Author Topic: Classic joke thread...  (Read 1416526 times)


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Re: Classic joke thread...
« Reply #4310 on: August 21, 2012, 08:37:46 AM »
After a President has been in office for 1 year it is customary for the last President to send a note to the new president. So when the note came from Bush to Obama, the President was somewhat troubled because it was written in code and all it said was:


This troubled him as he had always heard from his peers how former president Bush was perceived to have been scholarly challenged. So he took the note to his wife. She was unable to decipher it.

They called in the VP, and he was unable to decode the message. They called in the chief of staff and the head of Secret Service detail and they were unable to determine the meaning of the note.

Next he called in the head of the Senate and Speaker of the House.. They both were mystified by the meaning of the coded message.

Now there was complete panic in the Oval Office. They called all of their contacts in the media and sent copies of the note to all of them, and not one was able to come up with an answer. A special emergency meeting was called by the staff. All branches of the military, counter intelligence, CIA, FBI were called in, and the best minds were unable crack the code.

After a sleepless night, a now humbled President Obama picked up the phone and called the former president, and asked him the meaning of the note.

George Bush chuckled and replied---" You're holding it upside down, dummy"!
Best Wishes, Mike.


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Re: Classic joke thread...
« Reply #4311 on: August 21, 2012, 03:29:38 PM »
So, this Mexican woodpecker and a Canadian woodpecker were in Mexico arguing about which country had the toughest trees.

The Mexican woodpecker claimed Mexico had a tree that no woodpecker could peck.

The Canadian woodpecker accepted his challenge and promptly pecked a hole in the tree with no problem. The Mexican woodpecker was amazed.

The Canadian woodpecker then challenged the Mexican woodpecker to peck a tree in Canada that was absolutely 'impeccable' (a term frequently used by woodpeckers ). The Mexican woodpecker expressed confidence that he could do it and accepted the challenge.

The two of them flew to Canada where the Mexican woodpecker successfully pecked the so-called 'impeccable' tree almost without breaking a sweat.

Both woodpeckers were now terribly confused. How is it that the Canadian woodpecker was able to peck the Mexican tree, and the Mexican woodpecker was able to peck the Canadian tree, yet neither was able to peck the tree in their own country?

After much woodpecker pondering, they both came to the same conclusion: Apparently, Tiger Woods and Shane Warne were right, when they said, your pecker gets harder when you're away from home.
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Re: Classic joke thread...
« Reply #4312 on: August 22, 2012, 10:32:58 PM »
The United States Border Patrol is asking everyone to keep on the lookout for a red 1951 Chevy. They suspect this car is being used to smuggle illegal immigrants across the border from Mexico and into points along the U.S. border. If you see the vehicle pictured below and have reason to believe that it is the suspect vehicle, you are urged to contact your local police department or the U.S. Border Patrol.

"If violent crime is to be curbed, it is only the intended victim who can do it. The felon does not fear the police, and he fears neither judge nor jury. Therefore what he must be taught to fear is his victim." - Jeff Cooper
Pericles--"Freedom is only for those who have the guts to defend it".

The problem with society today is that not enough of us drink wine from our enemies skulls”.

It takes 43 muscles to frown, 17 to smile, and 3 for proper trigger squeeze.

Gun control is like trying to reduce drunk driving by making it tougher for sober people to own cars!!!
-Sheriff Jim Wilson
"When tyranny becomes law rebellion becomes duty" Thomas Jefferson
Es gibt keine Notwendigkeit zu befürchten, Underdog hier ist.
Great nations rise and fall. The people go from bondage to spiritual truth, to great courage, from courage to liberty, from liberty to abundance, from abundance to selfishness, from selfishness to complacency, from complacency to apathy, from apathy to dependence, from dependence back again to bondage. Where are we now??????

crusader rabbit

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Re: Classic joke thread...
« Reply #4313 on: August 23, 2012, 07:10:08 AM »
A birch tree and a beech tree had stood side by side in the woods for many years.  As a result of this proximity, they had become quite good friends.

One day, the birch tree happened to glance down to the fertile ground below where he saw a young sapling.

"Look at that handsome young son of a birch," he said to his beech tree friend.

"That is indeed a handsome sapling," the beech tree replied.  "But I believe you will discover it's a son of a beech, not a son of a birch."

They argued for many years as the young sapling grew into tree-hood.

One day, a woodpecker happened to stop by, landing in the birch tree.  The birch tree had an idea and said to the woodpecker, "Mr. Woodpecker, my friend the beech tree and I have been arguing over the parentage of the young sapling below.  Is it a son of a birch as I believe.  Or is it a son of a beech as my friend is convinced?"

