Here’s my two cents worth.
I have an SKS, AK47, and Mini 14 (substitute Mini 6.8 or Mini 30 for discussion).
SKS ($150 Imported): I replaced the wood furniture with TAPCO’s Fusion Stock System. I replaced the bolt assembly dust covered with a UTG Tri-Rail and mounted a UTG 6x32 Illuminated scope ($59). Also mounted is a Harris Bi-Pod. I use ProMag Polymer 20 round detachable magazines.
AK (AK $350 New): I replaced the wood butt stock and pistol grip furniture with TAPCO’s Fusion Stock System. I replaced the wood fore end furniture with a UTG Quad-Rail system and mounted a BSA 1x Red Dot sight. I use ProMag Polymer 30 round detachable magazines.
Mini 14 ($400 used 181 Series) (or 6.8 SPC or Mini 30): I replaced the wood furniture with TAPCO’s Fusion Stock System. I mounted a BSA 1x Red Dot sight on the upper rail and a UTC vertical fore grip on the bottom rail. I used a generic side rail accessory and mounted a NC Star Tactical Light/Laser combo ($59) on that. I use ProMag Polymer 30 round detachable magazines. This is my main Home Defense gun. As soon as I can I plan to buy on of the new 580 Series Minis and trick it out.
TAPCO Fusion Stock Systems will run you between $75 and $115 depending on the platform. ProMag Polymer mags are $15 each at the local gun show. The BSA Red Dot I picked up at Wal Mart for $29.99. The UTG accessories will run you between $20 and $75.
ProMag Polymer mags: I’ve ran several hundred rounds each through these guns and have had ZERO malfunctions. I’ve had zero problems with any of the mags.
BSA Red Dots: These “cheapy” sights have never failed to hold zero. I have fired all three guns at B29s (targets) from between 25 and 200 yards. I applied 12” dia. “Shoot N See” targets for “center mass” and have yet to be “off target.” For someone with “old eyes” (me), the results suit me fine. These guns will out shoot me any day.
For me (with a limited budget), the above combos work for me. I’m happy. In my opinion I was able to take “old” tech and retro fit it with “new” tech” and upgrade these guns for the 21st century. I believe that the basic operating systems are sound. I simply “fine tuned” the rest. For between $400 and $650 each I now have three guns that I have 100% confidence in. And the ammo is still relatively cheap. I use my Mini at the local club for Three Gun and Practical Pisto and Rifle. I do just as good (sometimes better) that the folks with the expensive ARs. I've had more than one shooter asked me about my "AR". The looks and comments I get when they find out it's not an AR. Don't get me wrong, I would love to have a SIG 556 or M&P AR. But if all that you can afford is a Mini 14, 6.8 or 30, such is life.
I’m no exxperrt, it is just my humble opinion, this system works for me. Sure, it would be nice to have a new SIG 556 with AimPoint optics, it would also be nice to be 30 again and win the lottery.
As I said before, just my two cents worth.