
Is Fascism On The Rise In The United States Of America?

No.  People aren't smart enough to take care of themselves and someone has to care about them and watch out for them.
1 (4.5%)
Yes.  What the heck do you think it is when Mayor Bloomberg cuts back family's soda pop on their pizza order?
7 (31.8%)
Fascism?  What's Fascism?
0 (0%)
Hitler would be proud of Obama, Bloomberg, Pelosi, Feinstein and others.  He called people like their minions useful idiots in his efforts and disposed of them in his The Night Of The Long Knives.
11 (50%)
There is an elite class of wealthy people who get to tell us how to live our lives because they are nice people.  What's wrong with that?  The wealthy who keep to themselves should be taxed into oblivion....we want the NICE people who get us stuff...
1 (4.5%)
Fascism is merely a tool for the socialists/Marxists/progressives who are taking over the USA.  Just go with the flow.
2 (9.1%)

Total Members Voted: 22

Author Topic: Is Fascism On The Rise In The United States Of America?  (Read 3989 times)


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Is Fascism On The Rise In The United States Of America?
« on: March 04, 2013, 05:44:07 AM »
I've mentioned to quite a few people over the last couple of months that fascism is on a rapid rise now in the US.  The fence straddling sheep just give me a strange look and "try to mend fences" to smooth things out so we "can all just get along"....truly, these are useful idiots.  Others who do not bleat recognize the rise of fascism to new levels here and are truly disturbed that this will not end well for us.

I've taken special glee in being super blunt in drawing a line with the sheep lately.  Predictively, they have come back to "mend fences" with me....they don't know what to think but I have their rhetoric changing, at least around me, towards a recognition that pols and celebrities demands are unreasonably fascist.  Hey, I know they cannot and will not carry the flame, but it's a start....they won't learn but we should at least turn their bleating to our advantage...it takes away or blunts support for the other side.
Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom.
It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves.
-William Pitt, British Prime-Minister (1759-1806)
                                                                                                                               Avoid subjugation, join the NRA!


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Re: Is Fascism On The Rise In The United States Of America?
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2013, 12:39:21 PM »
Carry a set of shackles or handcuffs and ask them if they would mind wearing them from now on so we can all get along.
Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!"
—Patrick Henry

"Good intentions will always be pleaded for every assumption of authority. It is hardly too strong to say that the Constitution was made to guard the people against the dangers of good intentions. There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters."
— Daniel Webster


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Re: Is Fascism On The Rise In The United States Of America?
« Reply #2 on: March 05, 2013, 08:23:35 AM »

     rastus,  i do not get into much depth with anti-gun/liberal mindless people that have no idea and follow the flow of thier masters. I just make a mental note on who I can trust and who (if in a civil uprising) I cannot trust. You would be surprised on how many - I would not trust. Not to be parinoid, but asking a few questions can reveal where they are coming from ,  as they try to do the same thing.

    You are probing and they are doing the same - accept it and just dont go off as a nut case, They like to see someone act that way - it satifys their ego's. Also, I do not shun them - then you loose out on any future actions they may have. Most of the time I try to use a reverse attitude/comments to get THEM going and find out some info from that.

     "theres that Mitt lover"

     "Are you really a under the cover Republican "

     " I bet you miss your Boy Bush "

     believe me it does work !


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Re: Is Fascism On The Rise In The United States Of America?
« Reply #3 on: March 08, 2013, 02:59:53 PM »
Hitler used both Gays and conservative Christians to gain power - and then threw both groups into the camps (unless they were both lucky and obedient to him).  Think there might be a lesson for both groups today in the US?


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Re: Is Fascism On The Rise In The United States Of America?
« Reply #4 on: March 08, 2013, 09:09:20 PM »
I believe the theorem that government by its nature expands like "the blob", or the man eating plant from "Little Shop of Horrors".  I doubt that most of its practicioners are smart enough to plan a grand conspiracy to enslave the world and aside from charactors like George Soros who truly seem to have a devious plan to put themselves in the "cat birds seat", its just a result of those in power wanting to stay in power.  Why else do dictators stand fast until the mobs with torches and pitch forks are on the doorstep, rather than taking the money they have stolen and heading for sanctuary in a fellow dictator's country?
We elect people, most of them lawyers as our "representatives" then allow them to make it a lifetime career, continually increasing their own pay and benifits and buying suport from those that want freebies, then we wonder why we have no control over our own lives, property, and freedom.  The Founding Fathers had it right, we just need to follow the guidelines they left us.  Up to and including words of wisdom like"the tree of liberty must occasionally be refreshed with the blood of patriots and tyrants alike", other wise we just continue on into the Abiss.   :-\