The woodpecker flew down and began to peck at the young sapling.  He was there for quite some time before flying back into the taller tree.

"Well," the beech tree demanded.  "Is it a son of a birch or a son of a beech?"

"You are both going to be disappointed," said the woodpecker.  "For that is one of the finest pieces of ash I've ever had my pecker in."

(okay, I'm headed for the corner.)
“I’ve lived the literal meaning of the ‘land of the free’ and ‘home of the brave.’ It’s not corny for me. I feel it in my heart. I feel it in my chest. Even at a ball game, when someone talks during the anthem or doesn’t take off his hat, it pisses me off. I’m not one to be quiet about it, either.”  Chris Kyle


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Re: Classic joke thread...
« Reply #4314 on: August 24, 2012, 11:18:11 AM »


25% of women in this country are on medication for mental illness.

That's scary. It means 75% are running around untreated!

Meet you in the corner, C.R.  ;D
I love waking up every morning knowing that Donald Trump is President!!


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Re: Classic joke thread...
« Reply #4315 on: Today at 09:07:06 PM »


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Re: Classic joke thread...
« Reply #4315 on: August 24, 2012, 11:26:04 AM »
* - Dating in 1957


You need to be able to remember the era to really enjoy this... But even if you’re

not old enough, this is funny, anyway!


It was a hot Saturday evening in the summer of 1957 and Fred had a date with Peggy

Sue. He arrived at her house and rang the bell.


"Oh, come on in!" Peggy Sue's mother said as she welcomed Fred in. "Have a seat in

the living room. Would you like something to drink? Lemonade? Iced tea?"


"Iced tea, please," Fred said. Mom brought the iced tea.


"So, what are you and Peggy planning to do tonight?" she asked.


"Oh, probably catch a movie, and then maybe grab a bite to eat at the malt shop,

maybe take a walk on the beach..."


"Peggy likes to screw, you know," Mom informed him.


"Uh...really?" Fred replied, with raised eyebrows.


"Oh, yes!" the mother continued. "When she goes out with her friends, that's all

they do!"


"Is that so?" asked Fred, incredulous.


"Yes," said the mother. "As a matter of fact, she'd screw all night if we let her!"


"Well, thanks for the tip," Fred said as he began thinking about alternate plans for

the evening.


A moment later, Peggy Sue came down the stairs looking pretty as a picture

wearing a pink blouse and full circle skirt, and with her hair tied back in a

bouncy ponytail. She greeted Fred.


"Have fun, kids," the mother said as they left.


Half an hour later, a completely disheveled Peggy Sue burst into the house and slammed

the front door behind her.


"The Twist, Mom!" she angrily yelled at her mother. "The damned dance is called

the Twist!"



GREAT story, I LOVE it!!

* - While I hate to be "that guy", "The Twist" was a dance named after Chubby Checker's hit song of the same name.......which wasn't released until late 1960.

Sucks having a DJ on the forum, don't it?  ;D
I love waking up every morning knowing that Donald Trump is President!!


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Re: Classic joke thread...
« Reply #4316 on: August 24, 2012, 12:28:20 PM »

Romney's Horse

    So the Romneys are selfish for keeping a horse? And employing a groom
    with a family to support. And paying for feed that's sold by someone
    with a family to support and transported in trucks by someone with a
    family to support and manufactured in a factory by people with
    families to support from stuff that's grown by farmers with families
    to support. And having a barn built by construction workers with
    families to support with materials trucked by drivers with families to
    support from factories with workers with families to support.

    Sounds to me like that one horse has done more to put Americans to
    work than that horse's ass in the White House.


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Re: Classic joke thread...
« Reply #4317 on: August 24, 2012, 01:10:22 PM »

GREAT story, I LOVE it!!

* - While I hate to be "that guy", "The Twist" was a dance named after Chubby Checker's hit song of the same name.......which wasn't released until late 1960.

Sucks having a DJ on the forum, don't it?  Grin

hEY, i just send them out I don't research them.


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Re: Classic joke thread...
« Reply #4318 on: August 24, 2012, 01:48:20 PM »
The joke seemed to reference Sam Cook's    Twisting The Night Away   ;D ;D

Don't make me post the YouTube links again....I'm trying hard not to since it was just a page back.... ;D ;D
Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!"
—Patrick Henry

"Good intentions will always be pleaded for every assumption of authority. It is hardly too strong to say that the Constitution was made to guard the people against the dangers of good intentions. There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters."
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Re: Classic joke thread...
« Reply #4319 on: August 24, 2012, 07:56:51 PM »
Tom, if you weren't on someone's list before that post you are now!


Used to be "The only thing to FEAR was FEAR ITSELF", nowadays "The only thing to FEAR is GETTING CAUGHT!"


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