I have always defended Wolff ammo. I have never had a problem with the stuff, and I figured those who did just did not clean their stinking guns enough. I seen two guys I know shooting their ARs that had a fired cartridge case stick in the chamber, both of them happening on the same day! I attributed it to the fact these two young guys like to make their ARs sound like M16s, and I also did not figure they were as particular about cleaning as I am. Well, I reckon it had to happen, the same thing happened to me today! Took the old AR out, shot 60 rounds of it at a leasurely pace, no rapid fire stuff. Put the gun down and shot 200 rounds through my 10/22 and MK2. Went back to the AR, fired two rounds, and blam, the second cartridge stuck in the chamber. That was the end of ole Tim's shooting for today! When I got back to the house a cleaning rod knocked it right out, but this would have more than sucked if it would have been a self defense/combat type situation! This is the new polymer coated Wolff stuff. By the way, this was the very first time my AR has had a stoppage of any kind, and it dang sure is ammo related, not the gun! I only bought a small stockpile of Wolff ammo to supplement my reloaded ammo, but I rekon I will stick with my reloads from now on!