Author Topic: Gun Ban List  (Read 2300 times)


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Gun Ban List
« on: November 21, 2012, 04:03:25 PM »

Obama's Gun Ban List Is Out: “Here It Is, Folks, And It Is Bad News"

Remember, the first step in establishing a dictatorship is to disarm the citizens.

Gun-ban list proposed. Gun bans will impact our freedoms under search and seizure, due process, confiscated property, states’ rights, free speech, right to assemble and more, in addition to the Second Amendment. The Democrats current gun-ban-list proposal (final list will be worse):

Rifles (or copies or duplicates):
M1 Carbine,
Sturm Ruger Mini-14,
Bushmaster XM15,
Armalite M15,
Thompson 1927,
Thompson M1;
NHM 90,
NHM 91,
SA 85,
SA 93,
Olympic Arms PCR;
Calico Liberty ,
Dragunov SVD Sniper Rifle or Dragunov SVU, Fabrique National FN/FAL, FN/LAR, or FNC, Hi-Point20Carbine, HK-91, HK-93, HK-94, HK-PSG-1, Thompson 1927 Commando, Kel-Tec Sub Rifle; Saiga, SAR-8, SAR-4800, SKS with detachable magazine, SLG 95, SLR 95 or 96, Steyr AU, Tavor, Uzi, Galil and Uzi Sporter, Galil Sporter, or Galil Sniper Rifle ( Galatz ).
Pistols (or copies or duplicates):
Calico M-110,
MAC-11, or MPA3,
Olympic Arms OA,
TEC-22 Scorpion, or AB-10,
Shotguns (or copies or duplicates):
Armscor 30 BG,
SPAS 12 or LAW 12,
Striker 12,
Streetsweeper. Catch-all category (for anything missed or new designs):
A semiautomatic rifle that accepts a detachable magazine and has:
(i) a folding or telescoping stock,
(ii) a threaded barrel,
(iii) a pistol grip (which includes ANYTHING that can serve as a grip, see below),
(iv) a forward grip; or a barrel shroud.
Any semiautomatic rifle with a fixed magazine that can accept more than
10 rounds (except tubular magazine .22 rim fire rifles).
A semiautomatic pistol that has the ability to accept a detachable magazine, and has:
(i) a second pistol grip,
(ii) a threaded barrel,
(iii) a barrel shroud or
(iv) can accept a detachable magazine outside of the pistol grip, and
(v) a semiautomatic pistol with a fixed magazine that can accept more than 10 rounds.
A semiautomatic shotgun with:
(i) a folding or telescoping stock,
(ii) a pistol grip (see definition below),
(iii) the ability to accept a detachable magazine or a fixed magazine capacity of more than 5 rounds, and
(iv) a shotgun with a revolving cylinder.

Frames or receivers for the above are included, along with conversion kits.

Attorney General gets carte blanche to ban guns at will: Under the proposal, the U.S. Attorney General can add any “semiautomatic rifle or shotgun originally designed for military or law enforcement use, or a firearm based on the design of such a firearm, that is not particularly suitable for sporting purposes, as determined by the Attorney General.”
"I expect perdition, I always have. I keep this building at my back, and several guns handy, in case perdition arrives in a form that's susceptible to bullets. I expect it will come in the disease form, though. I'm susceptible to diseases, and you can't shoot a damned disease." ~ Judge Roy Bean, Streets of Laredo

For the Patriots of this country, the Constitution is second only to the Bible for most. For those who love this country, but do not share my personal beliefs, it is their Bible. To them nothing comes before the Constitution of these United States of America. For this we are all labeled potential terrorists. ~ Dean Garrison

"When it comes to the enemy, just because they ain't pullin' a trigger, doesn't mean they ain't totin' ammo for those that are."~PegLeg


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Re: Gun Ban List
« Reply #1 on: November 21, 2012, 04:25:02 PM »
When the Nazis came for the communists,
I remained silent;
I was not a communist.
When they locked up the social democrats,
I remained silent;
I was not a social democrat.
When they came for the trade unionists,
I did not speak out;
I was not a trade unionist.
When they came for the Jews,
I did not speak out;
I was not a Jew.
When they came for me, there was no one left to speak out.

