Author Topic: The ACLU comes out!  (Read 1098 times)


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The ACLU comes out!
« on: April 04, 2013, 02:54:44 PM »
From today's Blaze

The proposed gun legislation introduced by Sen. Harry Reid has already been met with strong opposition. But there’s a new group expressing “serious concerns” that might come as a surprise to some — the American Civil Liberties Union.

According to an exclusive report by The Daily Caller, the ACLU takes issue with the requirement of universal background checks in that it could infringe upon privacy and civil liberties.

Speaking with The Daily Caller’s The DC Wednesday, Chris Calabrese, a privacy lobbyist with the ACLU, said in its current state the proposed universal background checks “raises two significant concerns.”

One of these is that the keeping of purchase records could be used inappropriately or could eventually lead to a national gun registry.

nfortunately, we have seen in the past that the creation of these types of records leads sometimes to the creation of government databases and collections of personal information on all of us,” Calabrese told TheDC. “That’s not an inevitable result, but we have seen that happen in the past, certainly.”

“As we’ve seen with many large government databases, if you build it, they will come,” he continued.

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  • Monty Lucht
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Re: The ACLU comes out!
« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2013, 04:53:22 PM »
I never thought the ACLU stepping in on a subject would please me, but at this point I figure we need all the help we can get.


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