Author Topic: NRA ... ARE YOU LISTENING?  (Read 8712 times)

Ron J

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« on: June 03, 2008, 08:45:58 PM »
The American people … gun owners and non-gun owners face a serious threat to our freedom this November. 

It is well documented that Barack H. Obama has a clear record against our right to keep and bear arms.  To this, can the NRA connect with every gun store and gun range in the country and have posters and signage developed to explain what it means to their freedoms and right to keep and bear arms if he is elected?  Can the NRA partner with manufacturers in the firearms industry … from ammunition to waders … to put information with their products sharing the clear and present danger that Barack H. Obama represents to the American people regarding their rights? 

This is short notice and printing and shipping timelines would be tight.  All the same, communicating what Obama represents and how people can be active in opposing his election can be a critical success driver to protecting our freedoms. 

After all, we are the bitter people that cling to our guns and religion ... and we must cling together to fight this threat. 


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« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2008, 08:52:39 PM »

The NRA does a great deal for gun owners, but I am of the belief that they certainly don't do enough. With as powerful of a group as the NRA is, there is no way in hell that the crap that goes on in this country (with regards to treading on our 2nd amendment rights) should ever see the light of day! If we ever go the way of Britain or Australia or any of the other countries that have banned handguns or worse, then it will be for the sole reason that the NRA has dropped the ball. They have the money, they have the membership numbers, they have positioning in Washington..... but what are they doing with it?
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Ron J

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« Reply #2 on: June 03, 2008, 09:00:17 PM »
They have the money, they have the membership numbers, they have positioning in Washington..... but what are they doing with it?

Exactly!  Point of sale materials such as a counter display to on-pack information with a web site to connect to for information.  They have the money and the scale to make something happen and happen quickly. 

Communication is critical. 


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« Reply #3 on: June 03, 2008, 09:41:56 PM »
............If we ever go the way of Britain or Australia or any of the other countries that have banned handguns or worse, then it will be for the sole reason that the NRA has dropped the ball. ..........
I take issue that the job is the NRA's, hence their fault.  The job is ours and not the NRA's.  If we believe what we say we believe, that being that power comes from the people, then that is where the NRA's power comes from.  The NRA's  numbers are not that large in comparison to some other organizations with a left-wing bent.....such as the AARP.  Those of us who are NRA members had a chance to vote this year, last year, etc. for our leadership.  Did you vote in the last NRA election?

It is easy to say someone else is not doing enough or focused the right way.  That is exactly what I am hearing here.  Whining threats to the NRA to do something.  If a few million "Zumbo" Uncle Fud hunters would sign up for NRA membership instead of "waiting for someone else to do it", it would be a big help in boosting NRA prowess.  Getting a couple of new members signed up this summer would help even more at this point.  I've signed up two (paid for them myself) this many have you signed up?  And, please tell me you are voting members.

The NRA's power has been greatly diluted, let us not forget, by our "friend" John McCain via the McCain-Feingold plague. 

Yes we have a problem foe in B-HO and the She-Beast, but the "White Knight" is terribly stained as well.  This is what I mean by a slow death of having a Dem-lite as a conservative candidate.

Again, the NRA's power has been greatly diluted, let us not forget, by our "friend" John McCain via the McCain-Feingold plague.  Remember who Feingold is, what she stands for, who she stands with and how the "White Knight" was happy to work with her to muzzle the NRA and other grass roots organizations while consolidating power in the 2-party system. 

The NRA has also had to focus greatly on local and state issues....since "our" administration has not been as helpful as they promised in ensuring gun rights.  The NRA was behind the great success in getting CCW so widely accepted in the U.S. and innumerable local and state suits and gun friendly laws.

McCain needs a good running mate....someone like the Alaska Governor, to win the election.  Then no later than Feb. 2009 resign the presidency.

Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom.
It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves.
-William Pitt, British Prime-Minister (1759-1806)
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« Reply #4 on: June 03, 2008, 09:59:41 PM »
Wife found out in 2004 election the true left leaning AARP's stance and dropped them.
They have the money, they have the membership numbers, they have positioning in Washington..... but what are they doing with it?

