Author Topic: Even Helen Thomas is Getting Angry  (Read 6009 times)


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Re: Even Helen Thomas is Getting Angry
« Reply #10 on: July 04, 2009, 04:10:55 PM »
You guys have pretty much hit it right on the head, so there's not anything I could add.

But if you'll grant me a boon........

When I read the title to the thread, I began laughing hysterically............. why, you might ask?

The name in the title is the same as my Mother-in-Law.

I'm still chuckling......... and, yes......she's usually pissed about something.    ;D
"I expect perdition, I always have. I keep this building at my back, and several guns handy, in case perdition arrives in a form that's susceptible to bullets. I expect it will come in the disease form, though. I'm susceptible to diseases, and you can't shoot a damned disease." ~ Judge Roy Bean, Streets of Laredo

For the Patriots of this country, the Constitution is second only to the Bible for most. For those who love this country, but do not share my personal beliefs, it is their Bible. To them nothing comes before the Constitution of these United States of America. For this we are all labeled potential terrorists. ~ Dean Garrison

"When it comes to the enemy, just because they ain't pullin' a trigger, doesn't mean they ain't totin' ammo for those that are."~PegLeg


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Re: Even Helen Thomas is Getting Angry
« Reply #11 on: July 04, 2009, 05:37:37 PM »
Mothers in Law are like that  ;D

Kid Shelleen

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Re: Even Helen Thomas is Getting Angry
« Reply #12 on: July 05, 2009, 12:22:46 PM »
You guys have pretty much hit it right on the head, so there's not anything I could add.

But if you'll grant me a boon........

When I read the title to the thread, I began laughing hysterically............. why, you might ask?

The name in the title is the same as my Mother-in-Law.

I'm still chuckling......... and, yes......she's usually pissed about something.    ;D
Now that's funny Peg. ;D
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Re: Even Helen Thomas is Getting Angry
« Reply #13 on: July 05, 2009, 10:21:31 PM »
Look, I want to avoid politics here.I just want to give Helen some props. She's been on the White House beat since Kennedy. All of it for UPI. When the Moonies (who own the Washington Times, which says all you need to know about that paper) bought them out, she quit. You've got give credit for balls.


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Re: Even Helen Thomas is Getting Angry
« Reply #14 on: July 05, 2009, 10:32:40 PM »
Washington Times is a Conservative paper.
Does that mean that  Josef Mengele deserves credit for retaining his Nazi beliefs until his death in the 70's  ?


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Re: Even Helen Thomas is Getting Angry
« Reply #15 on: Today at 06:18:49 PM »


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Re: Even Helen Thomas is Getting Angry
« Reply #15 on: July 05, 2009, 10:55:35 PM »
Washington Times is a Conservative paper.
Does that mean that  Josef Mengele deserves credit for retaining his Nazi beliefs until his death in the 70's  ?
Three points
A) I don't get the Nazi reference (PS be careful not to sling that word aroud as it cheapens it, and those who died to defeat it. Try facist or tyrannical instead. Not being PC, just honoring our dead.)
2) The Wash Times isn't conservative. It is the house organ of a cult. The Unification Church of the Reverend Sun Young Moon (the reincarnation of Jesus,in case he hasn't informed you via a vision or phrophetic dream, or at least e-mail :P).
3) I just admire the spunk of someone who can say to an institution they they loved, when its been bought out by someone unworthy, to "Kiss my foot (or other more accessible portions of my anatomy) and walk out the door.
Thats all.


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Re: Even Helen Thomas is Getting Angry
« Reply #16 on: July 06, 2009, 12:24:24 AM »
Three points
A) I don't get the Nazi reference (PS be careful not to sling that word aroud as it cheapens it, and those who died to defeat it. Try facist or tyrannical instead. Not being PC, just honoring our dead.)
2) The Wash Times isn't conservative. It is the house organ of a cult. The Unification Church of the Reverend Sun Young Moon (the reincarnation of Jesus,in case he hasn't informed you via a vision or phrophetic dream, or at least e-mail :P).
3) I just admire the spunk of someone who can say to an institution they they loved, when its been bought out by someone unworthy, to "Kiss my foot (or other more accessible portions of my anatomy) and walk out the door.
Thats all.

