Author Topic: Michael's Hard Question...  (Read 23355 times)


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Re: Michael's Hard Question...
« Reply #50 on: January 28, 2008, 04:43:36 PM »
As a bloc, we gun people MUST show that we are not a guaranteed GOP vote.

I agree... Bush I and Bush II didn't really do anything for us and our cause, they only courted us when they wanted our money and votes.... Other than that they could give a damn....  If they want our vote they need to earn it.  I just wish Bill Richardson was still running... He packs a Glock at all times and has the experience.  I am hoping someone picks him up as VP...

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Re: Michael's Hard Question...
« Reply #51 on: January 29, 2008, 09:55:45 AM »
I have asked the McCain campaign to respond to the "Litmus Test" I wrote at the beginning of the campaign:

Michael, have you heard back from these guys?  ???

Michael Bane

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Re: Michael's Hard Question...
« Reply #52 on: January 29, 2008, 10:41:57 AM »
Not a word...and it was hinted to me that I wouldn't hear a word, despite the fact that the campaign has hired some heavyweight pro-gun media spinners. James Baker was advising McCain, and Baker is probably the best gun lobbyist we've ever had.

Michael B
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Re: Michael's Hard Question...
« Reply #53 on: January 29, 2008, 12:17:10 PM »
Received the below yesterday. I keep hearing Ron Paul is a nut. Would cut and run in Iraq, which is not rational without a plan to close the door behind us.. I don't think that is all so clear. Anyway, this below does not sound so crazy to me. Mac.

January 28, 2008

When I started this campaign more than a year ago, I was a somewhat reluctant candidate. I
knew our message of freedom, peace, and prosperity was the right one for our country, but
frankly, I didn't know how many people today would have ears to hear it.

Well, did I learn a lesson! Millions of Americans understand what ails our country, and
what is needed to fix it. So, with you at my side, I am in this effort to win. Not only by
building the ideas of liberty, but by getting the nomination. Our opponents would call
that nuts -- you know, the advocates of more inflation, more spending, more taxes, more
war. But let me explain why they are, as usual, all wet.

For one thing, for the first time since 1952, we are headed towards a brokered convention.
Instead of a coronation of one of the establishment candidates, the delegates, influenced
by the people, will decide. And I am afraid that this will take place in a time of
heightened economic crisis. That means even more Americans will be ready to hear our
message. But it also means I am really going to need your help.

One would never know this from the mainstream media, but we've only had a few primaries
and caucuses, and even after the extremely important date of February 5th, we will still
have more than half to go. And the Republican nominee will not be decided by the popular
vote among the "leading candidates" in a few states also handpicked by the
media. The nominee will be decided by the delegates. So let me tell you a little about our
"under-the-radar" strategy to get those delegates.

On "Super Tuesday," February 5th, there will be 22 primaries and caucuses. I
have a hunch that we're going to do very well. But, of course, the media and the rest of
the establishment refuse to recognize that. It's the attitude of the small child who
covers his eyes to make something scary go away. But we are not going away.

While the media focus on the couple of states they claim are important, we're competing
everywhere. And the reason that we're able to do that is because of your grassroots
support. You all are an asset that no other campaign has: donors, and activists who want
no special deals from the government, just the Constitution.

We're competing very strongly in all the caucus states, and in all other states where
delegates are up for grabs. And we're going to keep picking up delegates. Our strategy's
already working.

And we're committed to winning states. I have little doubt that if we can double our
efforts in this coming week, we're going to grab many delegates from other candidates.
Then we'll start getting ready for the biggest moment of all - the convention in

The path to the convention is twisty, however. When we were in Iowa, we got 10% of the
vote. But no delegates were awarded that night. That's because voters didn't directly
choose national convention delegates; they selected the county and state delegates who
will make that decision. And if another candidate like Mike Huckabee is no longer in the
race at the time of the state convention in June, his delegates are free to support
whomever they want. If we work extra hard, we can convert them into delegates for our

A similar thing happened in Nevada. We won 14% of the straw poll vote that the media
reported on, but what they didn't tell you was that we may have gotten up to a third of
Nevada's delegates to their county conventions! I always laughed when I heard some people
say Nevada didn't matter. Nevada chooses more delegates to the national convention than
South Carolina.

So, while the media will focus on the results from Florida, and probably take down the
campaign of my friend Rudy in the process, those results are less important to you and me.
Let them fight in Florida while we bring our message to Americans in other areas, like the
economically hard-hit state of Maine.

We want to win as many delegates to the Republican National Convention as possible, even
if other campaigns don't see some areas of the country as "important. But in this
work, I need your help. Help me get many, many delegates to this historic convention, by
these three methods.

1. Donate. Your generous contributions are essential if we're going to keep going until
September. We need, frankly $5 million by February 5 to run more TV and radio ads in the
Super Tuesday states. Your help means everything:

2. Canvass. You can help us identify those who support our message in your precinct. You
can help us to convert others, too. After all, your neighbors pay attention to you. I am
going to visit as much of the country as I can, but I need you as my partner in your area:

3. ASK others to sign-up on our website. I meet so many people on the campaign trail who
don't even receive my letters! I've told my campaign to make communication with you, the
engine of all this, much better. But if people don't sign up for my e-mails, that won't
happen. If you could just get one extra person to sign-up, that would be great. More would
be tremendous.

