Author Topic: AWB Gun Ban - Place your bets how it will unfold.  (Read 5049 times)


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Re: AWB Gun Ban - Place your bets how it will unfold.
« Reply #10 on: December 22, 2012, 11:32:29 AM »
I would expect that there will be a mandatory mental health revision out into this, as stated before and above. I would suspect ANY person who has had medication presented for any mental issue or has seeked psychological/psychiatrist assistance for any diagnosed personality disorder will be brought into question.

That is probably the only level of "no grandfathering" that may apply.

Another unintended consequence of including mental health provisions would be that existing gun owners would fear or simply refuse to seek assistance for conditions that have no bearing on ones suitability to own guns.  This would be tragic and would leave thousands to suffer needlessly.


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Re: AWB Gun Ban - Place your bets how it will unfold.
« Reply #11 on: December 22, 2012, 01:32:24 PM »
"We fought a war once for arms stolen from an armory .
What will we do for the ones we've actually paid for ?"

Well, Tom, we did indeed. We banded together, formed a well regulated militia and even a funded, regular armyin the 1770's. We did that again in the 1860's, ostensibly for the wrong reasons. The difference today? Who's going to come to your aid, Tom? Who is going to come to mine? Western MD will be a landlocked enclave of 200,000 people, over half of whom will be Tories (i.e. lily livered progressives). So, in today's age, how do we band together? Government is intent on keeping us divided, excluded from major ports of entry, taxed to the point we cannot afford to rebel, restricted in our activities, constantly monitored and outgunned...most definitely outgunned. All in the name of public safety, protection from terrorists, and the common good.  Government has successfully and intentionally divided us and we all helped. Soon we will be left with the "pen being mightier that the sword". Really?

"Often in error, never in doubt!"


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Re: AWB Gun Ban - Place your bets how it will unfold.
« Reply #12 on: December 22, 2012, 05:00:16 PM »
Actually, it' not to different from 1775, most of the colonies were strongly Tory.
Adam's, Jefferson, etc were a small very radical minority .


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Re: AWB Gun Ban - Place your bets how it will unfold.
« Reply #13 on: December 23, 2012, 03:55:16 AM »
Another unintended consequence of including mental health provisions would be that existing gun owners would fear or simply refuse to seek assistance for conditions that have no bearing on ones suitability to own guns.  This would be tragic and would leave thousands to suffer needlessly.

I actually believe there should be a mental health evaluation for hoplophobics and that a true liberal hoplophobic should be incarcerated, stripped of citizenship and then deported to the communist state of their choice.  An option to remain would be to chose sterilization for their entire family and to renounce government healthcare and social security benefits while promising to spend at least one weekend a month picking up brass at their local range.

I am hoping this time that everything blows over again.  If we have another large sensless slaughter in the next couple of months then maybe some of the angst already written in this thread may come true.  There's a lot of dimocrats out there that need to feel their job is threatened like it was after Clinton's AWB in the 90's...the memory is short and right now the big drums are the usual crowd of idiots....hopefully there won't be sustained support by the other dims and RINO's.

Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom.
It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves.
-William Pitt, British Prime-Minister (1759-1806)
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Re: AWB Gun Ban - Place your bets how it will unfold.
« Reply #14 on: December 23, 2012, 08:12:49 AM »
After watching gun sales over the past week I'll revise my prediction.
Import restrictions and anything that can be done through executive order or regulatory policy are guaranteed to be tried.
EBR's are probably safe because the are just so darn many of them being bought nowadays, you have to be a dedicated anti or a hard corps Fudd to still believe they have no purpose .
Standard capacity mags are iffy, You can expect to be buried under an avalanche of anti gun propaganda as the dying gun control movement tries to take on new life .


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Re: AWB Gun Ban - Place your bets how it will unfold.
« Reply #15 on: Today at 04:10:00 AM »


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Re: AWB Gun Ban - Place your bets how it will unfold.
« Reply #15 on: December 24, 2012, 09:48:18 AM »
I'm so P-Oed.  Got a notice where the Obama administration is coaxing BATFE into taking off the market, or limiting the supply, of 5.56 NATO ammunition.  They are trying to re-interpret the 1968 gun ban laws. 

