Author Topic: .300 Blackout. Hickok .45 Approved. Man I Want This Guys Yard!!  (Read 38080 times)


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Re: .300 Blackout. Hickok .45 Approved. Man I Want This Guys Yard!!
« Reply #10 on: December 07, 2011, 06:24:54 PM »
I wonder if the military is looking atthe  round. If all they really have to do is swap out barrels, not even uppers, it would be a hell of a cheap way to give the M-16 the added ummph the guys in the sandbox have been asking for. That said I wasn't going to watch the twenty minute tape, so I can't speak to its ballistics down range. Will it reach out accurately to say 300-400 yards? Even if it doesn't it still, with  complete uppers, be a cheap way to equip the units like MPs and SF that are kicking in doors.


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Re: .300 Blackout. Hickok .45 Approved. Man I Want This Guys Yard!!
« Reply #11 on: December 07, 2011, 06:59:32 PM »
If demand increases, the price of ammo will decrease (God Willing)...,....Ammo is hovering over .75 cents a rd. and up.. :-\

although, we have holiday $15 per 20.....

Yet the uppers and barrels can be had for a very reasonable price right now. I posted about it in the Just in time for Christmas thread.

Unless your billt,  ::) I don't have to stockpile quite as much .300 ammo as I have 5.56/.223. Just a quick change upper, and a 220gr subsonic thumper, or 147 JHP...which carries more energy than a 5.56 by almost 25%.

Ammo prices need to come down,....although, .223 brass can be reloaded to .300 specs. Hmmmm,..... ;)

When the zombies are in a Buick, having a little extra makes a big difference.

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Re: .300 Blackout. Hickok .45 Approved. Man I Want This Guys Yard!!
« Reply #12 on: December 07, 2011, 08:51:06 PM »
He is a teacher.  I have two stripped lowers sitting around and one of them might become a .300 Blackout and the other a 6.8 spc.

Tyler Durden

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Re: .300 Blackout. Hickok .45 Approved. Man I Want This Guys Yard!!
« Reply #13 on: December 11, 2011, 12:16:55 AM »
I don't mean to pee on anyone's wheaties....but I don't quite get all the hype the .300 Blackout is receiving.

for the 125 grain .300 Blackout loading, the velocity is about the same as what you get for a 7.62X39Russian ammo, supposedly.

I have an AR15 in 7.62X39Russian that I will one day chrono its bullets.  It has a 16 inch barrel.

I am thinking  that if you already have an AK47, instead of blowing your pennies  on a whole new AR in .300 Blackout, just get the stamp for a suppressor, a 7.62 one, and put that on your AK.  then handload up your 7.62X39Russian ammo with heavy bullets that are subsonic.

I think you will get about the same results but a thousand, maybe even two thousand, left in your pocket.


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Re: .300 Blackout. Hickok .45 Approved. Man I Want This Guys Yard!!
« Reply #14 on: December 11, 2011, 07:31:29 AM »
I don't mean to pee on anyone's wheaties....but I don't quite get all the hype the .300 Blackout is receiving.

for the 125 grain .300 Blackout loading, the velocity is about the same as what you get for a 7.62X39Russian ammo, supposedly.

I have an AR15 in 7.62X39Russian that I will one day chrono its bullets.  It has a 16 inch barrel.

I am thinking  that if you already have an AK47, instead of blowing your pennies  on a whole new AR in .300 Blackout, just get the stamp for a suppressor, a 7.62 one, and put that on your AK.  then handload up your 7.62X39Russian ammo with heavy bullets that are subsonic.

I think you will get about the same results but a thousand, maybe even two thousand, left in your pocket.

Simple, really - all you need to do to get vastly improved performance over a .223 caliber and from a .30 caliber bullet, on a par with the 6.8 REM SPC for the supersonic round, is to swap out a barrel. No new magazines to keep sorted or marked or somehow designated so they don't get mixed up with the 5.56 mags like the 6.8 caliber; no new bolt carrier group; no special lower for a larger-sized round; nothing other than a new barrel, say less than $200.

For the bene's, it merits a look.
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Re: .300 Blackout. Hickok .45 Approved. Man I Want This Guys Yard!!
« Reply #15 on: December 11, 2011, 10:07:40 AM »
I don't mean to pee on anyone's wheaties....but I don't quite get all the hype the .300 Blackout is receiving.

for the 125 grain .300 Blackout loading, the velocity is about the same as what you get for a 7.62X39Russian ammo, supposedly.

I have an AR15 in 7.62X39Russian that I will one day chrono its bullets.  It has a 16 inch barrel.

I am thinking  that if you already have an AK47, instead of blowing your pennies  on a whole new AR in .300 Blackout, just get the stamp for a suppressor, a 7.62 one, and put that on your AK.  then handload up your 7.62X39Russian ammo with heavy bullets that are subsonic.

