Author Topic: Another Obama flip-flop: Jerusalem  (Read 9243 times)

Neon Knight Anubis

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Re: Another Obama flip-flop: Jerusalem
« Reply #20 on: June 09, 2008, 06:07:22 PM »
I think I'm more surprised this interview came from Chris Matthews than I am about someone who can't name an accomplishment of B'HOs; considering Matthews has been both drinking and serving the B'HO cool aid for sometime now. Also the guy at the end I think was Doberman...I mean Olberman (I apologize to Dobermans  everywhere).
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Re: Another Obama flip-flop: Jerusalem
« Reply #21 on: June 09, 2008, 06:12:45 PM »
That's OK, Anubis.  I think his name is actually Dufusman (Dofusman ? ).  ;D
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Re: Another Obama flip-flop: Jerusalem
« Reply #22 on: June 09, 2008, 07:23:01 PM »
I think I'm more surprised this interview came from Chris Matthews than I am about someone who can't name an accomplishment of B'HOs; considering Matthews has been both drinking and serving the B'HO cool aid for sometime now.

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Re: Another Obama flip-flop: Jerusalem
« Reply #23 on: June 09, 2008, 09:03:39 PM »
Remember he visited 57 states and had a couple more to visit, Used car salesman at best and not a leader of the FREE World. I believe he and his wife are true racist and more of it will come out. We don't need that loser  :-X


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Re: Another Obama flip-flop: Jerusalem
« Reply #24 on: June 10, 2008, 03:38:21 AM »
When pinned down for FACTS the party of "Diversity" always responds with accusations that their questioners are Homosexual, homophobic, (Sometimes both) racist, fascist, or bigot. Usually Racist ind Fascist come first, In fact those words slip so readily from the lips of the socialist democrats that it makes one wonder about THEIR dirty little secrets.
Any one else remember Jesse Jacksons "Hymie's in Hymie town" comment ? Why do the Socialists ALWAYS support the Palestinians and Islamo Fascists ? Seems like bigotry, anti semitic racism to me.
While I'm on a rant, this ties in with a particularly offensive letter to the Editor I saw in Mondays local paper. Did you ever notice that these self righteous a$$holes make their anti America tirades in places like Hollywood Ca., New York NY, or Laconia NH. The very people they ridicule are the ones making it possible for them to speak out with out getting their heads kicked in. If America is such a horrible place, why do they stay when they are perfectly free to go to some Socialist Workers Paradise like Cuba,(Tropic island) North Korea, (A Skiers dream) Iran (heart of ancient Persia) or exotic Zimbabwe ? Did you ever notice that when one of them DOES "vote with their feet"  and flees this den of evil capitalism, they always seem to wind up in the south of France or some other playground of the bourgeoisie. They accuse "Bush" of going to war for oil, but we only get 14% of our foreign oil from the Arabian gulf, if we were actually invading for oil we would have taken Canada which supplies about 40% of our imports, ( no language barrier and MUCH closer) Yet every damn one of them has at least one car, air conditioning, TV, gas, oil or electric heat, cell phone, computer, washer/dryer,hairdryer etc etc etc... After they let their car run to get warm or cool depending on the weather, they leave their air conditioned heated home close the garage door with an electric door control and drive to a rally to stop something like a new refinery, power plant or oil well in ANWR. It looks to me like they are a bunch of hypocrites ready to blame all the worlds problems on America, but to soft and gutless to give up any comforts to help with solutions.
By the way, the answer to my earlier question, why don't the socialists go to socialist counties, Its because those countries are 3rd world sh!tholes where their whining would get them nothing but a good beating by the authorities  who are mostly corrupt thugs. These sissies think Abu Graib was "torture". it  did not even rise to the level of hazing, The North Koreans, Iranians, or Syrians could QUICKLY teach them what is Torture, and what is nothing more than mean spirited razzing.


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Re: Another Obama flip-flop: Jerusalem
« Reply #25 on: Today at 11:29:44 AM »


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Re: Another Obama flip-flop: Jerusalem
« Reply #25 on: June 10, 2008, 08:53:22 AM »
You have accused the Dems of hypocrisy. Oh, my! Here is an example of how honest they can be.
Obama spoke here yesterday on his economic policy. In attendance was NC Governor Mike Easley (D), previously a Clinton endorser. On stage, he greeted Obama with "I know I'm late, but I am on the train. I'd rather be a bum on the boxcar of the Obama train than at the front of the bus with John McCain." He should fit right in to everybody else on the train already.
That was a truthful statement. See? Honesty is the hallmark of the Obama campaign! ;)
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