« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2023, 10:14:56 AM »
I got a Ka-Bar Model Number 3073 Warthog Folder, Serrated a few days ago It has the right number on the box, but it has the number of the of the plain edge Warthog Folder, 3072, etched onto the blade. These 2 and the 3074 Warthog Tanto Folder all have 3" blades and G10 handles. They don't share much besides the Warthog name with the 1278 Heavy-Duty Warthog. It has a 6.75 inch fixed blade and weighs 1.05 lb. The folders are 0.3 lbs, so all 3 of them combined would weigh less than the big boy. That one has a TPR (Thermoplastic Rubber) handle shaped like a bunch of other Ka-Bar knives. The liner lock on my knife is so hard to operate that I hold the knife in my left hand and use my left thumb to press it down. I do that with a lot of my liner locks if I have both hands free. Have I mentioned lately how much I hate liner locks? In my experience, frame locks are usually better that liner locks, but most of them seem to suck too.
""It may be laid down as a primary position, and the basis of our system, that every Citizen who enjoys the protection of a free Government, owes not only a proportion of his property, but even his personal services to the defence of it, and consequently that the Citizens of America (with a few legal and official exceptions) from 18 to 50 Years of Age should be borne on the Militia Rolls, provided with uniform Arms, and so far accustomed to the use of them, that the Total strength of the Country might be called forth at a Short Notice on any very interesting Emergency." - George Washington. Letter to Alexander Hamilton, Friday, May 02, 1783
THE RIGHT TO BUY WEAPONS IS THE RIGHT TO BE FREE - A. E. van Vogt, The Weapon Shops of Isher