Author Topic: Kill List’ rule book may be coming soon to the White House Situation Room  (Read 1447 times)


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The White House "kill list"--a regularly updated chart showing the world's most wanted terrorists used by President Barack Obama during kill or capture debates--may soon be getting a rule book to go with it.

According to the New York Times, the administration--faced with the possibility that President Obama might lose the 2012 election to Mitt Romney--"accelerated work in the weeks before the election to develop explicit rules for the targeted killing of terrorists by unmanned drones, so that a new president would inherit clear standards and procedures."

Until now, President Obama has had the "final moral calculation" overseeing the "kill list," the existence of which was first revealed in May in the wake of a drone strike that killed an al-Qaida leader.

But according to the paper, administration officials are looking to curb the power of the commander in chief with the rule book:

    "There was concern that the levers might no longer be in our hands," said one official, speaking on condition of anonymity. With a continuing debate about the proper limits of drone strikes, Mr. Obama did not want to leave an "amorphous" program to his successor, the official said. The effort, which would have been rushed to completion by January had Mr. Romney won, will now be finished at a more leisurely pace, the official said.

President Obama has voiced his support for such rules.

"Creating a legal structure, processes, with oversight checks on how we use unmanned weapons is going to be a challenge for me and my successors for some time to come," President Obama said in an interview with author Mark Bowden for "The Finish," a book on the killing of Osama bin Laden. "There's a remoteness to it that makes it tempting to think that somehow we can, without any mess on our hands, solve vexing security problems."

The U.S. drone program, which was launched by President George W. Bush, has been expanded under the current administration. Since Obama took office in 2009, there have been more 300 drone strikes carried out by the U.S. military, according to the Times.

Earlier this year, critics of the "kill list" launched a petition on the White House website to create a "Do Not Kill" list to protect U.S. citizens from drone strikes by their own government. The petition, though, failed to meet the 25,000-signature threshold required to get an official response from the White House.


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Politicals aside, I have zero problem with anything in that article. The POTUS should be able to green light a foriegn national, but there should be a legal means to hold them accountable. What's the problem?


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The problem as I see it is that while it may be a guide line for implementation it is other wise useless.
It will not give legal protection to underlings who carry out National Security missions should a later administration or Congress decide to grandstand by crucifying the people who followed the orders.
Look at the careers of CIA personnel that were destroyed over the attempts to assassinate Castro, Patrice Lumamba and others.
Those missions were carried out on the orders of Presidents Ike, Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon, (RFK was the driving force behind the Castro assassination project) with in the guidelines set up by White House lawyers, with monthly review by the NSC and with the knowledge of selected Senators and Congressmen.
But when the Church committee began digging it was, (and continues to be ) the CIA that takes the blame for actions they were ordered to perform.


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To my mind the only thing the CIA should be blamed for is that they failed to kill any of those guys. ;D


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Some one got Lumamba.
He was "rescued" from house arrested, but wound up hacked to pieces.(it's Africa, what do you expect ? )


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Once again we have anonymity  >:(  Do we not have anyone with the balls to speak out anymore?  Our nation was founded by men who not only put their careers and finances on the line, but the risked their mortal lives by speaking up, speaking out, and by signing on.
If I appear taller than other men it is because I am standing on the shoulders of others.


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