Exactly!  Point of sale materials such as a counter display to on-pack information with a web site to connect to for information.  They have the money and the scale to make something happen and happen quickly. 

Communication is critical. 

When I go to my local gun shop(1 or 2 times a week), sometimes just to chat about "ammo,guns,whatever", the other customers 96% of the time, sound like most Americans. Gas and ammo and food and everything is costing and affecting their lives.

I agree the point of purchase distribution of relevant issues would help those who are not ignorant by any means, but just fed up with those "Washington types" and don't think they can do anything to change the "system".

They would probably take something from a local gun shop more seriously than handing it out on the sidewalk.
The NRA and other groups certainly could exploit this angle better.

There is not ONE NRA or Grassroot Org. poster board in the several gun shops in my town that could stimulate more active participation from the citizenry.

Plus, some but not all gun shop owners want to take the effort to exploit an avenue and resource that comes in everyday.

I'll try my part, and hope for the best.
Thomas Jefferson: The strongest reason for the people to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against the tyranny of government. That is why our masters in Washington are so anxious to disarm us. They are not afraid of criminals. They are afraid of a populace which cannot be subdued by tyrants."
Col. Jeff Cooper.


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« Reply #5 on: Today at 03:37:05 AM »


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« Reply #5 on: June 03, 2008, 10:18:53 PM »
I take issue that the job is the NRA's, hence their fault.  The job is ours and not the NRA's. 

The NRA is the greatest representation that we have at our disposal. Aside from casting a ballot and writing your congressmen as often as possible, there is little we as individuals can do. Collectively, we have a voice. But if they do not use the time, money, and talent which they have at their disposal effectively, then yes, THEY have dropped the ball. They have all the tools needed to get the job done. If they fail then it is because they have not been faithful stewards of what we have entrusted them with.

Why do you pay your dues???
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« Reply #6 on: June 03, 2008, 10:49:45 PM »
I hope that everyone who is part of DRTV is at the very least a 1 yr. member of the NRA. If not there enough gun related companys that will pay the first $10 of your first year membership. I must admit to some fault on my part. I don't do enough. I have not voted (NRA) and have not been as active as I should be. I could use a valid excuse of no time between family and job. But that won't do me any good if I lose my right to keep my firearms. I do always round up on my purchases and donate when I can. But since I have not been as active as I should be. I know that I can't become an armchair member and complain about the NRA. They are only as strong as we are.  My opinion on this thread is only how I view myself and not others here tonight. 
" I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, and I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other people, and I require the same from them."   John Wayne

Ron J

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« Reply #7 on: June 03, 2008, 11:45:32 PM »
Without the NRA, our gun rights would not be what they are today.  Great organization that leads the way in protecting our RKBA. 

My point is for the NRA to utilize their scale and their connections in the firearms industry to initiate incremental activities ... at point of purchase, gun ranges, etc. to help fight Obama.  I think it is something worth doing ... and would be willing to help!   


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« Reply #8 on: June 04, 2008, 02:40:04 AM »
E mail this to Steve Saneti, new boss at National Shooting sports foundation.


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« Reply #9 on: June 04, 2008, 06:08:13 AM »

The NRA is the greatest representation that we have at our disposal. Aside from casting a ballot and writing your congressmen as often as possible, there is little we as individuals can do. Collectively, we have a voice. But if they do not use the time, money, and talent which they have at their disposal effectively, then yes, THEY have dropped the ball. They have all the tools needed to get the job done. If they fail then it is because they have not been faithful stewards of what we have entrusted them with.

Why do you pay your dues???

I send regular, large donations.  I don't have dues....I've been a life member for over 25 years now.

The NRA political got George Bush elected, twice.  You guys have fallen off the deep end to think the NRA doesn't do anything.  Or have you forgotten?   That was back when I thought the lesser of two evils was OK.

Are you a member of a gun supportion organization or do you just want to complain to impress people and make yourself feel better about doing nothing?

Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom.
It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves.
-William Pitt, British Prime-Minister (1759-1806)
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