Author Topic: FBI report says Cops safer in Right to Carry States b/c of lower violent crime  (Read 3190 times)


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kind of hard to argue with some ones concultions when they say "may be"

I always break all the clay pigeons,  some times its even with lead.

Kid Shelleen

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Just another report that demonstrates the benefits to states with RTC laws. The statistics on violent crime reduction in RTC states are well documented, speak volumes and can't be denied. Despite the facts, we get rediculous shows from the lamestream media like Dianne Sawyers wonderful "If I Only Had a Gun." Such drivel, and from a Kentucky girl.

Liberals can't be swayed by the mere facts. They would rather base everything on touchy/feely emotions and knee jerk reactions. It's much easier than letting the truth get in the way.

Where do you think we get Left wing and Right wing? Liberals are Left without reason and logic and Conservatives are just Right.
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Actually it is Biblical

Ecclesiastes 10:2

A wise man's heart directs him toward the right, but the foolish man's heart directs him toward the left.

The person who has nothing for which his is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself.
- J.S. Mill


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Actually it is Biblical

Ecclesiastes 10:2

A wise man's heart directs him toward the right, but the foolish man's heart directs him toward the left.


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Unless of course you're living in Nazi Germany, or Iran, in which case, less awesome. ;)
 Back to the thread though, this is a key finding for us as its from a "neutral" source, no partisan funded think tank study or the like. Its The FBI. It certainley is custom made for a letter to the editor or a note to rep.


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Unless of course you're living in Nazi Germany, or Iran, in which case, less awesome. ;)
 Back to the thread though, this is a key finding for us as its from a "neutral" source, no partisan funded think tank study or the like. Its The FBI. It certainley is custom made for a letter to the editor or a note to rep.

the FBI is anything but neutral.
I always break all the clay pigeons,  some times its even with lead.


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the FBI is anything but neutral.
hence the quatation marks


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Unless of course you're living in Nazi Germany, or Iran, in which case, less awesome. ;)
 Back to the thread though, this is a key finding for us as its from a "neutral" source, no partisan funded think tank study or the like. Its The FBI. It certainley is custom made for a letter to the editor or a note to rep.

While its popular to say that Nazis are "right wing" here's something to ponder:  "Among the key elements of Nazism were anti-parliamentarism, Pan-Germanism, racism, collectivism, eugenics, antisemitism, anti-communism, totalitarianism and opposition to economic liberalism and political liberalism". (Stolen from Wiki)  If we were to apply these concepts to today's political spectrum which ideology would it be closest to?

Iran is a different.  It is a Theocracy as has been illustrated in the recent "elections".  That would be another form of totalitarianism. 

As far as the political spectrum, I prefer the scale of no government to most government to describe political ideals (I wish I could find the John Birch Society's youtube video to re-post  here).  The whole right and left nomenclature is muddled at best.  Now back to your previously scheduled thread.
The person who has nothing for which his is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself.
- J.S. Mill


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      What part of National Socialist German Workers Party do you not understand ?


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