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Re: Is Fascism On The Rise In The United States Of America?
« Reply #5 on: Today at 04:33:47 AM »


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Re: Is Fascism On The Rise In The United States Of America?
« Reply #5 on: March 09, 2013, 12:19:06 AM »
I've mentioned to quite a few people over the last couple of months that fascism is on a rapid rise now in the US.  The fence straddling sheep just give me a strange look and "try to mend fences" to smooth things out so we "can all just get along"....truly, these are useful idiots.  Others who do not bleat recognize the rise of fascism to new levels here and are truly disturbed that this will not end well for us.

I've taken special glee in being super blunt in drawing a line with the sheep lately.  Predictively, they have come back to "mend fences" with me....they don't know what to think but I have their rhetoric changing, at least around me, towards a recognition that pols and celebrities demands are unreasonably fascist.  Hey, I know they cannot and will not carry the flame, but it's a start....they won't learn but we should at least turn their bleating to our advantage...it takes away or blunts support for the other side.
Honestly Rastus you make some good points, but you are an elitist snob. It takes one to know one I realize, but how the hell do you expect to lead folks, or even get their support, when you refer to them as sheep? Just sayin'.


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Re: Is Fascism On The Rise In The United States Of America?
« Reply #6 on: March 09, 2013, 02:57:41 AM »
Honestly Rastus you make some good points, but you are an elitist snob. It takes one to know one I realize, but how the hell do you expect to lead folks, or even get their support, when you refer to them as sheep? Just sayin'.

I don't think he's being elitist...just calling it what it is.
And I don't think he's doing it to their face - even though they deserve the title. We DRTV'ers are a very polite bunch.  ;)
You can say lots of bad things about pedophiles; but at least they drive slowly past schools.


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Re: Is Fascism On The Rise In The United States Of America?
« Reply #7 on: March 09, 2013, 10:45:58 AM »
Honestly Rastus you make some good points, but you are an elitist snob. It takes one to know one I realize, but how the hell do you expect to lead folks, or even get their support, when you refer to them as sheep? Just sayin'.

Your education was a waste of time and money.
You read about a bunch of "theorists" who never lead anything but a rush to the bar.
If you had read the works of doer's you would know that there are a few people in every community who are key, the sheep do not matter as they will follow where they are lead.


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Re: Is Fascism On The Rise In The United States Of America?
« Reply #8 on: March 09, 2013, 01:22:03 PM »
Your education was a waste of time and money.
You read about a bunch of "theorists" who never lead anything but a rush to the bar.
If you had read the works of doer's you would know that there are a few people in every community who are key, the sheep do not matter as they will follow where they are lead.
And that is my point. Led, not herded. How many populist idiots of both parties have beaten opponents who make good arguments by calling them "elitists" or "ivory tower academics" or "rich businessmen" and convinced folks they were being talked down to? When in fact it was the reverse, the "elitist" was taking people seriously by making complex arguments, just like the Framers did in the Federalist Papers, and the populist is playing to the lowest common denominator. But folks don't see it that way. They hear the language used. That was my point to Rastus. I don't disagree with what he says, but the delivery needs some work. The use of the word WE rather than YOU is the difference between living and dying in politics.


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Re: Is Fascism On The Rise In The United States Of America?
« Reply #9 on: March 09, 2013, 02:40:24 PM »
And that is my point. Led, not herded. How many populist idiots of both parties have beaten opponents who make good arguments by calling them "elitists" or "ivory tower academics" or "rich businessmen" and convinced folks they were being talked down to? When in fact it was the reverse, the "elitist" was taking people seriously by making complex arguments, just like the Framers did in the Federalist Papers, and the populist is playing to the lowest common denominator. But folks don't see it that way. They hear the language used. That was my point to Rastus. I don't disagree with what he says, but the delivery needs some work. The use of the word WE rather than YOU is the difference between living and dying in politics.

You have got it wrong, there are only a few in any community who need to be convinced of any particular thing and like a judas goat in a slaughterhouse the sheep will follow them. In your own example the media serve as the goat.
People didn't decide "Romney was an elitist", or "Bush was an A Hole", they were told these things by the media who backed it with a few edited sound bites while ignoring complex explanations that are made useless by their very length.
It was on the news, it must be true, right ?


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