I was standing right beside Marshal at the Shot Show when they told us that already ( and this was Monday Feb. 4th) they had orders for 60,000 Ruger LCP's. They were flabbergasted to say the least, but so excited as these numbers far far exceeded normal sales. And you can believe it or not boys... but when we talked to them the other day.. the number WAS 87,000. It is higher than that now. NOT 8,700... but 87,000 and rising.
What price are you guys paying? The MSRP is $330.00
I sure hope you's wrong, I'm 63 now and would like to get the one I ordered befoe I'm dead I guess no one has seen, played with or shot one yet. If anybody has seen, plaed with or shot one what do you think of it.
They start shipping in March, yes.Michael visited the factory last week and a video report will show up here on Wednesday.
A video is as simple as it gets on Down Range....Since there are a few out there that doubts the numbers, we decided to document it... Nah not really .... Michael was at Gunsite last week and dropped by the factory with a camcorder in his left holster and a SR9 in his right.