My first love is the FAL platform
Then the AR platform
Then I'd have to figure out how to pick between the HK and the AK platform.
Here's my one and only AK. Standard WASR-10 7.62x39mm, Brownell's AlumaHyde II finished metal parts, AK-74-style brake, trigger hump shaved down to get rid of trigger slap, KVAR OD furniture, SAW grip, my own home-brew notch in the safety lever to hold the bolt back, cheapo (but solid!) rail system, Haako Aimpoint clone. Had a Romanian folding stock on it...hated it so we're back to the fixed stock. It is surprisingly accurate with decent quality ammo...3-4" at 100 yards. With Wolf, all bets are has not, however, ever failed to go bang in a couple thousand rounds.