
Is Fascism On The Rise In The United States Of America?

No.  People aren't smart enough to take care of themselves and someone has to care about them and watch out for them.
1 (4.5%)
Yes.  What the heck do you think it is when Mayor Bloomberg cuts back family's soda pop on their pizza order?
7 (31.8%)
Fascism?  What's Fascism?
0 (0%)
Hitler would be proud of Obama, Bloomberg, Pelosi, Feinstein and others.  He called people like their minions useful idiots in his efforts and disposed of them in his The Night Of The Long Knives.
11 (50%)
There is an elite class of wealthy people who get to tell us how to live our lives because they are nice people.  What's wrong with that?  The wealthy who keep to themselves should be taxed into oblivion....we want the NICE people who get us stuff...
1 (4.5%)
Fascism is merely a tool for the socialists/Marxists/progressives who are taking over the USA.  Just go with the flow.
2 (9.1%)

Total Members Voted: 22

Author Topic: Is Fascism On The Rise In The United States Of America?  (Read 3990 times)


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Re: Is Fascism On The Rise In The United States Of America?
« Reply #10 on: March 09, 2013, 02:44:42 PM »
Isn't there something called a Judas goat that leads the sheep into slaughter? Wonder who that will be?


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Re: Is Fascism On The Rise In The United States Of America?
« Reply #11 on: March 09, 2013, 02:48:06 PM »
Isn't there something called a Judas goat that leads the sheep into slaughter? Wonder who that will be?

The lying liberal media.


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Re: Is Fascism On The Rise In The United States Of America?
« Reply #12 on: March 09, 2013, 04:23:22 PM »
When the "elite" start making laws to force you to do things "for your own good" what else would you call it?


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Re: Is Fascism On The Rise In The United States Of America?
« Reply #13 on: March 10, 2013, 07:12:33 PM »
Delivery depends on the people you are talking to.  Plain and simple...that example I used was for a guy in the office...and others like him...who want to be your friend and friends with "the other side" by straddling the fence with niceties.  Predictably, when I stood ground, put the "friendship" 2nd to principal...he came back to "mend fences" and..... leaning towards our side.  Ridicule is used by socialists/Marxists...plan to use it for yourself because it works used properly in the right situation as does breaking fellowship.  Nothing quite like standing for your principals...if the "friend" runs off I didn't want him anyway and if it causes him to come to our side then we have the proverbial fair-weather friend...just make sure he sees your storm clouds and if he comes to our side he gets fair weather so that if and when he is ridiculed by the other side and ostracized by the other side that it strengthens the leanings towards us.  Play it as you see it and how it goes.

If they don't come to your side....their principals may be strong and probably at opposition to yours.  No need to be a patsy and let the other side see you mean business...they may just decide it's not worth their effort for whatever reason they divine.  Don't waste time trying to "convert" someone unless you are herding sheep into your pen.

For over 50 years I've seen the debris of "trying to reach a consensus" or "trying to come to an agreement" or whatever "get along" type technique is out there for now...maybe it is the old "you have to give something to get something routine".  I am sick of compromise...it has the both the stench and evidence of the death of a nation....our nation.  No need to just punch someone in the nose for no reason...but then again there is no need to compromise in the fools game that appears to be a debate that it is not.

Sometimes say nothing.  Sometimes say a little.  Sometimes say a lot.  Find a way to always say whatever needs to be said and never, ever, compromise your principals.  If you must debate with sheep who can be swayed then find common ground on definitions of truth, honesty, etc...then use those definitions to highlight the other side's weaknesses.  

This is an incremental game that has been going on for decades.  We will not recover what has been lost overnight.

With edits underlined:
Compromise Necessity is the plea for leading to every infringement of human freedom.
It is the argument of followers tyrants; it is the creed of those who abdicate leadership  slaves.
-William Pitt, British prime-minister (1759-1806)
Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom.
It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves.
-William Pitt, British Prime-Minister (1759-1806)
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