Happy Birthday Geoff!!!
What day?
<sigh> - Always ignoring opsec, aren't we KEN!!!!?

OK, enjoyed a wonderful birthday - out of town. We went to west-central Illinois for a week or so less than a week after we got back from 20 days in Alaska. The original plan was to care for my invalid brother in law (wife's brother) while his wife went to visit her daughter and grandkids. Instead, he crashed - medically - Saturday before we left on Monday and was in the ER and then the ICU. So we left on Monday to help out his wife anyway we could. Cleaned the house, did a list of "honey-do" items that he can't, and generally provided her with much needed moral support. He's recovered from the crash and in a rehab facility. He has COPD (among a whole host of other things wrong) and refuses a CPAP mask. Plus, he refuses to give up his salt, and they had to drain 5 gallons of fluids (40#) out of him this visit. So we may get to do this yet again . . .
So for my birthday, my lovely new bride baked a chocolate bourbon bundt cake with chocolate bourbon icing. Dinner was Casey's pizza, which is actually fairly decent for gas station food.
Just got back to KY last night, and we are headed to church shortly. But I wanted to thank you all for the wonderful birthday wishes. Very much appreciated!