Author Topic: Hot sauces  (Read 14163 times)


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Hot sauces
« on: December 23, 2009, 11:06:43 PM »
Anybody make their own?  My favorite's always been "Franks".  The crazy thing is that brand is actually hotter in the northern states than it is in the south.  We've tried it in several places and agree it seems to hold true that it's just not made as hot for the southern area.   :-\  The taste is still great!  And doesn't overwhelm the flavor of the food.  :)


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Re: Hot sauces
« Reply #1 on: December 23, 2009, 11:14:32 PM »

Franks is up on my list, as is Louisiana.  For straight out heat I go with the old generic Tobasco.  Outside of that I love to pick up the "novelty" brands.  Whoop Ass has really good flavor and lots of heat, but is hard to find.  Soon to be son-in-law gave me a bottle in a gift box model of an outhouse.  Everyone thought the outhouse was cool, and I loved the sauce.

Came across a hot pepper salt at a Christmas party last week.  It was really good, hot, and it didn't have the "sneeze factor" you get with a lot of pepper shakes.

As for heat, I have heard that many sauces and flavorings vary from region to region, but the norther tiers tend to get more mild stuff.
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Re: Hot sauces
« Reply #2 on: December 23, 2009, 11:56:17 PM »
Tabasco and Tiger Sauce. 
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Re: Hot sauces
« Reply #3 on: December 23, 2009, 11:59:53 PM »
I generally stick with Louisiana or Texas Pete as a base and add to it depending on what it's going on.
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Re: Hot sauces
« Reply #4 on: December 24, 2009, 04:22:24 AM »
Awe Geeeez................I'll get back to ya!! :)
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Re: Hot sauces
« Reply #5 on: Today at 11:59:40 AM »


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Re: Hot sauces
« Reply #5 on: December 25, 2009, 02:25:00 AM »

while not "hot" ( by my standards anyways, but I'm a bad judge as I like things HOT! )  it does have great flavor and is not vinger based.  I don't care for vinger on most things I want to add heat too.
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Re: Hot sauces
« Reply #6 on: December 25, 2009, 02:49:17 AM »
It depends on what you want. For cooking, I go with Crystal. Its cheap, and relatively mild (eg forgiving) it also has a little sweetness to it. You put a few drops too many in a chile or a gumbo or an etouffe and you're not out of business. It is my go to sauce. For at the table for just heat, I go with tabasco or chotihula (sic) as both pack a lot of punch, though little flavor beyond heat (a pinch of cayenne pepper wll do the same). For a smoky taste, as in beef or pork, chipotle is the way to go. It is a back of the tongue heat so you need to be careful. First taste, it will seem mild. Give it a minute and you will feel it. As far as making my own, I have Datil peppers in my back yard. I put 4-5 of these in salad dressing/olive oil jars with the the metal pour spouts you see in Italian restaraunts, covered in dry sherry. These are great for seafood. Put them over a crawfish etoufe, a jambalaya, a fish chowder, or an oyster Po' Boy and you will see the light. Sweet, acidic and hot, works beautifully with seafood, particularlly shellfish. Serranos will work as well. Just let the whole pepper stew for a couple of weeks in the sherry before using.

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Re: Hot sauces
« Reply #7 on: December 26, 2009, 02:34:31 PM »
This place has a great selection. I've tried several and liked every one except the pure chipotle paste. They used to rate everything on a scale of 1-10 but they quit doing that. Too bad because I liked the number 5-7 hot sauces better than the higher ones.
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Re: Hot sauces
« Reply #8 on: December 26, 2009, 07:26:50 PM »
here in Peru we make our own, but we use peppers that are not available (mostly) in the states. but anyway, when I lived in Texas my ex would make fresh salsa with Jalapenos. mmmmmm
sauce pan with
1 tomatoe
1 onion
4 or 5 Japs
teaspoon of salt
if you wish.. a little cilantro.
 boil for a about 8 minutes,
drop it all in a blender then strain into another dish..
or (my favorite) use mortar and pestal to grind it all up....
it's fresh and has no preservatives so it won't last very long.
but then... it's so good it shouldn't make it through meal time anyway.

here my wife makes a sauce that is awesome...
blend some peppers,
a little milk,
smoked cheese,
saltine crackers,
a touch of salt.
have to play with the mixture though, not sure how much milk she uses, just goes by texture.
want it to be thick but still be able to pour when it's warm. as it cools it thickens.


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Re: Hot sauces
« Reply #9 on: December 27, 2009, 01:21:59 AM »
This is the one that I prefer. We buy it by the case, free shipping.

Recognized throughout California as the premium hot sauce, 
The Pepper Plant's line of sauces gets its unique flavor from a special blending of peppers, fresh garlic, and other fine ingredients to give it a tangy taste all its own. All these fine sauces are ALL NATURAL and contain NO PRESERVATIVES. 


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