I had an order pending prior to the recent incident with CTD for a can of red tipped Lake city tracers.  I checked a bit ago and it is supposed to be in processing.  Normally it would have already been shipped.  I smell a rat.  Bet the price pre-incident won't hold even if I get it at all.

I had to renew my CCW permit last month.  And have two suppressors on order.  Both in jeopardy.

One of the bigger cities in mid NC ran a front page article entitled "Thousands flock to gun show through protesters".  This paper is know for it's editorializing against gun ownership.

Non of the online suppliers of 5.56 or 223 ammo I frequent have any stock of this ammo.  The crisis mentality on both sides of the issue have lost it.

As noted earlier in the Obama administration, never let a good crisis go to waste.


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Re: AWB Gun Ban - Place your bets how it will unfold.
« Reply #16 on: December 24, 2012, 10:08:19 AM »
DeltaM, the crisis mentality actually works FOR us.
The anti's are actually a very small minority, IIRC VPC has 25,000 dues paying members.
NRA has about 10 million and rising.
The anti's have the media, when they go into crisis mode it generates a lot of noise but not much else.
The panic buying gives more and more people a tangible cash investment in opposing any new bans or regulations .
In the intelligence field there is a thing called "Blow back".
This is when you put out some propaganda to influence you opponents that winds up showing up in your own news papers or intel reports.
If you look carefully at the sources for most, if not all,  anti gun statements you will find that they are badly effected by "blow back".
As both VPC and MB have said we have reached a "tipping point" in the Gun Control debate, the "end game" so to speak.
But , ignore  manipulated polls and look at sales, where America has actually been putting it's money for the last several years, now is the time for the gun rights groups to go for the throat and put a final end to this question for the next few generations.
Faint heart ne'er won fair maid .  ;D


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Re: AWB Gun Ban - Place your bets how it will unfold.
« Reply #17 on: December 24, 2012, 10:25:46 AM »
Ah, a local guest editorial writer had a different way to attack us.

Just define what constitutes an "assault weapon" and then make them a Title 3, subject to the same transfer/ownership restrictions as machine guns.   He's even hinting that some of this could be accomplished by executive fiat instead of the burdensome legislative process.

One point he makes is that Title 3 hasn't been overturned by judiciary and so it would be a fairly "safe" place to "put" the ban.  Hinting that a re-institution of the AWB might have judicial problems.    I think classifying semi-autos as Title 3 is a risk to the anti-gunners in that it would definitely give rise to judicial review.

Will work for ammo
USAF MAC 437th MAW 1968-1972


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Re: AWB Gun Ban - Place your bets how it will unfold.
« Reply #18 on: December 24, 2012, 10:34:36 AM »
IIRC Title 3 was one of those regulations that politicians justify under the "commerce clause".
Article 1 - The Legislative Branch
Section 8 - Powers of Congress

To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes;

If we ever get our dander up those are all gone since none of us are " foreign Nations" or " the Indian Tribes;".
They can prohibit NH from imposing a tariff on Vt Maple syrup, they have no authority to say maple syrup can't be sold.


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Re: AWB Gun Ban - Place your bets how it will unfold.
« Reply #19 on: December 24, 2012, 11:00:35 AM »

Hope you are right.  The last twenty years has really made me feel politics is an evil game where the few can control the many, laws be damned.  Look at Washington DC and the cocaine snorting mayor.  Even though there gun laws have been struck down they have just tweaked them a bit to withstand another round of appeals.

In the mean time, prices have gone through the roof.  Looks like the herd mentality has a firm grip.  Reminds me of the toilet paper and anti-freeze shortage from when I was younger.  People were hoarding both to the detriment of those who ran out.  Bring in the Sears catalogue from the outhouse.
This is almost a dollar a round and climbing


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