Author Topic: NRA ... ARE YOU LISTENING?  (Read 8706 times)


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« Reply #10 on: June 04, 2008, 11:16:10 AM »
I send regular, large donations.  I don't have dues....I've been a life member for over 25 years now.

The NRA political got George Bush elected, twice.  You guys have fallen off the deep end to think the NRA doesn't do anything.  Or have you forgotten?   That was back when I thought the lesser of two evils was OK.

Are you a member of a gun supportion organization or do you just want to complain to impress people and make yourself feel better about doing nothing?

Rastus, I'm a member, but when the NRA was founded to protect and promote our shooting heritage a civilian could buy feild artillery from Bannerman with no paper work, mail order. Ain't like that now   >:(  Besides all the GOOD stuff they do, they are LOBBIESTS, they are in the business of raising money, full unqualified victory for gun owners is not in their best business interest.


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« Reply #11 on: June 04, 2008, 11:40:43 AM »

Rastus, I'm a member, but when the NRA was founded to protect and promote our shooting heritage a civilian could buy feild artillery from Bannerman with no paper work, mail order. Ain't like that now   >:(  Besides all the GOOD stuff they do, they are LOBBIESTS, they are in the business of raising money, full unqualified victory for gun owners is not in their best business interest.

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Bill Stryker

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« Reply #12 on: June 04, 2008, 03:47:14 PM »
Rastus has the right idea.

UPGRADE to life  member, if you are already a life member upgrade to a higher level and send in donations to the NRA. I have been a life member since I used my combat pay in Vietnam to purchase it in 1965 or 66. But in addition to sending in donations consider an upgrade to your membership.

Everyone who is a member of the NRA has a right to bitch and if you have a membership level that lets you vote a vote on NRA board members. Some of you may be too young to remember that that membership vote has changed the NRA from a target shooting support group into one of the most powerful grass roots and lobbying organizations in the nation in my lifetime.

From my time at the NRA Convention this year I think the NRA is well aware of what is at stake in this election. It is up to us to support us - the NRA - with our talents and our money to make sure the voice of gun owners is heard.

I upgraded my membership a level and sent donations this year. I don't think I am done yet.


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« Reply #13 on: June 04, 2008, 06:52:16 PM »
Since it is we gun owners who are the NRA, what have you done to spread the word?

Have you contacted your district rep and volunteered to work the gun shows to sign up members and offer voter registration documents?  Have you donated any hard earned dollars to the cause? 

There are by some estimates, over 80,000,000 gun owners in the United States.  The NRA reports about 4 - 5 million members.  Does anyone see anything wrong there?  We who are working to protect and defend our rights are tired of pulling the load for the freeloaders among us.  If you are not a member, join.  If you know gun owners who are not members, bug them until they join us.  Imagine if every gun owner in America were to stand up and be counted.  We would be unbeatable and Barack Hussein Obama would become a footnote to history.

Life Member NRA / SAF Member
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Ron J

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« Reply #14 on: June 04, 2008, 10:52:08 PM »
Pioneer … Great points!   But my thoughts and intent of this thread go to a larger scale.  A marketing campaign that is 2nd Amendment centric. 

My thought is initiating targeted marketing efforts.  Using the NRA’s scale (size, critical mass) to hit the guns stores and ranges with “point of sale” type of materials that share the differences in candidates.  Magazine ads in all of the outdoor and shooting magazines that show the differences and what it means if Barack Obama is elected.  Classic marketing that shows the positioning of the products … the candidates … and illustrates the features and benefits of what the November vote means. 

The NRA has the muscle, scale and ad agency to provide the copy and creative to do this. 


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« Reply #15 on: Today at 02:47:50 AM »

Michael Bane

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« Reply #15 on: June 04, 2008, 11:21:46 PM »
I think we all know what's at stake this November...and it's big time scary.

Once on a radio show I was asked whether I agreed with everything the NRA did. I told them that i didn't agree with everything my mother did, much less the NRA. But I also said that I gave money to the NRA for one reason and one reason alone — to be my big ole attack dog. They play the Washington game at a level I can only imagine, and we need them to do that.