Help me by forwarding this e-mail to every other Ron Paul supporter you know, and urging
them to join our efforts!

We've come so far, but now the fun is really starting! I have a feeling the mainstream
media will move from ignoring us to attacking us. But that will be a sign of our success.
Join me as we continue this great movement into year two, and to a hot convention in
Minneapolis-Saint Paul. We can do it!


Ron (Paul)
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Re: Michael's Hard Question...
« Reply #54 on: January 30, 2008, 04:52:40 AM »
You are kidding right?

The guy who's never met an amendment that he could support or understand!

Honestly you would do best in this cycle to face the fact no one left, who has a chance to win, deserves our support.

I'll either write in Fred or vote for Paul if he runs as a 3rd party. We need to suck it up and stop throwing away our vote with the "at least it isn't a vote for X".

As long as we vote for the crap the GOP puts in front of us because it's not "as bad" a choice as the other guy means we NEVER get someone who doesn't blur or cross party lines.

At least if Ron Paul won he couldn't get enough support to act on some of his more "out there" ideas. I have a hard time finding fault with most of his ideas on taxes, the borders and the Constitution.

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Re: Michael's Hard Question...
« Reply #55 on: Today at 12:53:40 AM »


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Re: Michael's Hard Question...
« Reply #55 on: January 30, 2008, 05:52:13 AM »
I guess I'm confused. I thought what I said is what you just agreed with? Anyway, threaten my 2A rights and lose my vote Mr. Candidate. Mac.
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Re: Michael's Hard Question...
« Reply #56 on: January 30, 2008, 07:35:34 AM »

As long as we vote for the crap the GOP puts in front of us because it's not "as bad" a choice as the other guy means we NEVER get someone who doesn't blur or cross party lines.

The GOP doesn't put this "crap in front of us" if you are referring to prez candadites. At least the RNC, if that is who you were referring to. Prez candidates aren't picked by the RNC and told to go run. They jump in on their own. Fred jumped in because of the huge internet wave launched by the blogs. Like our other internet prez, Howard Dean, his campaign crashed when it was decided by voters and not bloggers.

And if I read it once I read it a hundred times "Fred will win because he's the only real conservative in the race". Some of you need to learn some more about the political process.

Truth is, neither the GOP or the Amercian people are as conservative as some of you like to believe. Goldwater went down in flames in 1964. Reagan won in 1980 against an imcompetent Smiling Jimmy while the economy was in the tank and the U.S. was humiliated by Iran holding our hostages. Those are the only TWO conservatives to win the nomination in the post WWII era. A farmer in the heartland may denouce welfare queens and other governement handouts but will tell you he damn well deserves HIS subsidy! He votes Rep but anyone who threatens to cut off HIS welfare is a damn commie or something as he feels ENTITLED to his payment. Americans are ready for a national health care plan. Americans want and expect governement handouts. Look at the senior drug coverage. Look at seniors who shelter their money so if they have to go to a nursing home the government has to pick up the tab.

The GOP under Reagan was a "big tent". Reagan held together a diverse coalition of groups thru his personality. Those of you who are complaining the GOP "has left you" or some such nonsense need to realize the GOP was never the party you fantasize it to be.

One more thing, it should be painfully obvious THAT SINGLE ISSUE 2A VOTERS CAN'T PICK A NOMINEE.  Fred sure didn't do well and he had the support of members of every gun forum I visited. So why wasn't Fred elected in a landslide? It appears single issue 2A voters can make the difference in a close race but there aren't enuff to choose who will lead the party. That is a lesson we need to learn from folks.

McCain won last nite in a closed primary. Super Tuesday and the March primaries will likely make him the nominee. He only loses now if he stumbles badly. I have called McCain an 80% friend. Of course, like 1992, you can vote 3rd party and help elect a 100% enemy. Your choice. Your decision.

Bill Stryker

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Re: Michael's Hard Question...
« Reply #57 on: January 30, 2008, 10:00:37 AM »

Well said. You are right on.

It is starting to look like a McCain v. Clinton race. I will vote! and I will not vote for gun grabbing Hillary or Hussain Obama. A vote for a 3d party is a vote for Clinton. Like it or not.

At least McCain says he will appoint conservative judges. I would feel better with Mitt however.


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Re: Michael's Hard Question...
« Reply #58 on: January 30, 2008, 10:37:41 AM »

Well said. You are right on.

It is starting to look like a McCain v. Clinton race. I will vote! and I will not vote for gun grabbing Hillary or Hussain Obama. A vote for a 3d party is a vote for Clinton. Like it or not.

I have to agree with both of you. A candidate from either the FAR left (Mondale) or the FAR right (Goldwater or George Wallace) can never win because there are too many Americans who are not on the extreme edges of thought. The middling types always get to run and generally win.

So all of the alarmist screeching about issues will not make them stand up for us. We have to protect our rights through education and intelligent conversation. We have to CONVINCE people that the 2nd amendment is the gateway to all of the other rights we hold dear.

Yelling about the revolution and how much ammo we have stored up in our bunkers only aggravates the impression that we are gun "nuts", not responsible gun "owners".
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Re: Michael's Hard Question...
« Reply #59 on: January 30, 2008, 10:49:55 AM »
Well, I'm just glad to see that at least 90,000 conservatives in FL stood their ground and voted "Other" (FT, RP, DH etc)
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