Friedrich Gustav Martin Niemöller

I certainly hope someone speaks up for me, because I am on that list!
If I appear taller than other men it is because I am standing on the shoulders of others.


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Re: Gun Ban List
« Reply #2 on: November 21, 2012, 04:37:41 PM »
Heck, I think we are ALL on that list.   >:(  >:(
"I expect perdition, I always have. I keep this building at my back, and several guns handy, in case perdition arrives in a form that's susceptible to bullets. I expect it will come in the disease form, though. I'm susceptible to diseases, and you can't shoot a damned disease." ~ Judge Roy Bean, Streets of Laredo

For the Patriots of this country, the Constitution is second only to the Bible for most. For those who love this country, but do not share my personal beliefs, it is their Bible. To them nothing comes before the Constitution of these United States of America. For this we are all labeled potential terrorists. ~ Dean Garrison

"When it comes to the enemy, just because they ain't pullin' a trigger, doesn't mean they ain't totin' ammo for those that are."~PegLeg


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Re: Gun Ban List
« Reply #3 on: November 21, 2012, 07:04:31 PM »
My only concern is where this list came from.

It was posted on the AGO forum from:  Alan Korwin – Author Gun Laws Of America

But he didn't provide a link as to where he got this list.

I'm sure there are many gun banners who have a list like this, or even more, but before I go repeating "the sky is falling", I'd like to know where he got his info.

Will work for ammo
USAF MAC 437th MAW 1968-1972


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Re: Gun Ban List
« Reply #4 on: November 22, 2012, 11:31:42 AM »
Looks like is the original AWB list with a couple of the loopholes closed and the addition of the AG clause.
When seconds mean the difference between life and death, the police will be minutes away.

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Re: Gun Ban List
« Reply #5 on: Today at 01:16:38 AM »


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Re: Gun Ban List
« Reply #5 on: November 27, 2012, 07:29:23 AM »

But he didn't provide a link as to where he got this list.

THAT says it all.


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Re: Gun Ban List
« Reply #6 on: November 27, 2012, 08:31:28 AM »
My only concern is where this list came from.

It was posted on the AGO forum from:  Alan Korwin – Author Gun Laws Of America

But he didn't provide a link as to where he got this list.

I'm sure there are many gun banners who have a list like this, or even more, but before I go repeating "the sky is falling", I'd like to know where he got his info.
Exactly.  I don't think this is legit.  I'll bet a dollar that the next AWB proposal will not be a list of specific makes or models, but will ban features, i.e. action types, capacities, etc.  I'll bet it'll be similar to here in CA where they ban "evil features" and all guns will need to go through a DOJ evaluation process and declared "approved" before they can be sold.  Libs now understand that lists soon become out of date and learn from the loopholes in their former ban attempts.
"If guns are outlawed, only the government will have guns." - Edward Abbey


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Re: Gun Ban List
« Reply #7 on: November 27, 2012, 12:57:35 PM »
It's not the 'list' of guns in and of itself..... it was the part highlighted in red that tells the tale. Even without a supporting link from the blog's author, I have seen wording like this for several years. It's the little words at the end of a piece of legislation that they hope no one notices until it's too late.
BHO wants to get things set where the AG has control over weapons (under BHO's tutelage, of course).
"I expect perdition, I always have. I keep this building at my back, and several guns handy, in case perdition arrives in a form that's susceptible to bullets. I expect it will come in the disease form, though. I'm susceptible to diseases, and you can't shoot a damned disease." ~ Judge Roy Bean, Streets of Laredo

For the Patriots of this country, the Constitution is second only to the Bible for most. For those who love this country, but do not share my personal beliefs, it is their Bible. To them nothing comes before the Constitution of these United States of America. For this we are all labeled potential terrorists. ~ Dean Garrison

