on: January 31, 2009, 08:50:23 PM »
For all who don't think we are at war, that the elites are going to do everything to destroy us, read this.

The Anchoress
"When small men begin to cast big shadows, it means that the sun is about to set." -- Lin Yutang
January 31, 2009
Kentucky: No Power, No FEMA - UPDATED

When a million people in flyover country are suffering, and 42 people have died, we don’t hear much about it. If this was New York, Washington, Boston, (or if the president had an R after his name) you’d see non-stop reports, and the press would be roundly criticizing FEMA’s absence, and the White House’s disregard. Right?

    Thousands of people in ice-caked Kentucky awoke in motels and shelters, asked to leave their homes by authorities who said emergency teams in some areas were too strapped to reach everyone in need of food, water and warmth.
    Dozens of deaths have been reported and many people are pleading for a faster response to the power outages. About 438,000 homes and businesses across Kentucky were without power, down from more than 600,000, the largest outage in state history, and as far away as Oklahoma, around 10,000 customers still had no electricity.

    The outages disabled water systems in much of the western part of the state, where some in rural areas resorted to dipping buckets in a creek. Authorities warned it could be days or weeks before power was restored in the most remote spots.

    “We’re asking people to pack a suitcase and head south and find a motel if they have the means, because we can’t service everybody in our shelter,” said Crittenden County Judge-Executive Fred Brown, who oversees about 9,000 people, many of whom spent a fifth night sleeping in the town’s elementary school.

    Local officials grew angrier at what they said was a lack of help from the state and the Federal Emergency Management Agency. [Emphasis mine - admin]

    In Kentucky’s Grayson County, about 80 miles southwest of Louisville, Emergency Management Director Randell Smith said the 25 National Guardsmen who have responded have no chain saws to clear fallen trees.

    “We’ve got people out in some areas we haven’t even visited yet,” Smith said. “We don’t even know that they’re alive.”

    Smith said FEMA was still a no-show days after the storm. [all emphasis mine - admin]

It sounds pretty damned bad.

Heck of a job, Barry. While you’re staying warm over there, why don’t you send some help to those folks so they can get their heat and their lights back on, their water running and their lives back on track?

    FEMA spokeswoman Mary Hudak said some agency workers had begun working Friday in Kentucky and more help was on the way. Hudak said FEMA also has shipped 50 to 100 generators to the state to supply electricity to such facilities as hospitals, nursing homes and water treatment plants.

    “We have plenty of folks ready to go, but there are some limitations with roads closed and icy conditions,” she noted.

What? Is she saying that natural disasters impede reaction time? Who would have thought it? At least the state governments are not holding back help! FEMA began working on Friday? But the storm hit on Tuesday! How can that be?

But still, why isn’t the president down there, hugging people? Why was he schmoozing congress with steak dinners* while people were suffering? Why is this going on for almost a week without the president going in there and fixing everything? It’s been way more than 100 hours! Where is Obama? Why does the government not show us what is really going on? Where are the pictures of stranded people? We want to see the pictures! People have died! Show us the bodies!

Hey, I’ve watched the professionals in the mainstream media - I know these are the questions we’re supposed to be asking. They’ll get to them any day, now…any day.
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Re: This is the hypocrisy we are up against
« Reply #1 on: January 31, 2009, 11:51:46 PM »
I know pointing out leftist hypocrisy is fun, but it is not the job of the Feds to bail out anyone. 
The person who has nothing for which his is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself.
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Re: This is the hypocrisy we are up against
« Reply #2 on: February 01, 2009, 12:09:28 AM »
Ice storms happen, the exact same thing occurred in Ok last winter, and it was not the first time. I will say the same thing to them I said about Katrina. If you are not prepared for an annual or semi annual event then you are probably to stupid to live.
We got a foot of snow weds.Some people stayed home from work to avoid the slick roads and the library closed early.
When MB was up here in Dec. we got an ice storm that left a million + people in 5 states with out power. It was no big deal, because we EXPECT this crap and prepare for it. Even here in my apt. I've got food, warm clothing etc.
The "where is FEMA whiners are a major part of what is wrong with America. They need to either take SOME responsibility for their lives or move somewhere that already is a nanny state, like Cuba or Ca.


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Re: This is the hypocrisy we are up against
« Reply #3 on: February 01, 2009, 06:35:03 AM »
I read that BHO likes to keep the Oval Office thermostat higher, which goes against an EPA proposal to limit us little peoples control of their own.  ::)

Everyone post 9/11 was informed to keep provisions and supplies, regardless of event(s), to be self-sustaining for at least three days.