I think you will get about the same results but a thousand, maybe even two thousand, left in your pocket.

But Hickock was shooting 147 grain loads, and reloader's can load any .308 bullet  which presumably would give more range, stability, and energy at longer ranges in heavier weights.
I know .308 bullets are available in 200+ gr weights, how much the heavier loads may beat up the gun I don't know, but unlike the M1/M1A there is no Op Rod to bend.


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Re: .300 Blackout. Hickok .45 Approved. Man I Want This Guys Yard!!
« Reply #16 on: December 12, 2011, 01:46:25 AM »
I'm looking at the cases trying to find a cheaper way out. Judging by the case OAL, I'm wondering if you couldn't cut off .223 / 5.56 MM cases in a lathe just behind the shoulder. Then simply run them through a .300 Blackout full length resizing die, minus the expander plug. (The case would be too thick for it at this point.) You would then most likely have to ream the case neck, but that's no big deal. After you get several of them to this point, all that would be left is to trim to finished OAL.

If you experimented a bit you could most likely cut them off to within a few thousandths of finish size at the get go, so all that would be required is a couple of cranks on the trimmer. This would be a lot easier than going through the whole necking up deal, and you wouldn't end up with a case that was way too long and still be faced with the trimming issue.

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Re: .300 Blackout. Hickok .45 Approved. Man I Want This Guys Yard!!
« Reply #17 on: December 12, 2011, 02:29:47 AM »
Simple, really - all you need to do to get vastly improved performance over a .223 caliber and from a .30 caliber bullet, on a par with the 6.8 REM SPC for the supersonic round, is to swap out a barrel. No new magazines to keep sorted or marked or somehow designated so they don't get mixed up with the 5.56 mags like the 6.8 caliber; no new bolt carrier group; no special lower for a larger-sized round; nothing other than a new barrel, say less than $200.

For the bene's, it merits a look.

I am on a MacBook computer, and consequently, my options are limited as far as FREE downloadable ballistics calculators go.  Just doing a quick image google search, this is what I came up with:

.300WT is Wilson Tactical.

Here is a chart I found for 6.8 SPC and 6.5 Grendel:

I'm not here to debate the lego blockness of the AR15 platform.

From what I have gathered off the internet the other name for the .300 Blackout is 7.62X35mm.  The 7.62X39mmRussian round is....well...the case is 39 milimeters long.  So a whole whopping 4 milimeters longer than the .300 Blackout case.  Given certain case dimensions or parameters, in my opinion, you are only going to wring out just so much exterior ballistics performance.

All I am saying is if you have an AK or some other platform in 7.62X39Russian...AND....(this is the kicker) you live in one of those free-er states where you are trusted to own suppressors, instead of getting all ga-ga eyed over the .300Blackout and having your money burn a hole through your pocket, you might want to try or to experiment handloading 7.62X39Russian ammo with heavier bullets at subsonic velocities.

Then go out and get you a 7.62 muzzle can.  If your project doesn't work, well, you still have the muzzle can, and the tax stamp already then you can go drop your coin on a whole new complete .300 Blackout AR15, a complete .300 Blackout AR upper, or just do a barrel swap on one of your existing AR15 uppers.

The other thing I am saying is, in my opinion, the purpose behind every new caliber (and it's advertising hype) is to sell you new guns, barrels, or other gadgets/doo-dads like suppressors.

The proof is in the pudding...and the pudding is those trajectory charts.

If somebody is selling new .300 Blackout barrels for $200, you post up a link?

Tyler Durden

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Re: .300 Blackout. Hickok .45 Approved. Man I Want This Guys Yard!!
« Reply #18 on: December 12, 2011, 02:39:45 AM »
But Hickock was shooting 147 grain loads, and reloader's can load any .308 bullet  which presumably would give more range, stability, and energy at longer ranges in heavier weights.
I know .308 bullets are available in 200+ gr weights, how much the heavier loads may beat up the gun I don't know, but unlike the M1/M1A there is no Op Rod to bend.

This a bit like painting with too broad of a brush, but given the same caliber, gun and everything, ASSuming you are going to be pushing a heavier bullet, I am thinking that your range isn't always going to increase....your velocity will have to decrease, because that cartridge case and the gun can only withstand so much p.s.i. (or c.u.p.).

Stability is based upon matching up the correct rifle twist rate to the bullet weight....or vice versa.


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Re: .300 Blackout. Hickok .45 Approved. Man I Want This Guys Yard!!
« Reply #19 on: December 12, 2011, 06:52:47 AM »

If somebody is selling new .300 Blackout barrels for $200, you post up a link?

That's the easy part.

The AAC and Noveske barrels are pricy, the CMMG, SI and Stoner are right around the $200 mark I mentioned.

As for the ballistics, I will have to look myself, as I have never chronographed the rounds. Heck, I haven't even shot the Grendel or .300AAC Blackout!  ;D
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