Author Topic: Operation Fast & Furious  (Read 32573 times)


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Re: Operation Fast & Furious
« Reply #130 on: October 14, 2011, 03:55:42 PM »
But Holder/DOJ/ATF, already provided stacks of documents.

All proved a very open and honest Gov't Agency, and of valid contribution to the investigation... >:(

Tar & Feathering, is sorely missed. :'( But I will be OK, with resignations, criminal charges, and some prison time.

Thomas Jefferson: The strongest reason for the people to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against the tyranny of government. That is why our masters in Washington are so anxious to disarm us. They are not afraid of criminals. They are afraid of a populace which cannot be subdued by tyrants."
Col. Jeff Cooper.


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Re: Operation Fast & Furious
« Reply #131 on: October 14, 2011, 05:42:54 PM »
AH!!!!  You forget, Holder put his weasel word in there.  He said a 'few' weeks ago.  What is the definition of a 'few'.  Lawyers can have a field day with that (definition of 'is').

I am not defending him, just telling ya how he'll cover his ass.

Holder quotes:
"I'm not sure of the exact date, but I probably heard about Fast and Furious for the first time over the last few weeks."

 "My testimony was truthful and accurate. ... I have no recollection of knowing about Fast and Furious or of hearing its name prior to the public controversy about it. Prior to early 2011, I certainly never knew about the tactics employed in the operation."

His "is" words, "probably", "few", "no recollection", plus his denial of knowing the "tactics employed in the operation."  All statements carefully worded to give plausable deniability, especially if you are part of the regime of liberalism. 

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Re: Operation Fast & Furious
« Reply #132 on: October 14, 2011, 05:50:39 PM »

Another great article pointing out the absurdity of the latest false flag event perpetrated by the feds.


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Re: Operation Fast & Furious
« Reply #133 on: October 14, 2011, 07:01:36 PM »
Holder has an undeniable defense.
"I got the job cuz I'se black, you expect me to be competent too ? Racist !"


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Re: Operation Fast & Furious
« Reply #134 on: October 15, 2011, 09:11:21 AM »
I was wondering how long it would take for them to "blame Bush."

Newly disclosed documents reveal there was a second Arizona-based investigation during the Bush administration in which the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives allegedly let guns "walk" as a way to target weapons-trafficking suspects -- a practice now fueling controversy in the Obama administration.
Attorney General Eric Holder has said "Fast and Furious" employed "flawed tactics," and he directed the Justice Department's inspector to look into the matter. Still, in a recent letter to critics on Capitol Hill leading a congressional investigation into "Fast and Furious," Holder made a point of noting those "flawed tactics" were also used "in an investigation conducted during the prior Administration."
Holder was referring to "Operation Wide Receiver." From 2006 to about the end of 2007, investigators "permitted guns to be transferred to suspected gun traffickers and had not interdicted them," according to a current Justice Department official.

Difference is when "Wide Reciever"got screwed up (explained in article) the ATF stopped it and the portions that worked resulted in indicments.
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Re: Operation Fast & Furious
« Reply #135 on: Today at 04:54:58 PM »


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Re: Operation Fast & Furious
« Reply #135 on: October 15, 2011, 09:34:55 AM »
Holder quotes:
"I'm not sure of the exact date, but I probably heard about Fast and Furious for the first time over the last few weeks."

 "My testimony was truthful and accurate. ... I have no recollection of knowing about Fast and Furious or of hearing its name prior to the public controversy about it. Prior to early 2011, I certainly never knew about the tactics employed in the operation."

His "is" words, "probably", "few", "no recollection", plus his denial of knowing the "tactics employed in the operation."  All statements carefully worded to give plausable deniability, especially if you are part of the regime of liberalism. 

All great points.  Which brings me to the point of needing an educated, honest populace.  Stripping the BS from this and convicting liars of crimes that send them to prison is a duty of a juror.  It drives me absolutely batty that a jury can call BS on this sort of stuff and send liars to prison.........but they don't.  Rigged juries from the onset....the wife of a guy I worked with was a public defender in New Orleans...when the prospective jurors filled out their parking slips the defenders would run out and look for conservative bumper stickers and then work to exclude the people they didn't like on that basis. 

I keep waiting to be called on a of these days....I hope it's a good one.  I will employ absolute truth, honesty and the law as the court guides.
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Re: Operation Fast & Furious
« Reply #136 on: October 15, 2011, 09:47:10 AM »
I was wondering how long it would take for them to "blame Bush."

Newly disclosed documents reveal there was a second Arizona-based investigation during the Bush administration in which the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives allegedly let guns "walk" as a way to target weapons-trafficking suspects -- a practice now fueling controversy in the Obama administration.
Attorney General Eric Holder has said "Fast and Furious" employed "flawed tactics," and he directed the Justice Department's inspector to look into the matter. Still, in a recent letter to critics on Capitol Hill leading a congressional investigation into "Fast and Furious," Holder made a point of noting those "flawed tactics" were also used "in an investigation conducted during the prior Administration."
Holder was referring to "Operation Wide Receiver." From 2006 to about the end of 2007, investigators "permitted guns to be transferred to suspected gun traffickers and had not interdicted them," according to a current Justice Department official.

Difference is when "Wide Reciever"got screwed up (explained in article) the ATF stopped it and the portions that worked resulted in indicments.

The other BIG difference is that there actually was a way to track the guns (RFID I believe) but the chips failed.  So it was was set up to be a 'sting' not a BS backdoor way to reinstate the AWB and even more gun laws.
All tipoes and misspelings are copi-righted.  Pleeze do not reuse without ritten persimmons  :D


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Re: Operation Fast & Furious
« Reply #137 on: October 15, 2011, 09:51:11 AM »
The batteries in the RFID chips only lasted 36 hours, they stashed them, for a couple days, than walked em' right out.

I posted this on the DR thread but it is relevant here. They brought out Clinton Attack Dog, Lanny Davis,....which means Hillary is in it up to her eyeballs.

Great article. Puts the size and scope of this in perspective. It ain't just DOJ and Holder.....
Thomas Jefferson: The strongest reason for the people to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against the tyranny of government. That is why our masters in Washington are so anxious to disarm us. They are not afraid of criminals. They are afraid of a populace which cannot be subdued by tyrants."
Col. Jeff Cooper.


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Re: Operation Fast & Furious
« Reply #138 on: October 15, 2011, 02:22:41 PM »
The other BIG difference is that there actually was a way to track the guns (RFID I believe) but the chips failed.  So it was was set up to be a 'sting' not a BS backdoor way to reinstate the AWB and even more gun laws.

I noted also that the Mexican cops the guns were headed towards were actually the ones that "lost" them.  I wonder how many of the F&F guns also walked TO Federales for the Cartels?
When seconds mean the difference between life and death, the police will be minutes away.

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Re: Operation Fast & Furious
« Reply #139 on: October 15, 2011, 02:47:35 PM »
I noted also that the Mexican cops the guns were headed towards were actually the ones that "lost" them.  I wonder how many of the F&F guns also walked TO Federales for the Cartels?

They can't blame civilian gun stores or laws for the RPG's and heavy machine guns.


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