I think it's in our court to turn out the gun vote. NSSF is gearing up to spend a fortune. Outdoor Channel is gearing up a "Get Out The Vote" television campaign. We're looking at using every media at our disposal to get out guys and guyettes to the polls. But in the end it falls to every one of us to make sure that all the people in our circle of friends and contacts PULL THE DARN LEVER ON THAT TUESDAY! I don't want to hear any more crap about supporting some minor candidate because "it's the right thing to do;" this election is for all the marbles. If we don;t vote guns this time, we may not get a next time.

Look at his record — b-HO wants to destroy the Second Amendment...he wants to ban handguns...he wants to ban semiautos of any kind...he wants to end concealed carry through federal law...he wants to tax/regulate ammunition out of existence...he doesn't believe in the right of self-defense...he despises us bitter gun owners and all that we believe in.

Time to stand up, boys and girls!

Michael B (ranting slightly)

Michael Bane, Majordomo @ MichaelBane.TV


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« Reply #16 on: June 05, 2008, 01:29:27 AM »


The point is that they fell down on the job pretty badly for a while.

Rastus has the right idea.

UPGRADE to life  member, if you are already a life member upgrade to a higher level and send in donations to the NRA. I have been a life member since I used my combat pay in Vietnam to purchase it in 1965 or 66. But in addition to sending in donations consider an upgrade to your membership.

Everyone who is a member of the NRA has a right to bitch and if you have a membership level that lets you vote a vote on NRA board members. Some of you may be too young to remember that that membership vote has changed the NRA from a target shooting support group into one of the most powerful grass roots and lobbying organizations in the nation in my lifetime.

From my time at the NRA Convention this year I think the NRA is well aware of what is at stake in this election. It is up to us to support us - the NRA - with our talents and our money to make sure the voice of gun owners is heard.

I upgraded my membership a level and sent donations this year. I don't think I am done yet.

I'm not so much bitching as excepting reality, the people who made Buggy whips and Harnesses did not encourage people to improve cars, That does not mean they made bad whips and harness. The first steps in TOTAL elimination of fire arms restrictions, are to  1) find equaly lucritive employment for lobbying groups and lobbyists 2) find equivalent employment for all the ATF agents and other LEO's who derive a significant portion of their income from enforcing gun laws.

I don't have a problem with B ho dispising me for being pro gun, I dispise him for being a blatantly un American socialist, so it evens out. I would be Proud to vote for the first black president, unfortunatly Thomas Sowell is not running  ;D

But getting back to the original post, MB, you would be the perfect person to present  Rons  idea to Mr. Sanetti.


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« Reply #17 on: June 05, 2008, 07:31:43 AM »
Since it is we gun owners who are the NRA, what have you done to spread the word?

Have you contacted your district rep and volunteered to work the gun shows to sign up members and offer voter registration documents?  Have you donated any hard earned dollars to the cause?  .....

The real "HIT" is in the first line.  A past post complained about the NRA not doing enough and still hasn't acknowledged being a member of any 2nd Ammendment rights organization.  Most gun owners aren't members.  If you lament how a 2nd Ammendment rights organization performs, then join to make them change by having a better way and working to accomplish it...we're all about being more effective....or start a new one.  Rather than pointing a finger and complaining, if there is a better more productive idea join and share it.  Pissing and moaning is just that...pissing and moaning...doing nothing but complaining produces nothing but self-bitterness and ill will.  It may impress friends but more importantly it impresses those who are not friends that base their opinions upon pissing and moaning...ooops there goes another almost could have been a member but was turned away by a sour apple that bitches without contributing gun rights guy...bitterness is a turn off, eh?   I have no doubt that the complaining of hundreds has affected ten's of thousands and has done MY NRA more harm than good.

