Author Topic: Michael's Hard Question...  (Read 23442 times)

Michael Bane

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Michael's Hard Question...
« on: January 23, 2008, 11:18:45 AM »
I'm turning to you guys for advice, because over the last year I have seen more intelligent commentary on these Forums than anywhere else on the Internet.

Here, simply, is my question:

Should I throw my support, such as it is, to John McCain?

Fred is out; Romney and Giuliani are active enemies of the Second Amendment; I cannot support Huckabee for reasons I've enumerated before. We all understand that Paul is closest to our collective philosophy but who realistically has no chance. From and RKBA standpoint, I have huge problems with McCain on "gunshow loopholes" and the campaign finance. Here's what David Kopel says over at the Volokh Conspiracy legal blog last year:

Mixed: Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.)(mostly positive record, except for lead sponsorship of two terrible bills: McCain-Lieberman, a badly-written bill which would have given the BATFE the authority to administratively eliminate any or all gun shows, and McCain-Feingold, the campaign speech restriction law which significantly affects right-to-arms groups).

Both Paul and Huckabee have perfect RKBA records.

What should I do?

Michael B

Michael Bane, Majordomo @ MichaelBane.TV


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Re: Michael's Hard Question...
« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2008, 11:54:08 AM »

Read my post on John McCain.
Don Worsham
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Re: Michael's Hard Question...
« Reply #2 on: January 23, 2008, 12:19:00 PM »
Then read my post reply on Becoming an Undercount.


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Re: Michael's Hard Question...
« Reply #3 on: January 23, 2008, 12:22:47 PM »
This may be hard for a lot of us to swallow.... but as gun owners we've already lost this election.

Our only mainstream options are to decide what party we want the gun banner to be.

Years of being taken for granted as a voting bloc has finally bitten us in the arse.

I've said it many times since Fred dropped out yesterday, so I apologize for repeating myself.

We must all vote third party as a protest. Sitting at home does nothing. Heck, if you're not voting FOR a politician, they want you to stay at home.

I'm not pushing Ron Paul, either. Vote for whatever third party your little heart desires.

The key is that we as a voting bloc HAVE to let the national GOP (and Democrat) leaders know they've lost our automatic support. If they want the gunnie vote, they damn well had better listen to our needs.


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Re: Michael's Hard Question...
« Reply #4 on: January 23, 2008, 12:29:02 PM »
The GOA on McCain's evolution from gun-rights to anti-gun:


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Re: Michael's Hard Question...
« Reply #5 on: Today at 01:12:32 PM »


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Re: Michael's Hard Question...
« Reply #5 on: January 23, 2008, 01:54:06 PM »
I say Ron Paul. If a miracle occurred, Congress would offset the wacko influence on him and a Presidential veto would defeat pending Anti legislation. AND, I'm really liking the FairTax. org information. Perhaps the GOP would notice what happened.

Total agreement on the quality of thought shared by the members. Holy Capoly, there are brilliant, seasoned minds here, and I love to learn from them..   Mac.
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Re: Michael's Hard Question...
« Reply #6 on: January 23, 2008, 02:00:17 PM »
Michael, Michael, Michael!!!

I come here to find little tid bits to help me dig deeper and find my way.  Now you come up with this question.

Let's look a whole new way.  I know it is only nine months, and it will be hard hard fast fight.

I'm thinkin a Bane/Scoutten ticket.

Just think of it ... Massad could handle Secret Service; Marshal could be in charge of information, but we will put Marshal'ette in front of the camera; and I know you guy's are all capable of speaking your own mind, but how about Richard Young as Press Secretary (I'd just love to hear and read every media outlet quoting Tequila daily).  Also, could we get Squibby involved without getting in trouble?

That is as serious as I can get right now.  The more I research the more confused I get.
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Re: Michael's Hard Question...
« Reply #7 on: January 23, 2008, 02:18:29 PM »

If you look at the GOA web as Joe suggests, it appears to me that the only candidate you could support is Romney. McCain in my view and the view of GOA is a bad anti. McCain is a RINO too often carrying water for the left.

I do not support the idea of voting for a third party. I think that is a wasted vote and only supports the worst candidate.

In my view the most important vote this year is for your Representative and Senators, because whoever is at the top of either ticket will be tainted in our 2A view of the country.

All the best to you as you try to decide.


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Re: Michael's Hard Question...
« Reply #8 on: January 23, 2008, 02:40:37 PM »
I'm turning to you guys for advice, because over the last year I have seen more intelligent commentary on these Forums than anywhere else on the Internet.
Here, simply, is my question:

Both Paul and Huckabee have perfect RKBA records.
What should I do?

Michael B

Pick one.  Which will impose that which you do not like on you?  Who will impose, who will allow freedom and which will stand and be effective.  Being pushed from any being pushed.  Push comes to shove.  Stong opinion is fine, yet we don't want a dictatorial stance either.  We are supposed to be a republic...but hey that doesn't appear to be working too well right now anyway. 

I'm in for Huckabee.  Failing that....I need a scarier candidate than the Dems are running right now to make me vote for a "Dem-Lite" (Republican).  If not Huck, then for me to pull Republican, or basically care about any other current candidate, the Dems would have to run Joseph Stalin for prez.

This having been said, cheer up.  It isn't over until November...or actually until the Electoral College votes.  A lot of scandal, illness, misfortune, history, international crisis, monetary crisis, etc. can come out and wreck a frontrunner(s) over the next few months.  Maybe Newt will make a run at the convention.  Only God knows the answer.

Bottom line.  Support of an individual is likely not the most important thing to be involved with now.  Concentrate not on the candidates but on the principles.  Getting the word out about our 2nd Ammendment challenges (D.C. vs. Heller Amicus Brief, candidate stance, etc.) to the gun public and the general public will probably have a greater influence on who is actually president than supporting a man (or woman).  At least...that's how it worked out the last couple of times....
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Re: Michael's Hard Question...
« Reply #9 on: January 23, 2008, 02:52:58 PM »

McCain has already taken the first amendment away (McCain Feingold act).  He is also pro amnesty.  He backs the AWB.  

My big question.... Why would you even consider him (or any of the others for that matter).

We have been hung out to dry because they (RLC) believe we haven't got any where else to go (Think Blacks and the DLC).  If we do not stand up now then we can look forward to an end of the 2A in a very few years.

Let's look at the track record.

Every four years we get some lip service then we get'

1968 Gun contol act

1972 ATF created

1984 closure of MG list

1990s more than I can count

Then we elected a Pres that said he WOULD sign a reauthorization of the AWB.  Luckily it never reached his desk BUT he also did absolutely NOTHING to ease firearms laws either.  Nor did a Republican controled congress and last time I looked the BATFE is still out of control.

When will we learn??
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