Author Topic: Michael's Hard Question...  (Read 23370 times)


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Re: Michael's Hard Question...
« Reply #30 on: January 24, 2008, 10:46:58 AM »


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Re: Michael's Hard Question...
« Reply #31 on: January 24, 2008, 11:00:10 AM »

I must respectfully disagree.

On the gun issue, how are any of the remaining candidates different? All will ban guns.

Your statement that any gunnie vote that isn't GOP is a wasted vote is the exact attitude that has gotten us in this situation.  The Republican leadership knows that as long as their candidate is .00000000000001% better on guns than the Democrat, we will vote GOP.

Blindly supporting the GOP because they aren't Democrat only promises that we'll get more of the same next time. it will filter down to congressional races. Then, when that succeeds the gubernatorial and local leadership races will see more of the same.

As a bloc, we gun people MUST show that we are not a guaranteed GOP vote.

You can call me Pollyanna or any other name you want, but the fact remains.. when you blindly follow you will be taken advantage of.

Folks, no one wants to admit this, but as gunowners we've already lost the 2008 presidential race. Not one mainstream candidate is good on guns. This is the result of "always vote Republican--no matter what."

But, that's the beauty of the American form of government. You vote the way you feel is best. The other beauty, is that we can try to convince each other that our position is best.

Wray Finney

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Re: Michael's Hard Question...
« Reply #32 on: January 24, 2008, 11:09:09 AM »
Who would have the bucks to go third party? Bloomberg/Boren? Good Gawd. Depending on the outcome of Scotus. Congress may be the only hope. The faceless buracrats run this country. Forest Gump could be president and this country would still function. O yea we had W. Proved that. I never heard of the Solicitor General till the other day. We need to be electing Pro 2nd Adm. people to Congress. So no bill will ever get to the desk of the White House. Regards

Marshal Halloway

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Re: Michael's Hard Question...
« Reply #33 on: January 24, 2008, 12:00:54 PM »
I know I shouldn't do this...... I don't even have the time to do it. I don't even have any good answers !!!

I shouldn't even discuss freakin' politics or even think about it. I have been involved in gun politics (in 2 continents) so long that it makes me sick. I have been the buffer between politics and bureaucrats. I have been a punch ball between shooting organizations and bureaucrats. I have faced media when things went wrong and they all blamed us for the wrong doings of criminals.

Now I stand in the legal line to become a US citizen. A part of me hope it won't happen until after the election, so I don't have to cast a vote in a state of mind where I ask myself: What the hell am I doing ?

Many of us feel the same way. That's why this thread is running right now.

We are living in a world where US sovereignty has been "posted on eBay" for a long time. International trade and treaties, multinational organizations, the international oil industry, everything is mixed together in a stew called Money and Power.

Politics is no longer about "we the people". It is not about democracy. The movers and shakers in national and international politics don't care about "the people". They have invested too much in their own interests.

To invest in "the people", to restore the foundation that made this country is not even on the list of priorities. All of that is now pickup lines to draw attention from "the people" to make them feel good and riled up.

The puppeteers of the world.... like George Soros and you find them in both camps (liberals and conservatives) are working backstage to finance and control the puppets called career politicians. They are so powerful and influential that crooks like the Clintons can commit fraud after fraud and still be respected among their blind followers.

Throughout the years, "we the people" have gone blind while money and power puppeteers have created a group we can call the untouchables, people that can make mistake after mistake with a carte blanche amnesty attached to it. These untouchables are career politicians and bureaucrats financed by corporations and organizations with multinational interests.

We have come to a point where we feel we cannot trust anyone anymore. The last stunt by the Bush administration (The Bush Sell-Out) is just another example of how fast they can forget "the people" that trusted them.

Then you have the media also owned by these puppeteers. Media controls the priorities, as in what what we should focus on. In between breaking news about Britney Spears we are forced to focus on politicians who create the best ratings. The message, the news are not important, it is all about the definition of what is considered good tv and how "the people" can be manipulated.

