Author Topic: Ignorance from our side  (Read 2682 times)


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Ignorance from our side
« on: August 17, 2011, 11:28:05 PM »
It annoys me no end when I see people from our side of the political debate fall for the socialist BS .
If you are trying to raise funds , Please, know your darn subject.
This is part of an E Mail I got from "Grass roots action".

From the Desk of:          
David Martin, Executive Vice President

      One of the richest men in the world, George Soros isn't
      just pumping billions into influencing politics; he is
      actively co-opting the news media -- funding nearly every
      major left-wing media source in the U.S, and reaching more
      than 332 million people every month!


It took the Left just a few hours to expose its attack strategy
against just-announced presidential candidate Rick Perry.

      What is the liberal media's plan to destroy Gov. Perry?
      Label him a southern racist.

First, on Monday MSNBC's Ed Schultz intentionally edited a quote
from Gov. Perry out of context in order to make it seem that
Perry had called President Obama "that big black cloud that
hangs over America" when Perry was clearly referring to the
national debt.  Although Schultz admitted the editing "error"
the next day, he never apologized for or retracted his direct
statements labeling Perry a racist.

Then yesterday, Chris Matthews piled on during a panel
discussion centering on Perry's alleged racism by calling
the Texas governor "Bull Connor with a smile" -- linking
Perry to the Birmingham, Alabama, segregationist city official
who in the 1960s turned police dogs and fire hoses on African
American protestors (as his guests chuckled).

These are two of the most outrageous examples of race-baiting
we have ever seen from the liberal media and clear evidence
that the liberal media are in FULL ATTACK MODE against
conservative presidential candidates.  

Go here to access our MRC reports on these and other blatant
attacks by the liberal media on the GOP presidential field:

Join MRC In Saying "NO" To Race-Baiting And Other Attacks
Against GOP Candidates And Other Conservative Leaders:

First off, I'm shocked, SHOCKED I tell you, to find out the dems will be using Attack tactics in their political ads,DUH!, they've only been doing it for 60 years or more. They could not counter Joe McCarthy so they called him a queer.
However the highlighted part is what irked me enough to post this, Yes Bull Connor used LEASHED Dogs and fire hoses on demonstrators.
Was he an SOB ? Considering how little complaint would have been made if he used clubs and shotguns I don't think so.
This is just another example of Hitlers big lie.
The Dems have kept repeating the same BS for decades until even people who should know better spout it as if it were true.
I'll give you another example,  The above makes no mention of the fact that Bull Connor, like George Wallace and most Segregationists and all KKK members was a democrat.
To hear the socialists tell it you would never know that Lincoln, elected by the Abolitionist movement was a Republican.
The Confederacy, and the treasonous Northern Copperhead movement that fought to keep slavery were Dems.
They have never done anything except blatantly use the blacks . Even abortion, the "Planned Parenthood" program that dems fight for tooth and nail has nothing to do with "reproductive rights", it's all about keeping the blacks from out breeding the "more productive white race" (to use Margret Sanger's own words )
But the sheep continue to believe the Dems are looking out for our little brown brothers.

To close I will add that if Perry, or any one else has the temerity to ask "Where's the jobs" they will be reviled in the communist media as a "mud slinging racist"


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Re: Ignorance from our side
« Reply #1 on: August 17, 2011, 11:41:59 PM »
To close I will add that if Perry, or any one else has the temerity to ask "Where's the jobs" they will be reviled in the communist media as a "mud slinging racist"

I will point out that on Monday Pres. BHO was in Minnesota to start his three day bus tour of the area, and one of his big talking points was creating more jobs.  I have that one on a post it on my wall for 12 months from now!  The Star Tribune is also posting a story that Pres. BHO is working on an announcement or speech for September that will focus on job creation.

We have the right to ask "Where's the jobs?" next year, because at least in our area he is making it a major point.  His only two points that maid the MSM up here were #1 slams on the GOP for obstructing the process, and #2 creating jobs.
If I appear taller than other men it is because I am standing on the shoulders of others.


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Re: Ignorance from our side
« Reply #2 on: August 18, 2011, 12:49:16 AM »
I will point out that on Monday Pres. BHO was in Minnesota to start his three day bus tour of the area, and one of his big talking points was creating more jobs.  I have that one on a post it on my wall for 12 months from now!  The Star Tribune is also posting a story that Pres. BHO is working on an announcement or speech for September that will focus on job creation.

We have the right to ask "Where's the jobs?" next year, because at least in our area he is making it a major point.  His only two points that maid the MSM up here were #1 slams on the GOP for obstructing the process, and #2 creating jobs.

Same here.
My question is this, if they are trying to do something stupid isn't it a good thing to obstruct the process ?
Isn't it the same as stopping a kid from running into the street ?


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Re: Ignorance from our side
« Reply #3 on: August 18, 2011, 06:54:36 AM »
Did I really type "maid" when I meant made  :-[  Call me TAB, slap me silly and ship me to the left coast  :-[

If I appear taller than other men it is because I am standing on the shoulders of others.


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Re: Ignorance from our side
« Reply #4 on: August 18, 2011, 08:55:26 AM »
Spell check is useless if the wrong word is spelled correctly.
Here's another one, Now that we have cell phones that we can program with the numbers of people we call how many phone numbers can you remember, not counting your own.  ;D


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Re: Ignorance from our side
« Reply #5 on: Today at 10:58:28 AM »


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Re: Ignorance from our side
« Reply #5 on: August 18, 2011, 09:59:54 AM »
Spell check is useless if the wrong word is spelled correctly.
Here's another one, Now that we have cell phones that we can program with the numbers of people we call how many phone numbers can you remember, not counting your own.  ;D

Hell I can barely remember my own! I never call myself!
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Re: Ignorance from our side
« Reply #6 on: August 18, 2011, 10:19:11 AM »
The thread started on a kind of slow drift, then it picked up speed, now we're on the island with Gilligan and Mary Ann (sigh).


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Re: Ignorance from our side
« Reply #7 on: August 18, 2011, 12:54:27 PM »
I didn't really expect any meaningful comment.
I just needed to vent.

Ginger or Mary Ann.
Or both for the ambitious ?  ;D


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Re: Ignorance from our side
« Reply #8 on: August 18, 2011, 01:40:26 PM »
The thread started on a kind of slow drift, then it picked up speed, now we're on the island with Gilligan and Mary Ann (sigh).

I was always partial to Mary Ann . . . .  ::)  8)   ;D
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Re: Ignorance from our side
« Reply #9 on: August 18, 2011, 01:48:35 PM »
And the beat goes on!

No bias at all, no manipulation of the story.

+1 for Mary Anne


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