Author Topic: The purpose for the Economic meltdown?  (Read 1293 times)


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The purpose for the Economic meltdown?
« on: December 20, 2008, 06:03:55 PM »

The Congress Blog: The Purpose of the Economic
December 16th, 2008

The Congress Blog » The Purpose of the Economic
Concomitant to the orchestrated mortgage meltdown,
there is the Orwellian-sounding planned “credit
crunch” - meaning that businesses who operated on the
knife-edge and had to use credit to continue operating
day-to-day are no longer able to get the credit they
require. No more ships bringing in goods, truckers
able to deliver goods, employers able to pay
employees. The domino effect which we have begun to
see will enlarge to horrific corporations, rendering
those crappy burger-flipping jobs an enviable
situation, except that people won’t even be able to
afford those crappy burgers. Grocery stores run
completely out of stock in three days; without stock
being brought to them by trucks, it makes for a
desperate situation and desperate people.

Without jobs, no one can consume, without consumption
the entire US economy collapses. The US government is
in the process of defaulting on it’s debts - said, “short-term Treasury yields
actually turned negative.” The US Dollar will have to
be demonetized at some point in 2009 which will
instantly render all paper currency worldwide totally
valueless. With empty grocery stores and no means of
exchange, there will be food riots very quickly. Be
assured that power companies, television and cable
will still be working at that time, even though other
business will not be. This is important to the plan
because everyone will be glued to their “tee-vee”
waiting for Mother Government to tell them what is
going on and what they should do. And the New World
Order plan will shift into high gear at that point.

Local representatives of Mother Government will
announce that all hungry, desperate people should all
go quietly and calmly to the nearest school, community
center or some other large place and Mother Government
will “help” them, feed them and their children. This,
of course, will be the pick up points to transport
people to FEMA camps (all 1400 of them) so they can be
‘taken care of’ and provided with the things they
need. Here is the document that says exactly how
people will be processed in. Here is the list of
Executive Orders allowing the President to nix the
Constitution, suspend the Congress and institute
Martial Law, separate families, remove entire
communities, take possession of all communication,
food sources, water supplies and so on. And woe unto
you if you have a skill that would be helpful to
Mother Government! You can be conscripted, without
remuneration and they don’t have to return you. How is
that for an employer from hell?

It is essential that you store at least one years
worth of food



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Re: The purpose for the Economic meltdown?
« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2008, 06:36:48 PM »
Phew! I'm glad I have no skills Mother Government would want so I can be turned into Soylent Green immediately and not have to suffer.

Anti: I think some of you gentleman would choose to apply a gun shaped remedy to any problem or potential problem that presented itself? Your reverance (sic) for firearms is maintained with an almost religious zeal. The mind boggles! it really does...

Me: Naw, we just apply a gun-shaped remedy to those extreme life threatening situations that call for it. All the less urgent problems we're willing to discuss.


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Re: The purpose for the Economic meltdown?
« Reply #2 on: December 20, 2008, 06:57:36 PM »
I second that 2HOW, I believe we are on the edge of dire circumstances, the time to prepare is right now. Talk to those you can trust, long term friends and trustworthy relatives, about what you can do to cooperate together to survive if the worst happens.
I would much better risk being wrong and being  ridiculed for being foolish, than to not be prepared, and have to tell my son, there is no food and now we will have no freedom.
Rights are like muscles, when they are not exercised they atrophy.


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