I picked it up today and I like it!, never even handled one before I ordered it but it would seemed to fulfill many of the 'wants' I had.
Firstly, apart from the take down latch, it's fully ambidextrous which is handy in our household as my wife is totally wrong handed and I'm virtually useless with my left as far as hand/eye co-ordination is concerned.
Secondly I've been a .40 fan for a while (sorry MB!), have a trunkload of such ammo and full size & compact pistols in that cal., but the missus recently bought a CM9 and we had no full capacity 9mm in the house.
A quick 10 rounds at 10 yards in the back yard after I got it home seems to indicate it'll shoot OK!
I had some concerns about the trigger before I shot it as my full sized Glock has a 3.5lb. transfer bar fitted but this seems to shoot just as smoothly and doesn't pull to one side as I sometimes do with the G. when in a hurry.