Just got word from our nephew Austin, who had to undergo a second series of chemo for Hodgkins Lymphoma. He finished treatments last month and had to wait until last week for a PET Scan....... They got the news this morning that the second set of treatments was successful and there is no sign of the cancer. He may have to take some radiation (like my wife did) as a precaution, but he won't know that until Friday.
Our other nephew Robert, mentioned in the OP, had surgery on the 15th of April and had some sections of colon and intestine removed. He went home last Thursday and continues to recover. The doctor was able to resection "good tissue" and Robert did not have to have a colostomy bag, and on top of that is back to eating regular food for the first time on nearly four years.
Now, hopefully, our oldest son will not need chemo and can get on with healing also.