I know the Tom Ridge duct-tape thing was comical then, BUT, its the Mid-west/Ohio valley, and other states, IN WINTER!!!.

Ice happens, blizzards, power failures, etc,.. Geeeeeez,..... This section of population that just goes about their "sheeple" lives thinking the gov't will help if times get tough is maddening.
Quote from tombogan,...

Ice storms happen, the exact same thing occurred in Ok last winter, and it was not the first time. I will say the same thing to them I said about Katrina. If you are not prepared for an annual or semi annual event then you are probably to stupid to live.

Should be the Quote of the day,... ;)

Thomas Jefferson: The strongest reason for the people to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against the tyranny of government. That is why our masters in Washington are so anxious to disarm us. They are not afraid of criminals. They are afraid of a populace which cannot be subdued by tyrants."
Col. Jeff Cooper.


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Re: This is the hypocrisy we are up against
« Reply #4 on: February 01, 2009, 06:36:51 AM »
I know pointing out leftist hypocrisy is fun, but it is not the job of the Feds to bail out anyone.  

Agreed, but neither is it their job to dine on taxpayer provided steaks @ $250.00 per pound (decimal point is in the correct place).

Ice storms happen, the exact same thing occurred in Ok last winter, and it was not the first time. I will say the same thing to them I said about Katrina. If you are not prepared for an annual or semi annual event then you are probably to stupid to live.
We got a foot of snow weds.Some people stayed home from work to avoid the slick roads and the library closed early.
When MB was up here in Dec. we got an ice storm that left a million + people in 5 states with out power. It was no big deal, because we EXPECT this crap and prepare for it. Even here in my apt. I've got food, warm clothing etc.
The "where is FEMA whiners are a major part of what is wrong with America. They need to either take SOME responsibility for their lives or move somewhere that already is a nanny state, like Cuba or Ca.

Agree 100% Tom, but I thought it instructive to show another face of what we are up against, especially the complicity of the media.
"I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do this to others and I require the same from them"

J.B. Books


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Re: This is the hypocrisy we are up against
« Reply #5 on: Today at 04:42:24 AM »


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Re: This is the hypocrisy we are up against
« Reply #5 on: February 01, 2009, 11:31:41 AM »
I wasn't ranting about you posting it. I was ranting about the sniveling bunch of sissies that has been created by the socialist dominated education industry, and MSM propaganda machine. Aided by the self serving politicians using OUR tax dollars to buy the welfare vote of those leeches to lazy to work. Like B Hore


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Re: This is the hypocrisy we are up against
« Reply #6 on: February 01, 2009, 01:31:20 PM »
We individually as households need to get prepared for disasters. I have not done everything I need to do (it is a work in progress) but i have done the following: Bought a Berkey Lite water filter, it can filter a lot of water per day, and it was designed to be used with raw water ( I live 6 tenths of a mile from a creek), freezed dried food, paper plates, towels, napkins, cups, trash bags, surgical type gloves, sleeping bags, insulated boots thermo socks, 4 mountain bikes, plastic utensils, cash, Ragnar's Urban Survival, etc.
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Re: This is the hypocrisy we are up against
« Reply #7 on: February 01, 2009, 07:04:20 PM »
It's always a work in progress. Just about time you get everything you think you will need expiration dates start coming up  ;D
But your working on it. Those who are willing to take responsibility for themselves are the ones who DESERVE help. But they seldom need it.


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Re: This is the hypocrisy we are up against
« Reply #8 on: February 01, 2009, 07:15:46 PM »
It's always a work in progress. Just about time you get everything you think you will need expiration dates start coming up  ;D
But your working on it. Those who are willing to take responsibility for themselves are the ones who DESERVE help. But they seldom need it.

Good point.
Rights are like muscles, when they are not exercised they atrophy.


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Re: This is the hypocrisy we are up against
« Reply #9 on: February 02, 2009, 08:38:31 PM »
Agreed, but neither is it their job to dine on taxpayer provided steaks @ $250.00 per pound (decimal point is in the correct place).

Agree 100% Tom, but I thought it instructive to show another face of what we are up against, especially the complicity of the media.

We are the three blind men trying to explain the elephant. 

1.  The leftist media will not be even handed in reporting their messiah
2.  The leftist schools will not teach freedom correctly.
3.  The Leftist in DC are enjoying their Oligarchy a bit too much.
The person who has nothing for which his is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself.
- J.S. Mill


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