To my buddy out there, I hear you about the rights we have lost.  We both evidently grew up at around the same time...try to remember what it was like 30-40 years ago and what it a great victory it was for the NRA to change and to preserve what we now have.  You were serving in the Marines so you probably don't have the same perspective of the fight that I have.  The old NRA focus was to be a target shooting organizer type of organization.  Had it not been for the great Cincinatti Revolution membership revolt (remember?) we might not own anything now.  A lot of good has been done but, any organization must plan for the long road and accomplish what it can from within it's membership.  We lament about what we have lost and, for instance, most gun owners still think MG and supressors are illegal and..."Why do you need that for hunting anyway?"  Perhaps more can be done on education, but I have heard the NRA for years saying it's about guns not hunting (though they do help with that as well) why hasn't everyone picked up that the 2nd Ammendment is about guns not hunting?

Truth is, if the bulk of a membership (this board is far more educated in gun law and is to the right of most gun doubt about it..Thank you MB, Outdoor Channel, Jim Scoutten, Tom Gresham, etc.) doesn't support something the NRA, can't go out and say, hey Uncle Sam, either you let us buy, for instance, MG's like any other weapon or we will vote you all out of office...they would lose 1/2 of the members, become a laughing stock in their failure and then what would happen to their power?  Evidently some people think the NRA can rule the nation....instead of realizing they can only guide the nation based upon their membership support.

Moving on...lots of you guys are OK and encourage voting for the lesser of 2 evils, which we will evidently do this year, but then you complain because the NRA was wise enough to not waste political capital on something that can't be won or that would have made them look more foolish to the general public than they are now portrayed because they would stepped outside their membership support?  Stepping outside the membership base to push an issue most people don't know enough to support would play well into the liberals hands as in...see the NRA is run by a bunch of right-wing kooks who are not in touch with America or their members...that would help a lot, eh?  80,000,000 gun owners and it's important enough join to support?  Either gun rights are not so important to them as we here on this board (evidently....that is the reality) or someone has fishhooks in their pockets while striving to be a bitter butt and sit on the sidelines and point fingers. 

You want to know what I get for my membership....everything I need in a political tool kit to know what's going on in my area, my nation, who is behind it, and where to write the letter as a front man that says I am behind the NRA covering it's back with support and a vote.  What I do need most I can't get from my dues---I need more fellow members to join in this fight.  The big bad NRA is nothing without member support.  The NRA supports me just fine and is doing an otherwise great job to advance, yes advance, gun rights in areas and is working simultaneously to hold the line in other areas.  Look around and the local threat....without the coordinated NRA support.....from local policiticians would would have banned most guns by now in many large cities and concealed carry across most of our nation would be a mere fantasy.

Make a difference.  Join.
Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom.
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« Reply #18 on: June 05, 2008, 07:42:15 AM »

Look at his record — b-HO wants to destroy the Second Amendment...he wants to ban handguns...he wants to ban semiautos of any kind...he wants to end concealed carry through federal law...he wants to tax/regulate ammunition out of existence...he doesn't believe in the right of self-defense...he despises us bitter gun owners and all that we believe in.

Michael B (ranting slightly)

The scary part is that he is charismatic enough, that he just might be able to do it.
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« Reply #19 on: June 05, 2008, 07:43:36 AM »
As a sidebar to my last post concerning the NRA pushing the "envelope" to support something the general membership may not support and the inherent dangers in that......  Do ya'll remember the comment about the "jack booted thugs" that came out about the ATF in the 90's?  The NRA took a hell of a lick from that from members, public perception (the media slanted it....who would have thunk that?) and the RINO daddy, George H. Bush.  It was aatruthful and accurate statement, but it may not have been the right thing at the time for them to say....but hell, I liked it and I'm proud of it.  

Be productive....join the NRA... or GOA or some other RKBA organization or start your own.  Positive actions speak loudly with accomplishment, negative words drag everyone down in the public's eyes so, be careful in your criticisms (which can be productive in the right venue) so that those who are less informed will not be deterred from organizations that support the RKBA.  
Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom.
It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves.
-William Pitt, British Prime-Minister (1759-1806)
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