Author Topic: Weird news  (Read 2995 times)


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Weird news
« on: January 11, 2008, 07:17:52 PM »
Well, We might wind up voting for a democrat. I don't know if Hell has frozen over, but it snowed in Bagdad today 1-11-08 noone interveiwed by fox news could remember the last time it happened, One man said his father had told him stories of it happening back in the 40's
  Other news today that you may have seen , Rudy's senior staffers agreed to work without pay so that he can afford to hang in until the end of January. Question, Will it do him any good?
 Dennis Kucinich polling at 2% in NH has asked for a recount of democrat ballots and questioned the integrity of the system, because hand counted precincts showed Obama leading while machine counted precincts went to Hillybeast. The Deputy Secretary of State said it's fine by him but Kucinich has to pay for it, I suspect the Obama campaign would be willing to kick in a few bucks to help, in the name of fair play of course.
  The ultra liberal Dailykos website is telling Mi. democrats to vote for Romney,They seem to think this will cause problems for the republicans, I'm not sure how as Mitt already has 2 second place finishes out of 2 votes which gives him the lead in delagates so far.  Wasn't Mi the state stripped of its delegates by the democratic national commitee for changing their primary date ? If so maybe dailykos thinks they can cause trouble at the republican convention.
   Finally,  the whacko's at peta in the case of the guy who killed cooked and ate his girlfriend, have asked the judge to prevent him from being fed meat. since they are failing in their efforts to get civil rights for fish, maybe they think they can get anti meat injunctions against each individual in the country and felt this would be a good test case.


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Re: Weird news
« Reply #1 on: January 11, 2008, 08:40:56 PM »
Nice round up, Tom.

Re: MI, they are doing the same thing here in FL.  So basically write off all poles and the primaries in these two states.  They will be skewed.
All tipoes and misspelings are copi-righted.  Pleeze do not reuse without ritten persimmons  :D


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Re: Weird news
« Reply #2 on: January 12, 2008, 01:42:04 AM »
Interesting possibilities


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