Author Topic: Michael's Hard Question...  (Read 23371 times)


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Re: Michael's Hard Question...
« Reply #20 on: January 23, 2008, 09:36:46 PM »
Romney has stated he will sign a new AWB. He's out.

Guiliani we would have to take on trust. He claims now to be a 2A supporter. Would he grow more conservative in the WH? (algore became more liberal as VP so maybe Guiliani could govern as a conservative?) I dunno.

McCain I BELIEVE voted against the AWB both times? Am I correct on this? Yes, he authored McCain/Feingold. The Supremes have held it constitutional. Get over it. McAmnesty? Get over it. McCain has an 80+% American Conservative Union rating so he is not the flaming liberal some make him out to be. In truth, Fred's failure as a candidate shows that the voting public doesn't want "a real conservative". Hell, there's only been one R. Reagan in my lifetime. The year before I was born Goldwater went down in a smashing defeat. Ike beat Bob Taft. Nixon wasn't a "real conservative". In truth, the hardcore conservatives are a minority. We in the gun culture had better wake up and realize that. In McCain we have an 80% friend. That beats hell out of an 100% enemy.

In truth I see 2008 as a Dem year unless things change (and that is certainly possible).

But as I pointed out in another thread, the Supremes could turn things upside down. If the Supremes rule agianst individual rights for the 2A our gun rights are doomed anyway.


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Re: Michael's Hard Question...
« Reply #22 on: January 23, 2008, 10:37:01 PM »
from McCain's website -

On the Issues / On The Issues / Issues / Home
   Protecting Second Amendment Rights    
John McCain believes that the right of law abiding citizens to keep and bear arms is a fundamental, individual Constitutional right that we have a sacred duty to protect. We have a responsibility to ensure that criminals who violate the law are prosecuted to the fullest, rather than restricting the rights of law abiding citizens. Gun control is a proven failure in fighting crime. Law abiding citizens should not be asked to give up their rights because of criminals - criminals who ignore gun control laws anyway.

Gun Manufacturer Liability

John McCain opposes backdoor attempts to restrict Second Amendment rights by holding gun manufacturers liable for crimes committed by third parties using a firearm, and has voted to protect gun manufacturers from such inappropriate liability aimed at bankrupting the entire gun industry.

"Neither justice nor domestic peace are served by holding the innocent responsible for the acts of the criminal."
-Senator John McCain

Assault Weapons

John McCain opposes restrictions on so-called "assault rifles" and voted consistently against such bans. Most recently he opposed an amendment to extend a ban on 19 specific firearms, and others with similar characteristics.

Importation of High Capacity Magazines

John McCain opposes bans on the importation of certain types of ammunition magazines and has voted against such limitations.

Gun Locks

John McCain believes that every firearms owner has a responsibility to learn how to safely use and store the firearm they have chosen, whether for target shooting, hunting, or personal protection. He has supported legislation requiring gun manufacturers to include gun safety devices such as trigger locks in product packaging.

Banning Ammunition

John McCain believes that banning ammunition is just another way to undermine Second Amendment rights. He voted against an amendment that would have banned many of the most commonly used hunting cartridges on the spurious grounds that they were "armor-piercing."

DC Personal Protection

As part of John McCain's defense of Second Amendment rights, he cosponsored legislation to lift a ban on the law abiding citizens of the District of Columbia from exercising their Constitutional right to bear arms.

Criminal Background Checks

John McCain supports instant criminal background checks to help prohibit criminals from buying firearms and has voted to ensure they are conducted thoroughly, efficiently, and without infringing on the rights of law abiding citizens.

Background Checks at Gun Shows

At a time when some were trying to shut down gun shows in the name of fighting crime, John McCain tried to preserve gun shows by standardizing sales procedures. Federal law requires licensed firearm sellers at gun shows to do an instant criminal background check on purchasers while private firearm sellers at gun shows do not have to conduct such a check. John McCain introduced legislation that would require an instant criminal background check for all sales at gun shows and believes that such checks must be conducted quickly to ensure that unnecessary delays do not effectively block transactions.

The Firearm Purchase Waiting Period

John McCain has opposed "waiting periods" for law abiding citizen's purchase of firearms.

The confiscation of firearms after an emergency

John McCain opposes the confiscation of firearms from private citizens, particularly during times of crisis or emergency. He voted in favor of an amendment sponsored by Senator David Vitter prohibiting such confiscation.

Stiffer Penalties for Criminals who use a Firearm in the Commission of a Crime

John McCain believes in strict, mandatory penalties for criminals who use a firearm in the commission of a crime or illegally possess a firearm. Enforcing the current laws on the books is the best way to deter crime.

"I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do this to others and I require the same from them"

J.B. Books

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Re: Michael's Hard Question...
« Reply #23 on: January 24, 2008, 12:00:27 AM »
Sorry guys..  I'm not the brightest crayon in the box, but to vote 3rd party is a wasted vote..
 Not that it doesn't sound great.. In fact it sounds fantastic!
This isn't a time for Pollyanna fantasies. There is nothing I would like better than to make a "statement".. but there is nothing the Democrats would like better than to have us make that 'statement'  so that they will have less votes to tally for the running Republican candidate either..

