Author Topic: Finally Finished my Shooting Range  (Read 10464 times)


  • Bryan Munson
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Re: Finally Finished my Shooting Range
« Reply #10 on: July 12, 2016, 06:46:07 PM »
If possible, find an NRA trainer and take the RSO (range safety officer) course.
It will be very worth your while and a real eye opener about range management.
Seriously, along with the RSO, get certified as an instructor too.
You will never regret it.


Pretty much sums up my plans if this opportunity works out.  I work with Oregon Firearms Federation and most of my compatriots have an NRA certification to instruct to augment their income.  I have looked into it before but never found the time or money (MOTIVATION really and the wife ;) ). <- My club's home page. 
He who dares wins.  SAS


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