Author Topic: Seventeen Things That Critics Will Try To Spin About Rick Perry. Very Good Read.  (Read 1763 times)


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Kinda long, but it's important.
Took me 15 minutes.

Seventeen (17) things that critics are saying about Rick Perry

Sunday, August 14th at 10:02PM EDT

Since he’s been Governor of Texas for over ten years, folks from the other “56 states” are
asking Texans what kind of governor he’s been and what we think. I decided that what I “think” isn’t good enough – I could be wrong. So, I decided to do some research on Perry’s record and form a more accurate, fact-based opinion on his qualifications instead of relying on my general perceptions.

In the spirit of full disclosure, I voted for Perry in each of the three gubernatorial elections since 2002 and I am a conservative and a registered Republican. It was easy for me to vote for Perry since the alternative(s) were either uber-RINOs in the primaries or liberal Democrats in the general elections. Under the circumstances, my choice was always easy.

While researching Perry’s pros and cons, I’ve read every article and blog post that I could find – over several weeks. Many of those posts had 2-300 comments associated with them – I read them all.

After reading literally thousands of comments, it’s become apparent that there are quite a lot of anti-Perry activists out there throwing all sorts of disparaging rhetorical crap against the wall in hopes that some will stick and they can influence someone, anyone, to become anti-Perry too. The unfortunate thing is that most of their negative statements are either completely false, at worst, or misleading, at best. They’re simply parroting something they saw on another hater’s blog. Yet they maintain that they are the knowledgeable ones and those supporting Perry are ignorant clods who can’t walk and chew gum at the same time – “ignorant” is an adjective that they like to use a lot.

It’s ludicrous to think that some asinine statement like “Gardasil, Perry blew it – ‘nuff said,” deserves any consideration. No, it’s not “’nuff said,” there is usually more to know about an issue before a reasonable person can make an intelligent decision. For that reason, I have attempted to present some additional facts that have not been widely publicized just to educate those who have not been privy to Texas politics until now.

In that spirit, I do realize that anyone who reads this summary has a right to be skeptical of my facts. I therefore invite those who might dispute my findings to challenge them by verifying what I’ve presented here. And cross-check via reliable sources rather than relying on a single posting by some anonymous blogger – some spout “facts” which have no basis in the truth. I will identify the source of my data and in many cases, I’ll provide a link to the source so you can see for yourself … the real facts.

And finally, remember that any politician in office for ten years will have his/her critics and will have stepped on some toes during their term(s).

Following are subjects that are claimed by detractors to be Rick Perry’s failings – they are in no particular order.


Just thought it was worth sharing...The list is at the link.
Thomas Jefferson: The strongest reason for the people to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against the tyranny of government. That is why our masters in Washington are so anxious to disarm us. They are not afraid of criminals. They are afraid of a populace which cannot be subdued by tyrants."
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Thanks TW, that answers some questions raised in the "Perry, Bachman, or Cain thread.


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I have to satisfy myself on a few things before throwing behind Perry.  First he has attended at least one Bilderberger meeting.  Secondly, he was a big time Al Gore supporter and he has a statement out on that now to be inspected.  Finally the things he supports...does he do it to garnish votes or because he supports what he believes in (i.e. prayer rally, states rights and sabre rattling for secession, etc.)?

He's had to come in behind Bush and Richards and the state has prospered under his helm.  Next, he dispatched a coyote with his Ruger .380.  With a crumbling US economy Texas' economy appears strong.

There's time to make the right decision.  I'm still haunted by the fact that the lesser of two evils is still evil.  I'd rather vote for the odd guy out.
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Thanks for the link.  Good info. 


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I have to satisfy myself on a few things before throwing behind Perry.  First he has attended at least one Bilderberger meeting.  Secondly, he was a big time Al Gore supporter and he has a statement out on that now to be inspected.  Finally the things he supports...does he do it to garnish votes or because he supports what he believes in (i.e. prayer rally, states rights and sabre rattling for secession, etc.)?

He's had to come in behind Bush and Richards and the state has prospered under his helm.  Next, he dispatched a coyote with his Ruger .380.  With a crumbling US economy Texas' economy appears strong.

There's time to make the right decision.  I'm still haunted by the fact that the lesser of two evils is still evil.  I'd rather vote for the odd guy out.

 As a side note the "saber rattling about secession" is covered in the article, as are several of your other concerns, it has been misrepresented for dem political purposes.
The main reason for my post is to question whether it matters why he is doing the right things.
Even if he is doing the right things for the wrong or self serving reasons, he is still doing the right things.

With the current top 3 candidates, Bachmann, Cain, and Perry, I don't think we are looking at a "lesser of 3 evils" case, I think it is more a matter of Good, Better, Best, that we have to sort out.
What a pleasant change !


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As a side note the "saber rattling about secession" is covered in the article, as are several of your other concerns, it has been misrepresented for dem political purposes.
The main reason for my post is to question whether it matters why he is doing the right things.
Even if he is doing the right things for the wrong or self serving reasons, he is still doing the right things.

With the current top 3 candidates, Bachmann, Cain, and Perry, I don't think we are looking at a "lesser of 3 evils" case, I think it is more a matter of Good, Better, Best, that we have to sort out.
What a pleasant change !

Because if he is doing these things just to get elected because he thinks that's what will do the trick, then he is nothing more than bho lying to get elected, and then doing whatever the heck he wants to. Not saying Perry is like that, but that is why it is important to know before you cast the vote.
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To explain my thinking I will point out that he's still a politician which means he will keep doing what got him elected in order to get reelected, look at Bho, still lying, and reading meaningless sound bites from the Teleprompter.


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