
Someone has started a petition to the POTUS to allow Louisiana to secede peacefully from the union.

Good.  I'll sign it.
4 (36.4%)
I'll sign it and start a petition for my state.
7 (63.6%)
Go back home and be a good boy.
0 (0%)
I am a coward, I would never sign anything like that.
0 (0%)
It is divisive.
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 10

Author Topic: W H I T E H O U S E - DOT - GOV - P E T I T I O N  (Read 7316 times)


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Re: W H I T E H O U S E - DOT - GOV - P E T I T I O N
« Reply #20 on: November 13, 2012, 09:09:00 PM »
And gee, that worked out well.

The secession part worked fine, it was enforcing on the Feds that caused the war.
Are you really stupid enough to think asking "Obama may I ?" will lead to a different result ?

To true I just wanted to be on the list.And so did 84,000+ others.

That's the only logical reason I can see for petitioning Washington over a matter that has to be passed by the State legislature.
Or do you think the feds would say "hey Texas, we don't want the worlds 16th largest economy as part of our country any more" ?

Considering that they just reelected Obama I'm not surprised that people are dumb enough to go along with this, I'm just surprised there are so many ignorant people on this forum.


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Re: W H I T E H O U S E - DOT - GOV - P E T I T I O N
« Reply #21 on: November 13, 2012, 10:01:47 PM »
I think Tom is right and the way to secede from the USA is through your state legislature and a referendum on your state's ballot. If the majority of the voters go for it, it's done. Not an easy thing to do overall. There will be consequences. So do we set up Obama to be Lincoln to preserve the union? But if, MD and VA secede, wither DC?

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Re: W H I T E H O U S E - DOT - GOV - P E T I T I O N
« Reply #22 on: November 14, 2012, 08:15:42 AM »
Last night Hannity interviewed Daniel Miller, president of the Texas Nationalist Movement.  The folks who are serious about this issue understand EXACTLY what is required for secession - both Constitutionally and legally.  It's an interesting interview.


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Re: W H I T E H O U S E - DOT - GOV - P E T I T I O N
« Reply #23 on: November 14, 2012, 09:14:18 AM »
Guys...each election this comes and each election the numbers grow. Has anyone thought that maybe this is just a fact finding poll of how their fellow statesmen feel?

Think about. This is merely paper to wake up the administration. But if Texas  organizers finds they have the votes to get it passed in their legislature, I wouldn't be shocked if you see a campaign in the papers and on TV start for the next major vote.

This is a grass roots approach at democracy. Our "tea party" act sans the loss of leaves. Acts of defiance are becoming public now in the media. Soon there will be orators on the street corners and midnight meetings in the local churches.

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Re: W H I T E H O U S E - DOT - GOV - P E T I T I O N
« Reply #24 on: November 14, 2012, 12:49:21 PM »
Last I saw it was 20 states wanting to withdraw, as it should be . 8)


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Re: W H I T E H O U S E - DOT - GOV - P E T I T I O N
« Reply #25 on: Today at 09:50:57 AM »


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Re: W H I T E H O U S E - DOT - GOV - P E T I T I O N
« Reply #25 on: November 14, 2012, 01:16:51 PM »

And what did Justice Scalia say? Pretty much that not only could Maine not secede (ironically enough, Maine is one of the three states that has no secession petition on the White House website), but the question is so firmly settled that it could not even get a hearing before the Supreme Court, because the United States government would refuse to entertain it:

    I am afraid I cannot be of much help with your problem, principally because I cannot imagine that such a question could ever reach the Supreme Court. To begin with, the answer is clear. If there was any constitutional issue resolved by the Civil War, it is that there is no right to secede. (Hence, in the Pledge of Allegiance, “one Nation, indivisible.”) Secondly, I find it difficult to envision who the parties to this lawsuit might be. Is the State suing the United States for a declaratory judgment? But the United States cannot be sued without its consent, and it has not consented to this sort of suit.

>>>>>>>>>>>MORE AT LINK<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


Glenn Beck responded to the wave of post-election secession petitions (which have now hit all 50 states) during both his radio and television programs Tuesday, relaying a simple message to his audience: taking part isn’t smart.

“Now how do you think that’s going to work out?” Beck asked on his radio show. “I mean, how dumb do you have to be?  Really?  You’re putting your name on a list that goes directly to the White House, and you’re putting your name on a list and saying, ‘yeah I think we should secede, I think there should be a Civil War.’”

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Re: W H I T E H O U S E - DOT - GOV - P E T I T I O N
« Reply #26 on: November 18, 2012, 07:59:06 PM »
....."It does not take a majority to prevail... but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men." - Samuel Adams.

It is actually advocation....and no one I know of is shallow enough to believe it is an actual step to secession.

Bosnia may have been a civil war; what happened in North America in the 1860's was not a civil war but a war between two separate nations.  The war in Bosnia is particulary loathsome in the extreme suffering of civilians....any future conflict that would happen here would be more like a civil war among citizens and less like a War Between The States...it would be particularly horrible for inner city dwellers who must have the very fragile water, food, power and sewer services to make such a place livable.  If such a thing ever happens in North America it would be an extreme tragedy.     

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Re: W H I T E H O U S E - DOT - GOV - P E T I T I O N
« Reply #27 on: November 18, 2012, 09:45:36 PM »
What Rastus said about the war between the states not being a "Civil war" is generally true, but overlooks events in Kansas and Missouri .


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Re: W H I T E H O U S E - DOT - GOV - P E T I T I O N
« Reply #28 on: November 18, 2012, 09:51:26 PM »
When they tried to stand down many were murdered for their support of the Confederacy....lot of animosity still in the region towards that.  A couple of friends from Missouri still harbor hard feelings passed down from their families.
Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom.
It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves.
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Re: W H I T E H O U S E - DOT - GOV - P E T I T I O N
« Reply #29 on: November 18, 2012, 10:41:18 PM »
It is actually advocation....and no one I know of is shallow enough to believe it is an actual step to secession.

Bosnia may have been a civil war; what happened in North America in the 1860's was not a civil war but a war between two separate nations.  The war in Bosnia is particulary loathsome in the extreme suffering of civilians....any future conflict that would happen here would be more like a civil war among citizens and less like a War Between The States...it would be particularly horrible for inner city dwellers who must have the very fragile water, food, power and sewer services to make such a place livable.  If such a thing ever happens in North America it would be an extreme tragedy.     

Are you kidding me? That might have been true in the 1860s when most people lived and died within a hundred miles of where they were born. But now? Look at states like NC., Va., Fl., NH., where you have a huge percentage of out of staters moving in. Do you think they'll flock to the state flag or flock to the Union? Tom is right. It will be neighbor against neighbor, just like Kansas or Bosnia. 


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