I just got to get an AR first.
Right there with you. I like my AR. Its a fun toy. BUT, after spending a bunch of money to get irons and a freaking ten dollar sling mounted (and I'm still not there yet)? I will stand up for the late lamented Badgers Milk and say buy the AK. Its going to cost more for mags, but the ammo is cheaper. As far as accuracy? An AK and an M-forgery are both two hundred yard guns, and the thirty round mag is there for a reason.
I like my AR, but my advice, not so young Padawan, is to go to Classic Arms and buy a good AK. Bill or TW who own both would be the guys I would listen to, but that's just my take on it. I have zero plans to sell my AR, but if I had it to do over again.....