Fred Thompson went down the drain and not because he was a bad candidate, but because he did not create good ratings in the media. He was also a threat to the puppeteers and the untouchables. He was not lazy ! He worked as hard as any other candidate, but his message was so boring that the media "decided" to forget him. And "we the people" agreed, at least in the early states which also influence "we the people" in other states on how to vote.

Yeah, I know.... it sounds like I am about to jump off the porch to kill myself in a confused state of mind....  ;D

We are in a situation where we are standing in front of a line of slot machines. Which one should we pick to be able to feel good and as long as we can until we are asked to put more money through the slot?

The Ron Paul Outsider Machine with all the bells and whistles ?
The Huckabee Machine with Chuck Norris bonus rounds?
Or the old John McCain quarter machine where you know for sure you will lose some and win some.

No matter what, you know for sure you have to play and you know you'll lose.

This is what we are up against and I warned you! I don't have any good answers.

But I do know this. Doing nothing or staying home is the wrong message. It is a victory for the puppeteers who want "the people" to do just that - staying home. If we do, they can keep on manipulating with an an outcome that is all about money and power, all about interests that has nothing to do with US sovereignty.

These puppeteers don't really care who wins, democrats or republicans. They do know that "we the people" on the left side is a whole lot easier to manipulate than those on the right. And if the right side stays home.....

Wow! That would be awesome !!!! The herd of sheep on the left is so much easier to move around.

The puppeteers, the programmers of political slot machines will lean back and say..... Damn, we are good. Let's move on and conquer the world called United Nations.

I know, I should have kept my mouth shut.....



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Re: Michael's Hard Question...
« Reply #34 on: January 24, 2008, 12:17:55 PM »
I was in the middle of writing a reply, when a message popped up that said someone else put up a post on this subject. After reading Marshal's post,  what I had to say doesn't matter! WOW!!


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Re: Michael's Hard Question...
« Reply #35 on: Today at 02:10:58 AM »


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Re: Michael's Hard Question...
« Reply #35 on: January 24, 2008, 12:19:00 PM »
Marshall, you are not alone...we are all dismayed about how things are going, but unless each one of us can get together, we can't fight it. If ALL gun owners got together, there might be a chance.
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Teresa Heilevang

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Re: Michael's Hard Question...
« Reply #36 on: January 24, 2008, 12:22:03 PM »
Yep.. I had some comments I also wanted to add.. but.... what can you say after THAT?

Dang.. !
And to think he can write something so profound.. but couldn't rinse the sink out this morning after he shaved...

Excellent Marshal...
 Does this mean I am off the ballot?  ;D
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Re: Michael's Hard Question...
« Reply #37 on: January 24, 2008, 12:43:38 PM »
Sorry all but I see it this way.

As long as we vote for them they will ignore us and take us for granted.

A third party vote does NOT help put a Dem in office.  The Rs are doing that all by themselves.  They back stab us and give us candidates that are hostile to us.

I am tired of voting against the other guy or voting for the lesser evil.  The Rs need to give me a reason to vote for them.

They have not so I will not.

All tipoes and misspelings are copi-righted.  Pleeze do not reuse without ritten persimmons  :D

Bill Stryker

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Re: Michael's Hard Question...
« Reply #38 on: January 24, 2008, 12:56:23 PM »

You are still on the ballot. You are on top of it to me. ;D

Marshal's great post not withstanding. He cannot run. He was not born in the United States.

I wonder how McCain is getting around that one. He was born in Panama. ???


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Re: Michael's Hard Question...
« Reply #39 on: January 24, 2008, 02:14:47 PM »

You are still on the ballot. You are on top of it to me. ;D

Marshal's great post not withstanding. He cannot run. He was not born in the United States.

I wonder how McCain is getting around that one. He was born in Panama. ???

I am going to assume that McCain was a military brat so it wouldn't matter where he was born.  His parent(s) were stationed there so he is a "natual born" citizen.
All tipoes and misspelings are copi-righted.  Pleeze do not reuse without ritten persimmons  :D


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