I will admit to being a food geek here, but I like what you are doing. Survival, DIY, and nutrition. All good things. Check out a guy I like a lot, Alton Brown of "Good Eats" on the Food Network. He's kind of the "Tim the Tool Man" of food. He did a piece on beef jerky.
Long story short.
HALF freeze some flank steak and cut it paper thin with a serrated knife.
Season heavily with your choice of dry spices, making sure that it is heavily salted.
Take two square AC filters and put the salted strips inside.
Bungee cord them together.
Then, bungee cord them to a square box fan so the air can pass while it blows, and leave them for a day,
Instant jerky!
Look it up on the web, as I don't want to poison the little darlings if I missed a step, but I think this kind of thing is cool, and good for the kiddies.
I'd also reccomend taking them hunting/fishing/buying a live pig and turning it into a tasty meal if you can get away with it. Its a valuable life lesson in where food REALLY comes from and how to get it.
FQ13 who says thanks for what you're doing!