Author Topic: Shooting Gallery Has Jumped The Shark  (Read 38812 times)


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Re: Shooting Gallery Has Jumped The Shark
« Reply #30 on: February 03, 2012, 12:22:02 PM »
Understood!  I accepted long ago that I am not in the majority, and I continue to just live with that fact.
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Re: Shooting Gallery Has Jumped The Shark
« Reply #31 on: February 03, 2012, 12:23:53 PM »
The problem is that we live in a world of ratings...we did exactly that with COWBOYS, for exactly the reasons you stated, and we got our head handed to us on a platter. I got a lot of "cut the boring crap" email. I thought the shows were darned interesting or I wouldn't have signed off on them.

It's sort of like the "kids shooting" conundrum...EVERYONE says they want to see more young people shooting on TV. The lowest ratings I've ever gotten have been on youth shooting shows. That tells me that while we may honestly be interested in getting more young people to come into the shootingsports — and we are — we don't want to see them do it.

Years back, I did write  an executive summary, the primary selling tool for television shows, of a traveling shoot show, but it focused on special events, exotic competitions, etc. I may yet be able to sell it.

I once had a charming lunch with Sidney Biddles Barrow, the so-called and quite notorious Mayflower Madam. In the course of that lunch, I asked her what she could tell me that I didn't know about men and sex. She laughed and said when she got into the "business," she asked all her men friends what they wanted in a prospective lover. The overwhelming answer was, "wholesome," "freckles," "red-haired," "cute," "country girl" get the picture. So she said she combed the Midwest and for just those type of women, recruited them and...they simply couldn't get work. No guy was interested in these wholesome, milk-fed beauties. I realized, Ms. Barrow said, that I had asked the wrong question. It's not "what men want," but "what men will pay for." And in the end, men will pay for "blonde and boobs."

That lunch has served me well in the television business...LOL!

Michael B

And thus was born M'ette? ? ? ? ? ?

running for the corner......
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J.B. Books


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Re: Shooting Gallery Has Jumped The Shark
« Reply #32 on: March 05, 2012, 11:40:32 PM »
...Some of us don't have the opportunity to watch the show because we don't get the Outdoor Channel, stinking Comcast.

FYI,  I guess it depends on where you are.  I have Comcast here in Forsyth County Ga, and get Outdoor (twice actually, ch 270 in normal, and 748 in HD).  Also get Sportsman Channel, but not in HD  (of course, no MB shows there, but good glad I get it!).


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Re: Shooting Gallery Has Jumped The Shark
« Reply #33 on: March 07, 2012, 11:02:58 AM »

" And in the end, men will pay for "blonde and boobs."

That lunch has served me well in the television business...LOL!

Michael B

hmmmm....  maybe you need to do some selective co-host selection.

I bet almost any competition would draw viewers if, say, Jessie Harrison were to help narrate the event.  Any firearms topic would draw viewers with her helping out.  Shoot, we might tune in to see her watch grass grow if there were enough camera angles  ;D ;D ;D
Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!"
—Patrick Henry

"Good intentions will always be pleaded for every assumption of authority. It is hardly too strong to say that the Constitution was made to guard the people against the dangers of good intentions. There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters."
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Re: Shooting Gallery Has Jumped The Shark
« Reply #34 on: March 07, 2012, 11:29:42 AM »
It's not "what men want," but "what men will pay for." And in the end, men will pay for "blonde and boobs."

That lunch has served me well in the television business...LOL!

Michael B

More Jessie Duff ... More Jessie Duff ... More Jessie Duff

 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

What?  She's not blond you say  ???  I guess I never get above her shoulders  ;)

More Julie G ... More Julie G ... More Julie G

 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
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Re: Shooting Gallery Has Jumped The Shark
« Reply #35 on: Today at 01:12:43 AM »


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Re: Shooting Gallery Has Jumped The Shark
« Reply #35 on: March 12, 2012, 09:45:28 AM »
Gotta throw my hat in with the OP.
I'm out with Shooting Gallery - use to love it - now its not keeping my attention, its going in the direction MB wants it to go and its doing better than years past - just with out me on board.

Sad thing is Best Defense has lost me too.
I just can't warm up to Mike Seeklander - I watch it - the audio is still junk for me - and just can't wrap my brain around a new co-host so I stopped watching it after the third show and have not gone back.
For me Rob IS the shooting host of Best Defense - who the hell is this imposter.

Still like BDS - and Gun Stories when I'm interested in the gun.. if not it does not stay on more than 5 min.

Pod Cast is an always - must get my weekley dose of MB brain drippings.

I try to look at Tom Gresham's Guns & Gear but it is more of a long running commercial than informative.

But OP is correct - the shark be jumped.
(for me)


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Re: Shooting Gallery Has Jumped The Shark
« Reply #36 on: March 12, 2012, 08:35:08 PM »
I have to admit....the first few shows were somewhat tedious....but then SG hit its stride and did some great shows like Tombstone, supressors, and future guns. The Hollywood guns on the CRIMINAL MINDS set was fantastic! Keep shooting for the Gun Culture 2.0 audience, and we will watch....
Why, yes....I'm the right-wing extremist Obama warned you about... ;D

I just wish Texas was as free and independent as everyone thinks it is...   :'(


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Re: Shooting Gallery Has Jumped The Shark
« Reply #37 on: March 14, 2012, 01:00:35 PM »
I registered just to add my own opinion to this thread...

Like the OP, I too think the new format is....just awful  The content, mind you, is fine, please keep it diverse and fresh and you'll keep everyone coming for more. Show me someone who doesn't like competition segments, I'll show you someone who does.  You can't keep everyone happy, so don't try to.

Audience interstitial format:

This is embarrassing in its awkwardness. Smacks of small town cable access. From a casting POV, they all tend to be old and white, which makes the format appear at a glance to be a talk show for the white power division of the AARP. They ask you overly rehearsed questions in a stilted manner, then you proceed to turn away to answer to the camera. The whole thing makes me cringe.

- Lose the audience entirely. It serves no purpose.

- If and when necessary, shoot these interstitial segments with you, by yourself, against a more content-appropriate backdrop.

Celebrity Rimfire Challenge:

Fine, but for most of these segments their resume does not standout enough to allow them to hide buried under ballcap and shooting glasses.  If you don't know the obscure TV show they used to be on or the character they played in that movie ten years ago, you certainly won't be able to visually recognize them either.

- Ask that they do the interview portion with these removed when possible, then put them on for shooting.

Watching them run through the course of fire five times is terribly redundant and disinteresting.

- Show two strings, then use graphics to show how they did in five overall.  Cut to the chase.


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Re: Shooting Gallery Has Jumped The Shark
« Reply #38 on: March 14, 2012, 01:50:33 PM »
Call me a gun geek, but I like watching them shoot all five strings - no matter how painful it is.  All of us that shoot competition or just for fun remember those learning days.  I do agree that I would like to see a graphic showing all five times, the throw away, and the current standings.

Keep up the good work MB!
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Re: Shooting Gallery Has Jumped The Shark
« Reply #39 on: March 14, 2012, 01:53:36 PM »
Call me a gun geek, but I like watching them shoot all five strings - no matter how painful it is.  All of us that shoot competition or just for fun remember those learning days.  I do agree that I would like to see a graphic showing all five times, the throw away, and the current standings.

Keep up the good work MB!

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