I'm with Clayflingythingy.. 80% is one hell of a lot better than O%..and that is just what our shiny asses will have if we cut off our nose to spite our face.   

A vote for a write in or a 3rd party might make you feel smug and satisfied when you walk out of the voting booth.... but how smug are you going to feel when Hillery is announced to be the President of our country?

I understand ..( and I DO understand, cause I am one of you) that we are desperately trying to hang on to and keep our rights ..
but not backing someone on the Republican ticket is a definite suicide!
We HAVE to vote where our vote will count .. Where it will  best count to keep our guns..
We can rally up and join forces with the NRA to make our statements AFTER a Republican is in office and put the squeeze on.. but for the love of pete.. we first have to get the damned Republican in there!

Just as sure as shit stinks.. this will be who we have to fight if we don't get our heads out and think common sense.

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Re: Michael's Hard Question...
« Reply #24 on: January 24, 2008, 12:28:25 AM »
Everyone please keep in mind that whatever Mitt, Rudy and John say regarding the "Second Amendment" is just ALL TALK/LIP SERVICE so that they can win and will throw the gun owners in front of the bus the first chance they have. Bush 1, Bush 2 etc...have all said and done the gun owners wrong and these three moderate/liberals can not be trusted!!!

I was thinking that if Fred Thompson doesn't endorse anyone I would write his name in during the general election.

Mitt is a rich liberal trying to buy his way in and act a conservative...but it's only an act!!!

Rudy has always been a liberal.

John is a real RINO and can never be trusted with power!

Huckabee is good on 2A but very bad on other stuff.

Ron Paul is good here at home but his foreign policy could be very very bad.

This is a very bad time for American Freedom, but if the DC/Heller case works out for 2A rights, it won't matter who wins the Whitehouse.

However things go, the firearm owners of America need to show a united front and if the firearm business will stand with the citizens, that much better for all. We know that the Demolibs will push hard for registration of one type or the other before they can start a confiscation scheme if they win power.

I know for me, I can not vote Mitt, Rudy or John, I do not trust anything they say about how they support the Second Amendment.

God help us all and America!



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Re: Michael's Hard Question...
« Reply #25 on: Today at 02:31:42 AM »


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Re: Michael's Hard Question...
« Reply #25 on: January 24, 2008, 04:53:23 AM »
I heard last night that even Rush Limbaugh said he might not support the eventual Republican nominee.  Now if even my main man Rush won't support them, why should I?  Why should I give my vote to someone that does not represent my views?  If that is throwing away my vote, so be it. If everyone would stop feeling this way and vote 3rd Party, it wouldn't be throwing it away, now would it?  A vote for McCain, Rudy, or Romney is no different than a vote for Hillary or Obama, IMHO.  They result would be the same for gun owners.  NONE of them are friendly to our cause, their protestations to the contrary be damned. 
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Re: Michael's Hard Question...
« Reply #26 on: January 24, 2008, 06:51:24 AM »
Who among them are actors? All but one. A forlorn, ridiculed, not-a-prayer of election Constitutionalist. Ron Paul.
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Re: Michael's Hard Question...
« Reply #27 on: January 24, 2008, 09:53:25 AM »
All  of us  are ,at  least for now,still allowed to give our opinions & cast  our  votes so FWIW here goes. IMO an anti-2A serving Repub  is  more  dangerous to 2A rights  than an anti-2A serving Dem.THINK  about every issue  that  is  voted PARTYLINE & I'll bet  the  farm Pres Mitt  or Rudy  is  more  dangerous to  us  than Pres Hill-Bill  or  Osamma-Obamma.Also,IMO, all third-party votes are NOT wasted.Politicians  only  understand unempolyment  when it is THEM.GWB the First  backstab on  taxes & guns  cost  him a second  term & put  Bill in  office which   gave us  the AWB which  was QUICKLY followed by the  first  Repub  House &  Senate  takeover  in 40  years.History  is very likely  repeating iitself &  it  looks  like  it is WOODSHED TIME  again.IF Johm Mac picks  up  the  nomination  & gives  us a good VP (Fred  comes  quickly  to mind) & a promised  cabinet  of people  with the RIGHT STUFF I MIGHT vote for  him but  any  other  Repub  choice  or John Mac  misstep  & I'll vote Libertarian.The  best  choice  is to stay  VOCAL with  your  Rep & Senators  &  stay  INFORMED about  each  proposed anti2A attack.


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Re: Michael's Hard Question...
« Reply #28 on: January 24, 2008, 09:57:26 AM »
Why the presidental election isn't the brightest for us, I agree with Pathfinder, we need to focus on the Congressional elections, those that put up the bills for the president to sign, and we need to unseat as many anti gunners and return as many pro gunners as we can...

Bill Stryker

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Re: Michael's Hard Question...
« Reply #29 on: January 24, 2008, 10:22:07 AM »

Your are right on. Well said as you always do. Not to vote or to vote 3d party will help put Clinton in office with a Dim Congress. Heaven help us.

The heck with the Bane/Schouten ticket. Let's have it be Marshal'ette/Bane. ;D


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