And what exactly is a fighting quaker. ? I thought they were a society of religious zelots who were pacifists .
Well, zealots is a bit too extreme a word. It implies aggressions. Granted Mary Dwyer was hanged by the Puritans on Boston Common (proving that the whole "they came to America seeking religious freedom" was a load of crap. Freedom for me, but not for thee was more like it). OK Quaker rant over......

Here's the deal, the Quaker's are a Dissenting Protestant sect like the Mennonites and Amish, only English not Dutch or German. Bottom line they are about equality, no titles or oaths (which is why the Constitution says you may swear OR affirm, and traditionally those objecting to the mandatory pledge have been devoutly Christian people who did so for exactly that reason, which the boneheaded politically religious right chooses to ignore.

). Quakers are also about simplicity, which means, eschewing the outward trappings of wealth. They also are about pacifism, or at least non aggression (there is debate here and you know where I fall in). The bottom line is this. The best of us are infected with original sin and the worst of us were made in the image of God and so to kill a man is to kill God.
Me: well, I'm an Episcopalian. I just taught at a Quaker school long enough to have developed a very deep respect for them and their principles. They are good people, good Christians, and good neighbors. The tag line? Its from the Earlham College football team. Back in the day it used to be "Quakers fight! Quakers fight! Kill, Quakers, Kill!". They've gotten more PC these days, but I thought it was funny as hell.
FQ13 who did in fact teach peace studies (that's what you fall back on when the second mag is empty and you've lost your spyderco, although I phrased it differently during the job talk).