I was Going to use an old time Communist but I can't pronounce OR SPELL most of their names.
I used Mengele because I've read up on the search for him, everyone else would have an idea who I meant and his name is fairly easy to spell,
Here's something for you to think about (No sarcasm or insult intended, this time) Until we can make fun of, laugh at, and generally ridicule, the architects of they Holocaust, we have not won the war. As long as mentioning their names brings that little shudder they still have power even in death. In order for their power to be broken we need to see them for what they truly were, not "Evil personified", but small panicked men risen far above their abilities, scrambling madly to hold together a successful con job. While we should always remember and seek to prevent a repeat of their actions, their names need to be forgotten so that they lose not only the war, and their power, but even their very individuality, condemned to be just Those nazi bastards back in the 40's" the same as we talk today of "the vikings" or "the Huns".


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Re: Even Helen Thomas is Getting Angry
« Reply #17 on: July 06, 2009, 12:44:55 AM »
I was Going to use an old time Communist but I can't pronounce OR SPELL most of their names.
I used Mengele because I've read up on the search for him, everyone else would have an idea who I meant and his name is fairly easy to spell,
Here's something for you to think about (No sarcasm or insult intended, this time) Until we can make fun of, laugh at, and generally ridicule, the architects of they Holocaust, we have not won the war. As long as mentioning their names brings that little shudder they still have power even in death. In order for their power to be broken we need to see them for what they truly were, not "Evil personified", but small panicked men risen far above their abilities, scrambling madly to hold together a successful con job. While we should always remember and seek to prevent a repeat of their actions, their names need to be forgotten so that they lose not only the war, and their power, but even their very individuality, condemned to be just Those nazi bastards back in the 40's" the same as we talk today of "the vikings" or "the Huns".
For the most most part well said. BUT, I beleive that good and evil exist, they are just scarce on the ground. The vast majority of us live in various shades of grey. Such is life, we do what we do, some better than others. But there are those rare instances when true good, and true evil, rear their heads on this earth. Mother Thersea, Pol Pot, Hitler. They deserve to be remembered. The whole Nazi ideaology, one of the right to conquer and exterminate based on which womb you crawled out of, not who you were or what believed, was one such instance. We should get those little shudders, as it reminds us that they weren't monsters, they were just like us, only raised in a system, or so perverted and "lucky" that they could build one, where their vilest thoughts (our vilest thoughts) were able to be made manifest. I would reccomend Hannah Arendt's (a socialist, but not a stupid woman) The Banality of Evil, on the trial of Eichmann. I don't agree with her completely, but it is a damn scary book,and one worth reading all the same.


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Re: Even Helen Thomas is Getting Angry
« Reply #18 on: July 06, 2009, 01:25:27 AM »
For the most most part well said. BUT, I beleive that good and evil exist, they are just scarce on the ground. The vast majority of us live in various shades of grey. Such is life, we do what we do, some better than others. But there are those rare instances when true good, and true evil, rear their heads on this earth. Mother Thersea, Pol Pot, Hitler. They deserve to be remembered. The whole Nazi ideaology, one of the right to conquer and exterminate based on which womb you crawled out of, not who you were or what believed, was one such instance. We should get those little shudders, as it reminds us that they weren't monsters, they were just like us, only raised in a system, or so perverted and "lucky" that they could build one, where their vilest thoughts (our vilest thoughts) were able to be made manifest. I would reccomend Hannah Arendt's (a socialist, but not a stupid woman) The Banality of Evil, on the trial of Eichmann. I don't agree with her completely, but it is a damn scary book,and one worth reading all the same.

I've read excerpts of it while researching Himmler, it is part of what put on that track that they weren't actually "Evil" men per se. many of them were quite commendable men if left at the limits of their abilities, for example Himmler was a skilled administrator, Goring was a decorated ace, Hitler was a decorated soldier and a fine NCO, but when the chaos of  1920's Germany lifted them above their abilities, they began to disregard "right and wrong" in favor of expediency, morally there is no difference between a Judge who gives a murderer probation because the jail is full and a warden, (or Camp Commander)
who has a group of prisoners shot to make way for the next batch, (That was how the organized death camps actually started)

I see to many signs of the same type of thinking from our own Govt, only instead of "Jews" we have "Extremests" I'm not talking about the Muslims who actually are a proven threat. but the "Right wing extremist threat " portrayed by DHS.


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