"When it comes to the enemy, just because they ain't pullin' a trigger, doesn't mean they ain't totin' ammo for those that are."~PegLeg


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Re: Gun Ban List
« Reply #8 on: November 28, 2012, 12:41:46 PM »
Author Alan Korwin
as drawn by Pulitzer-prize-winning cartoonist Steve Benson

I did not write this:

Obama's Gun Ban List Is Out

Here it is, folks, and it is bad news. The framework for legislation is always laid, and the Democrats have the votes to pass anything they want to impose upon us. They really do not believe you need anything more than a brick to defend your home and family. Look at the list and see how many you own. Remember, it is registration, then confiscation. It has happened in the UK, in Australia, in Europe, in China, and what they have found is that for some reason the criminals do not turn in their weapons, but will know that you did.
Remember, the first step in establishing a dictatorship is to disarm the citizens.

Where did that email come from?
A lot of people apparently got it before someone sent me a copy.
I'd like to write to whoever decided to create and circulate it.
I finally got it in this link from someone:

I did not write that inflammatory paragraph and its next sentence,
even though someone has attributed that to me.


I did indeed post, in January 2009, the huge list of guns to be banned that came with it -- which I took directly from a Democrat's proposed bill, HR 1022, in the 110th Congress. That list is accurate (as it appeared in the link above, and as it remains posted on my website), including the blanket powers to be granted to the Attorney General, amounting to an extraordinarily broad firearms ban.

["Rifles (or copies or duplicates): M1 Carbine, Sturm Ruger Mini-14, AR-15, Bushmaster XM15, Armalite M15, AR-10, Thompson 1927, Thompson M1; AK, AKM, AKS, AK-47, AK-74, ARM, MAK90, NHM 90, NHM 91..." <snip> the list goes on at great length, including shotguns, handguns, gear, parts and much more, go to my website for the whole list]

That part is not invented. It was from Congress. In 2009.
To everyone who wrote to me asking for the source, there it is.

No one, including the Democrats, expected that to have a chance of passage at that time,
under President Bush. It simply showed what they wished for, and they introduced it into Congress.

It is horrifying from a gun-rights perspective.
Whoever used my name without my permission or knowledge was at least clever.

My original posting is here, including the list of guns to be banned, and you can read it:
If you own a gun, chances are yours is included, because along with the specific lists,
are features guns have, like grips (you read that right), and anything the AG might decide to add.

The Brady Gun-Ban Strategy, issued at the same time at the beginning of Obama's first term, is here:
It did not circulate very far outside their own circles.
The lamestream media basically ignored it because it was so incendiary.

This is why the left was so disappointed with Obama's performance:
he failed to act on their astounding rights-removal plans.
Their respect for the fundamental civil and human right to arms is lower than you can dream.

Now, as far as I'm aware, no one outside his inner circle has seen his current plans.

Saying "Obama’s Gun Ban List Is Out" -- and attributing that to me, is false.

I would sure like to know who did that.

But the list of guns was real, it was proposed in Congress almost four years ago.

Who knows what they're planning now. Wait and see.
I doubt it will be good, if your rights mean anything.

As before, I'll be watching, and will continue to post these things as I find them.

I read the bills, and describe them in plain English. I get other insider info.
It's what I do. Get on my list on my home page --

I have the UN Arms Trade Treaty spelled out in my reports 113, 114 and 116, here:
113- How treaties can trump the Constitution; 114- The UN treaty spelled out in plain English;
116- Mexico's plan to use it against us, from our pro-rights Ambassador Donald Mahley.

Get on my list on my home page --

Permission to circulate this memo gladly granted.


P.S. If that doesn't worry you enough, scroll down to this item on my New Stuff page:
also introduced into Congress, HR 45, at about the same time, the beginning of Obama's term.
It would require a test to own a gun that no one could pass, plus biometric ID that doesn't exist.
It also had no chance of passage, but shows how they were thinking. It got no co-sponsors,
was introduced by former Black Panther Bobby Rush, and what's our Congress come to.


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